Rebirth: Back To 1991 As the Richest Man

Chapter 514: You are making progress, and so are others.

Chapter 514 You are making progress, and others are making progress.

Chen Jianghai believes that as long as there is Rand Shifei, plus his own investment and vision, Huawei will definitely develop faster and better than its previous life.

Finally, after friendly negotiation between the two sides, Chen Jianghai invested 10 million in exchange for 30% of Huawei's shares.

Chen Jianghai knew that Warwick would implement an equity incentive policy in the future, so he naturally couldn't take too much.

Chen Jianghai also decided to hold the 30% of the shares and would not make any other plans.

As for this price, Chen Jianghai was not surprised at all, but felt that he had taken advantage of it.

On the other hand, on Huawei's side, they all feel that Chen Jianghai takes a lot of advantage.

You must know that the entire Warwick is now worth only 10 million.

In other words, Chen Jianghai took the money to acquire the entire company, and finally only exchanged 30% of the shares.

"Mr. Chen, thank you for believing in Huawei. We will be partners in the future. I won't say more about thank you."

Ran Shifei seemed a little excited, stood up, held Chen Jianghai's hand tightly, and shook it heavily.

Ran Shifei started his business in nearly 40 years, and experienced failures and low points in his life in the middle.

Along the way, I have stumbled and been ridiculed and ridiculed. It is really not easy at all.

But today in Chen Jianghai, he felt respect and recognition.

"Mr. Ren, I hope our next cooperation can be so pleasant!"

Chen Jianghai also used some strength in his hands to show his sincerity.

"I believe it will, Mr. Chen."

Ran Shifei replied with a smile.

The cooperation was negotiated, and the conference room was full of laughter.

Qiuhai and Warwick both got what they wanted, and naturally they were all happy.

However, Chen Jianghai knew that there was something very important now, and he had to remind Ran Shifei.

"Mr. Ren, I have a question I want to ask."

Chen Jianghai said suddenly with a serious color.

"Mr. Chen, please speak."

Ran Shifei also became serious, posing as if he was listening.

Of course he could feel it. Chen Jianghai suddenly said this at this time, which must be very important.

"I heard that Warwick is now working on new switches, right?"

Chen Jianghai asked bluntly.

After listening to Chen Jianghai's words, Ren Shifei's expression changed slightly.

Chen Jianghai only came to Warwick today. Why do you know so much about the internal situation of Warwick?

He couldn't help but glance at the people around him.

Seeing Ren Shifei like this, Chen Jianghai knew what he was thinking, he waved his hand and said, "Mr. Ren, do you think I don't have a certain understanding of Huawei, so do you come so far?"

Hearing this reason, Ran Shifei also suddenly realized that he had really thought a bit too much just now.

"Mr. Chen, forgive me, this matter is very important to Huawei now, I may be a little too careful."

Ran Shifei said apologetically.

Chen Jianghai smiled and shook his head: "It doesn't matter, it's definitely good for Huawei to be so cautious."

Ran Shifei then nodded: "Mr. Chen, what you said, Huawei is really doing it now."

"Do you want to transform?"

Chen Jianghai asked again.


Speaking of this, Ran Shifei seems to be a little excited. "There are too many types of switches in the market now, and many switches are marked differently. We want to change this market."

"Mr. Ren is right, but I think it's not just the reason?"

Chen Jianghai smiled and said meaningfully.

Ran Shifei glanced at Chen Jianghai in surprise, then shook his head with a sigh: "I really can't hide anything from President Chen."

"There is another very important reason, I don't want to rely on imports for domestic switches.

Why should we pay high prices to buy things abroad that we can do all by ourselves? "

A strong surprise flashed across Chen Jianghai.

He really didn't expect that at this time, Ran Shifei already had this idea of ​​self-improvement and self-reliance.

Chen Jianghai clapped his hands and said, "Okay, what Mr. Ren said is really good! When I founded Qiuhai, I also had this idea. Why can't our products be sold abroad!"

Hearing Chen Jianghai say this, Ren Shifei was also quite moved, as if he had found a bosom friend.

I didn't expect everyone to be the same people!

"But Mr. Ren, I have a suggestion. I wonder if you would like to hear it?"

Chen Jianghai said immediately.

At this time, Ran Shifei's favorable impression of Chen Jianghai has skyrocketed, he waved his hand, and said very proudly: "Mr. Chen, even if it's done!"

"Mr. Ren, what you are focusing on now is the analog switch, right?"

Chen Jianghai pointed to the outside.

"That's right."

Ran Shifei nodded in response.

"But I heard that the digital switch technology on the market is very mature. Why are you still developing this?"

Chen Jianghai smiled slightly.

Hearing this question, the people from Warwick became silent and looked at each other in dismay.

At first they thought that Chen Jianghai's suggestions must be some suggestions on company management.

Unexpectedly, when Chen Jianghai came up, the suggestion he made was about research and development.

Ran Shifei didn't speak, but Zheng Baoyong couldn't help it.

"Mr. Chen, there is indeed digital switch technology on the market, but we don't think analog switches have reached the stage of elimination. As long as they can be developed in time, they can compete with digital switches!"

Facing Zheng Baoyong's excitement, Chen Jianghai can also understand.

After all, Zheng Baoyong is now in charge of the research and development work.

"Manager Zheng, what you said is not unreasonable.

But I have two questions, I wonder if you can answer me? "

Chen Jianghai said calmly.

"Mr. Chen, say it."

Zheng Baoyong said quickly.

"When will the analog switches developed now be released and put into mass production?"

Chen Jianghai asked directly.

For this question, Zheng Baoyong blushed slightly and opened his mouth, but he didn't know how to answer.

Because of the exact time, he has no clue now.

Chen Jianghai immediately threw a second question: "In addition, I would like to ask, if the digital switch technology makes a breakthrough again, what is the way out for the analog switch you are researching?"

As soon as this question came out, the faces of the Warwick people present changed drastically.

I have to say that this question of Chen Jianghai was directly on the point.

You are making progress, and so are others.

The most important thing is that the technical level of others is higher than yours, and the two are not comparable at all.

Once Warwick puts all its chips on the analog switch, if it fails, it will be a bottomless There will be no way out.

This result was unexpected to the people of Warwick, but Chen Jianghai knew it clearly in later generations.

It is precisely because of such a decision-making error that Warwick almost collapsed and disappeared completely in the torrent of history.

But now that Chen Jianghai is here, he will naturally plan ahead, and he will never let this kind of history repeat itself again.

Ran Shifei's face was very serious at this time, and he only heard him say in a deep voice: "Mr. Chen, what you said makes sense. I have to admit that the decisions we made before may be wrong."

Chen Jianghai smiled and said humbly, "Mr. Ren, this is just my personal suggestion. It is up to you to decide how to choose."


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