Rebirth: Back To 1991 As the Richest Man

Chapter 2078: Is that the case?

Chapter two thousand and seventy-eight, is that all it takes?

You must know that Chen Jianghai, as the most talked-about entrepreneur in China, has his own traffic, and I don't know how many pairs of eyes are always watching him.

The media is always watching his movements, eager to get first-hand news on him.

After all, as long as anything related to Chen Jianghai is reported, it will always attract a large number of readers.

This time, when Chen Jianghai returned to Chenjia Village, he was noticed by a media that had been secretly guarding news materials.

The media thought that Chen Jianghai had some secret actions, so they sent people to follow him all the way, and didn't make a sound.

As a result, they really discovered a secret.

That is, Chen Jianghai quietly opened another winery in Chenjia Village.

Although the scale may not be very large, they could sense the importance Chen Jianghai attached to this winery after an unannounced visit.

Chen Shuyao's identity is also there, and even she came to preside over the construction of this winery in person, which itself is very telling.

Chen Jianghai's status in the business world is destined to attract people's great interest in any business-related activities he does.

Especially those bigwigs in the business world have always been paying attention to Chen Jianghai's every move.

Because everyone has reached a consensus, what this President Chen does is often related to the business structure of the entire China.

Of course, there are also some speculators. They want to see the opportunity of making a fortune in the next step from Chen Jianghai's movements. It is no problem whether they are one step ahead or choose to follow the trend.

In short, as long as the media can get the exclusive news of Chen Jianghai, it will definitely sell.

Therefore, they were immediately excited and felt that this time was an opportunity, and they have been looking for opportunities to report more in-depth news about Chen Jianghai New Winery.

As a result, they found another very unusual place.

That is, the opening of Chen Jianghai's new winery was silent and did not make any publicity.

The people invited to cut the ribbon are generally average. Except for Chen Jianghai himself and Chen Shuyao, the CEO of Jiamei Group, the others are quite limited in terms of influence and have no intention of making a move at all.

And the media did not show up, not even the official media in the city and county.

This is abnormal.

When things go wrong, there must be demons!

The more abnormal things are, the more problematic they feel inside.

This made them even more excited, and felt that Chen Jianghai must have some big secrets worth exploring in this matter.

If this is reported to him, it will definitely attract huge attention from the entire China.

They even thought about the topic.

[Shocked, Chen Jianghai's shocking secret! 】

[Shocked, Chen Jianghai, a genius in the Chinese business world, actually did such a thing...]

[What is the mystery of a small winery! 】


Afterwards, they stayed at the farmhouse in Chenjia Village for three days, collected some important information about the rural winery, and returned to the headquarters overnight to write and prepare reports.

On the fourth day after the opening ceremony of the Chenjiacun Winery, this edition of the newspaper was immediately screened.

The news that Chen Jianghai quietly returned to Chenjia Village to build a wine shop attracted the interest of many people for a while.

And this is just the beginning. Other media have also seen business opportunities and followed suit.

At the same time, they also dispatched a lot of journalists to go straight to Chenjia Village to discover more information.

In this way, news about Chenjiacun Winery flooded for a while.

The headlines on the front pages of major newspapers are all about this news.

At the same time, news about Chenjiacun Winery was occupied on the Internet and in TV news.

In the end, Huaxia, the authoritative CCTV news channel, came out to report.

The name of lamb wine naturally followed the news of Chen Jianghai's "sneaky" construction of a winery in his hometown, and it also spread all over the country.

The newspaper's report on the winery was fairly accurate.

The main content is that Chen Jianghai went back to help the only inheritor of lamb wine, and Jia Dewang realized his wish to establish a winery.

Of course, the media carried out a certain degree of exaggeration and speculation, and even deduced some other accounts, to make the story more in their interests.

Chen Shuyao was a little anxious after seeing the news, because it broke the original plan.

Chen Shuyao didn't know what to do for a while, and after hesitating, she took out her mobile phone and dialed Chen Jianghai's number.

"Jiang Hai, have you seen the news?

We originally wanted to keep a low profile, but now it's all over the city. "

"The media obviously followed you to Chenjia Village. Do you need to sue them? It's too much. Do you have any privacy?"

"It's better now, our original plans have been disrupted.

I don't know if it will affect the future reputation and sales of lamb wine. "

Chen Jianghai had seen the news for a long time, but he did not have such a big reaction as Chen Shuyao, nor did he feel worried because of it.

As a human being, he has seen too many such disgusting and bad media, and it has long been no surprise.

In the future, this group of people will have a special name called paparazzi.

This adjective can be said to be quite appropriate.

For now, the way this group of people is generally moderate.

Chen Jianghai smiled slightly, and said calmly, "Shu Yao, you forgot what our low-key purpose is?

Nothing more than wanting to give lamb wine a style. "

"But when the lamb wine is officially launched, it will also be publicized.

Although these media are for hype, they also help us invisibly. We succeeded in letting the name of Lamb Wine spread all over the country without paying any price at all. "

"This is simply free publicity, and it's too much for someone else to ask for it!"

Having said this, Chen Jianghai stood up, walked to the window, looked at the scenery outside, and continued: "You have to look at the problem from a different angle, which will make it a lot easier.

This is called planting flowers with your heart and not blooming, and planting willows and willows unintentionally. "

"So in general, we made a lot of money! The next thing we have to do is to adjust the original plan, adapt to the current situation, and completely make the lamb wine popular."

Regarding Chen Jianghai's Chen Shuyao really didn't expect it.

She just thought that the media did an exceptional job, followed Chen Jianghai, and then reported a lot of things without saying hello, which made her very angry.

After hearing what Chen Jianghai said, she realized that no matter what the other party's starting point was, the current result is actually good for their lamb wine winery.

It really helped them with free publicity, and the effect was very good.

But even so, Chen Shuyao was still annoyed at the media who followed Chenjia Village and took the lead in reporting the incident.

So she couldn't help but ask Chen Jianghai on the other end of the phone, "Jiang Hai, is that the case?"

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