Rebirth: Back To 1991 As the Richest Man

Chapter 2087: Closing the coffin

Chapter two thousand and eighty-seven conclusion

However, when Yue Hongsheng offered to ask him for help, he agreed without hesitation.

Jing Zhongcheng said directly: "Mr. Yue, it's fine, as long as it's not a fraud.

In fact, I also want to taste the lamb wine, but unfortunately I want to buy it again when I know it, it has already been sold out. "

"Especially I have a friend who is also an expert on this.

After I was fortunate enough to try it, I was full of praise for it.

It just ticked all my wine bugs out. "

"I originally thought that I would buy it when the first batch of lamb wine came out.

Now that I have this opportunity, of course I will not miss it. "

Yue Hongsheng did not expect that Jing Zhongcheng agreed so happily.

After sincerely thanking, and at the same time guaranteeing that I will contact you often in the future, the old man is considered to give up.

After contacting the sommelier, Yue Hongsheng thought for a while, and finally decided to say hello to Hu Shulin first.

It would be embarrassing if something went wrong accidentally.

Yue Hongsheng found a relationship and quickly contacted Hu Shulin's unit, asked for a phone number, and called him immediately.

After Yue Hongsheng found Hu Shulin, he didn't say much nonsense, and directly expressed his intention.

Of course, Yue Hongsheng did not reveal his identity.

He just found a random identity and said he was the production supervisor of the Lamb Winery.

But even so, Hu Shulin was very excited.

Because he really liked this wine, and after hearing Yue Hongsheng's intention, he agreed with one sip.

He can get a bottle of lamb wine for every batch produced for free, and it is an extremely rare pure wine.

If they are all collected, as the reputation of lamb wine grows, the wines he collects will inevitably become more and more valuable.

But still, his main purpose is not to make money, but to like this wine.

Otherwise, if someone else made a high price, he might have already sold the wine in his hand.

After everything was properly connected, Yue Hongsheng was relieved.

Three days later, the report that Jing Zhongcheng went to Hu Shulin to taste lamb wine was published.

The whole process was followed and reported by the media, even including the individual media of Black Lamb Wine at the beginning.

There are videos and pictures, naturally it can’t be fake, and of course it’s more convincing.

Jing Zhongcheng's evaluation of this wine is that it has a sweet aftertaste, a mellow wine aroma, and a bit of mutton aroma. It tastes very good and has its own characteristics.

The final evaluation grade given: first-class pure grain liquor.

This authoritative report comes out, and it can be regarded as giving Lamb Wine a justifiable status.

There are only a few that can be rated as first-class pure grain liquor in the Huaxia market, and one can count them.

In other words, through the endorsement of Jing Zhongcheng, lamb wine is defined as the top wine in the Huaxia liquor industry.

This is definitely a great news for a wine that is about to be launched on the market, and it has quite positive significance.

This report is a complete conclusion to lamb wine.

The negative news about lamb wine is also broken.

When Hu Shulin and Jing Zhongcheng met, they also mentioned these negative reports.

What Jing Zhongcheng said is relatively subtle, meaning that it is not a problem for the media to question a brand new product, but it is wrong to deliberately guide public opinion or even consciously smear it.

Don't make comments without drinking this wine, and don't point the finger at other places.

Especially things that have nothing to do with alcohol.

As for Hu Shulin, he didn't have such a good temper, so he just scolded him directly.

Because there is content that directly attacks him in those negative news.

Insinuating that he was bought off is a show.

How could such a report that deliberately distorts the facts not make him angry?

Therefore, this time, in addition to proving his innocence, he also scolded the media who reported indiscriminately.

In short, no matter how ugly it was, he scolded as badly as possible.

This is not only not criticized by the public, but has been sought after and loved by many people.

They felt that Hu Shulin was a real person, and they were more willing to believe what he said.

As for those guys who are secretly doing bad things, after seeing this report, their faces are crooked.

They finally found a counter-attack, thinking that they could severely suppress the lamb wine that was about to be interviewed and prevent it from rising, but they were destroyed by the troubled sommelier Jing Zhongcheng.

Under such circumstances, not only did it fail to have a negative impact on lamb wine, but it also gave it a wave of positive publicity.

For those colleagues who want to make small moves behind their backs, this is simply shooting themselves in the foot.

As people in the industry, they naturally know what Jing Zhongcheng is like, know that he is upright and has his own bottom line, and he is simply a person who cannot be bought.

They only do things according to their own preferences and hate cheating, so they have no choice in this matter.

What they did was shameful, and at the same time they were falsifying, so Jing Zhongcheng was destined not to have anything to do with them.

To put it bluntly, everyone is not the same person at all.

What's even more angry is that Hu Shulin cursed at them, although the public didn't even know that they were behind.

But they did things, and Hu Shulin naturally scolded them.

Those bad winery owners, although they are jumping in a hurry, can't do anything to stop the progress of Lamb Wine.

Now the public is looking forward to the production of the first batch of lamb wine as soon as possible, so that they can enjoy themselves.

After all, the taste of lamb wine in society has been passed down by many people who have tasted it, and others are eager to try it to see if it is really as good as they say.

Seeing the current situation, Chen Jianghai knew very well that the next road for Lamb Wine was basically paved.

As long as no big mistakes are made, this time-honored wine is destined to be a hit.

Jingle Bell!

While Chen Jianghai was thinking about something, the phone suddenly rang.

He took it out of his pocket and saw that it was the call from Qi Jingyi, the director of Xijiang TV.

Chen Jianghai raised his brows slightly, and immediately understood the purpose of the call.

So, he pressed the answer button and took the initiative to say, "Master Qi, hello, call me, do you have any instructions?"

The two are already very familiar with each other, and they are still cooperating at the moment, so naturally there is nothing to be If there is something to come straight to the point, there is no need to waste time.

Qi Jingyi also liked Chen Jianghai's straightforward character, smiled and said, "Mr. Chen, instructions can't be talked about. It's inconvenient to talk on the phone. Why don't you come out for a meal and talk."

Chen Jianghai thought about it for a while, and there was nothing to do at night, so he said directly: "Then let's go tonight, Room 3 of Nanshan Hotel."

When Qi Jingyi heard the address posted on Chen Jiang's poster, he smiled bitterly and said half-jokingly:

"It's still Mr. Chen, you have a lot of money to choose such a high-end place.

I couldn't afford that place, so it was President Chen who invited me. "

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