Rebirth: Back To 1991 As the Richest Man

Chapter 2083: More haste less speed

Chapter 283 is anxious and can't eat hot tofu

As Chen Shuyao herself said before, when she is hungry, she is willing to exchange gold bars for a meal.

Although this metaphor is a bit exaggerated to apply to today's lamb wine, according to Chen Jianghai, there is still a lot of room for manipulation.

Of course, too much.

This scale must also be grasped.

Otherwise, it will also bring an unpredictable blow to the lamb wine.

Chen Shuyao pondered for a while, and then asked again: "After the first batch of lamb wine goes on sale, will we change the price?"

Chen Jianghai naturally understood what she meant, and replied with a smile: "The price is still the price we agreed upon, and this price will easily remain unchanged."

"Of course, during the promotion period, it can be cheap, or 18 yuan a bottle. We just want more people to have the opportunity to try the taste of this wine, and then remember it and fall in love with it."

"However, after this wine is officially listed, it still needs to ensure profits so that the winery can develop well and steadily."

Chen Shuyao on the other end of the phone nodded, what she said was right.

Chen Jianghai continued: "And the price positioning of a liquor is also very subtle.

It is necessary to ensure the acceptance of the market, but also to ensure its grade in the minds of consumers. "

"But one thing remains the same. Our wines must be the most conscientious in China. On the premise of ensuring the quality of raw materials, the price should also be the most accessible to the people."

"This is also Jia's wish.

Making money or not is the second thing, he just wants everyone in China to have the opportunity to taste the taste of this wine. "

"And the reason why I am willing to invest in this winery in Chenjia Village is not to make money.

The main purpose is to pass on this skill, help Jia Ye to fulfill his wish and drive the development of the village, so that more people can get rich faster. "

In the last life, Chen Jianghai saw that the price of Feitian Moutai had been fired to the sky, which has largely lost the value of the commodity itself, and has become a luxury that can be used for investment and financial management.

In Chen Jianghai's eyes, this is actually against the law of the market.

Later results also proved that this top Chinese liquor, which was once known as the national liquor, had various situations and a lot of negative news.

He absolutely couldn't let Lambwine be like that.

I believe that Jadwang also does not want to see such a result.

Chen Jianghai dare not say that with his own power, he can change the future pattern and trend of the entire Huaxia liquor market, but at the very least, he must make lamb wine a clear stream in the market.

Coupled with the bottled wine he has in his hands, the two complement each other, allowing Chinese people to at least be able to drink good liquor in the true sense.

That's right, he's now using hunger marketing for the newly marketed lamb wine.

The definition of hunger marketing is that the production provider of the commodity intentionally lowers the output in order to control the supply and demand relationship, create the illusion that the supply is in short supply, and use this to maintain the image of the commodity and the high selling price, so as to achieve a larger profit margin.

Therefore, this marketing strategy is often derogatory and bloody, and is hated and despised by ordinary consumers.

However, Chen Jianghai now only uses one aspect of hunger marketing, which is to maintain the brand image.

As for raising prices and profits, he has not done it, and he does not plan to do it in the future.

Therefore, Chen Jianghai certainly cannot be regarded as a heinous capitalist, but only used a little commercial means in the early stage of product promotion.

Chen Shuyao had no worries after hearing Chen Jianghai's analysis.

She even couldn't help but praise: "Your method can definitely be regarded as a milestone marketing method in the business world.

Enough to subvert people's thinking about marketing strategies! "

"By the way, does this marketing tool have a name?"

Chen Jianghai blurted out almost subconsciously: "It doubles as hunger marketing."

Chen Jianghai didn't think about changing the name.

After all, this name is the most intuitive and representative, and it can make people understand its meaning just by hearing it.

If you forcibly change the name, it may not have such an effect.

"Hunger marketing……"

Chen Shuyao thought about it carefully, and couldn't help but said with admiration, "The name is very simple, but it is very accurate, and it defines this marketing method bluntly."

"Jiang Hai, you are the most simple way! Awesome, really amazing."

"Okay, I know what to do now.

I won't tell you first, hang up. "

Chen Shuyao naturally wanted to have a chat with Chen Jianghai, but time did not allow it.

As the main person in charge of Lamb Wine, she has to arrange these things that Chen Jianghai said as soon as possible.

Just one day later, the promotional content of Lamb Wine has changed a lot, and people generally recognize this content.

More haste less speed.

The so-called slow work and careful work, good things have to take time to grind.

This is the concept of Chinese people all along.

In fact, the people who pay the most attention to this matter are colleagues and major liquor manufacturers.

After the media exposed lamb wine, it has maintained a high degree of attention and vigilance.

After all, this is a project invested by Chen Jianghai, and it is in his hometown.

The wine has not been officially listed, but it has already caused such a big stir, how can they not let them pay attention to it.

No one can deny that Chen Jianghai is like a **** in the Chinese business world.

Almost everyone is willing to believe that his every move will not be for no reason, it must be a big business layout.

Therefore, no one dared to underestimate the birth of lamb wine, thinking that it was just a casual investment by Chen Jianghai.

Especially those top domestic liquor manufacturers.

They are really afraid that Chen Jianghai will do the same thing in the liquor market as in the electrical appliance market, and in the end, sparks and lightning will change the entire liquor pattern.

Although there has been a bottled wine before, under the operation of Chen Jianghai, the road to rise has been completed in a short period of time.

But this time it was a little different. It was obvious that Chen Jianghai didn't move much, but everyone could faintly smell the smell of rain coming.

The only thing that made them feel so lucky was that something went wrong as soon as Lamb Wine was launched.

The product has not yet been officially has become popular because of media reports, but unfortunately the production capacity has not kept up, and now people can't buy lamb wine at all.

In the eyes of these liquor manufacturers, this accident must have broken Chen Jianghai's original layout. While secretly celebrating, he was waiting to see his joke.

After all, no matter how powerful you are or how much energy you have, if you don’t even have a real product, it’s impossible to make any waves.

In the end, before they were happy for long, Chen Jianghai began to quietly change the propaganda content.

And after they saw that content, they immediately understood the intention of this boss Qiuhai.

In response, these people were immediately divided into two factions internally.

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