Rebirth: Back To 1991 As the Richest Man

Chapter 2093: The palms and backs of the hands are full of meat

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After the super girl released the relevant news of the finals on Xijiang TV, it suddenly became the focus of the whole people's attention.

Whether everyone is voting for the championship or for the lottery, the popularity is rising.

The key is that it has a major feature, that is, it spreads quickly among ordinary people like a plague.

Who doesn't want to take advantage of good things!

An old viewer of a super girl told his relatives and friends, and these relatives and friends told their relatives and friends.

The same situation keeps repeating at the same time.

In this way, the speed of promotion is simply unimaginable.

It is no exaggeration to say that as long as people in China have mobile phones, they want to participate in the wave.

Even the rich are.

They don't like cell phones, but they want to try their luck.

When Qi Jingyi saw the data again, the whole person was stunned.

I can't help but ask the person in charge of statistics around me: "Are you sure these data are real?"

The person who counted the data nodded earnestly and replied with great certainty: "Yes, Director, we have calculated it three times, and these data are all real and valid."

Qi Jingyi said with satisfaction: "Okay, everyone has worked hard!"

Super girl, the first game of the finals, has reached an unprecedented level of popularity.

It's not an exaggeration to describe it with thousands of people.

All the people were sitting in front of the TV, for fear of missing a link.

They all have cell phones in their hands.

Just waiting for the prompt to vote on the TV, they will use their mobile phones to cast their votes as quickly as possible.

This is not only to support your favorite singer, but more importantly, this is a chance to draw a lottery!

It seems that if you are slow, you will miss it.

At this point, Chen Jianghai happened to be eating with his family.

The children's grandparents and grandparents are there.

What he didn't expect was that Lin Wanqiu even took out her mobile phone and eagerly waited to vote.

Including her daughter Huanhuan and her niece Xiaoxiao, they also watched intently. At the same time, the two little girls took out their mobile phones and seemed to also participate in the SMS voting.

The two little girls have always had a good relationship, and they exchanged a few words in a low voice from time to time, and it seemed that they both had their own supporters.

At this moment, Huanhuan is trying to convince Xiaoxiao to choose the same star as herself, and to vote for her.

However, Xiaoxiao obviously had her own ideas, and did not agree easily, she just said that after a while to see the performance of the players.

Huanhuan is obviously very confident in the players she supports, so she doesn't mean to be unhappy, but continues to do the ideological work of Sister Xiaoxiao.

Obviously, the little girl spares no effort to the stars she supports.

Chen Jianghai has never controlled his own children in terms of mobile phones. He will not feel that children are still young and should not have mobile phones.

On the contrary, I feel that as a communication tool, as long as there are conditions, a mobile phone should be owned by everyone.

At this time, there is still a big gap between mobile phones and later smart phones, and there is no entertainment function.

Therefore, there is no need to worry that the child will be addicted to it, causing vision problems or learning problems.

The biggest role of mobile phones now is communication.

Although Chen Jianghai has been working hard to speed up the development of the communication industry, in fact, deep down, he feels that the rapid development of technology is not so good.

Smartphones and computers in later generations will indeed facilitate the lives of the public, but they will also lose a lot of things.

For example, time, when he was a child, he felt that time passed very slowly, but when he got a smartphone later, he felt that there was always not enough time.

Because when I have free time, I swipe short videos and play games, and time flies by quickly.

Many things have also changed because of the development of technology, and I feel that there is no pure happiness like when I was a child.

Huanhuan glanced at Lin Wanqiu, then said eagerly, "Mom, let's vote for No. 3 in a while? I think that young lady sings the best and has the most personality."

Lin Wanqiu curled her lips slightly, shook her head and said, "No. 3 can really sing well, but the dress is too stupid. The girl's family is not stable at all."

"Huanhuan, choose No. 6 with me. Look at the dress and temperament. She looks like a lady, and she sings good songs."

Obviously, the two have completely different ideas. Lin Wanqiu prefers classical and traditional beauty.

Huanhuan is just a little girl, she naturally prefers fashion and cool beauty.

So the two girls started arguing, each thinking that they had chosen well, and wanted to convince the other to change who they wanted to support.

As for Xiaoxiao, she obviously has her own ideas, and she stayed silent to avoid participating in the argument between the mother and son.

Chen Jianghai looked at the mother and daughter who were trying to persuade each other, and couldn't help shaking his head, but in his heart he was extremely happy and satisfied.

This is what a home should be like.

There is the smell of fireworks in the world, ordinary but not plain.

You can see the whole panther at a glance.

It can also be seen from this point how huge the influence of super girls is today.

It is simply the participation of the whole people, and a program has mobilized the people of the whole China.

Absolutely phenomenal.

Many people know that this was actually planned by Chen Jianghai.

Worthy of being known as the best business wizard in China, he is always capable of what others cannot do.

To describe it in one sentence, turning your hands over is the cloud, and covering your hands is the rain.

Originally, the mother and daughter Lin Wanqiu and Huanhuan were having a great time arguing, but when she turned her head and saw Chen Jianghai was eating and watching them both, Lin Wanqiu suddenly felt angry.

Lin Wanqiu frowned and looked at Chen Jianghai. She deliberately said with a straight face, "It's very enjoyable to see, right? Take out your phone and vote for No. 6 later."

After listening to Huanhuan, she immediately said, "Dad, don't listen to mom, you will vote for No. 3 later. I am the most loyal fan of No. 3! No. 3 is the best, it would be a pity if she couldn't win the championship. already."

Chen Jianghai was stunned, and he never thought that the fire of war would actually burn him.

He subconsciously glanced at the smile beside him.

Finally, he subconsciously shook his head.

Forget it, don't be too **** this little girl.

Don't look at him as the best entrepreneur in China.

Now facing the mother and daughter's request, it's These palms and backs are full of flesh, and it's not good to refute anyone's face. Since ancient times, family affairs have been difficult for honest officials.

However, Chen Jianghai did not change his frown because of this. He took out two mobile phones from his pocket and said:

"Okay, you two don't have to fight anymore. I have two mobile phones, one for number six and one for number three. It's okay now!"

Seemingly troublesome problems can be easily solved here by Chen Jianghai.

Lin Wanqiu and Huanhuan didn't seem to be satisfied, they snorted and ignored him.

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