Rebirth: Back To 1991 As the Richest Man

Chapter 524: 3 words: not confident

Chapter five hundred and twenty-four three words: not confident

The next morning, Chen Jianghai took his wife and children to the hospital.

After some examination, the doctor told the two there was no need to worry.

Unless the child makes a scream-like sound or has **** stools, it is time to come to the hospital.

Others like choking, spitting up, and occasional crying are all normal.

Hearing what the doctor said, Chen Jianghai and his wife breathed a sigh of relief.

This child is really their favorite.

When the two of them went out, they happened to meet Mu Guxue.

"Doctor Mu, good morning."

Chen Jianghai waved his hand and said hello.

Lin Wanqiu also hurriedly said, "Morning, Doctor Mu."

"Why are you here, is the baby uncomfortable?"

Mu Guxue stepped forward and asked with concern.

"The child is choking on milk. We are a little worried because we don't understand it, so we come to have a look."

Chen Jianghai said with a smile.

Mu Guxue asked, "Is it okay to check?"

Chen Jianghai nodded and replied, "Well, the doctor said it's normal."

Mu Guxue followed up: "It's right to be cautious. If you have any small problems in the future, you can call me directly, and you don't have to go all the way to the hospital."

After speaking, Mu Guxue took out a pen and paper, wrote a phone call and handed it to Chen Jianghai.

Chen Jianghai then thanked: "Then I will thank you first."

Mu Guxue waved his hand: "You're welcome, then I'll go to work."

"Walk slowly."

Chen Jianghai glanced at the phone in his hand, handed it to Lin Wanqiu and instructed: "If you have anything to do in the future, please ask Doctor Mu first!"

"Why is she so nice to us?"

Lin Wanqiu looked suspicious.

Seeing Lin Wanqiu like this, Chen Jianghai knew what she was thinking.

"Don't think too much about it, I have a cooperative relationship with her senior brother, otherwise people would not be so polite."

Chen Jianghai couldn't help but explain.


In Lin Wanqiu's eyes, there was clearly a trace of doubt.

Chen Jianghai nodded firmly: "Of course it's true."

Hearing Chen Jianghai say this, the suspicion on Lin Wanqiu's face did not completely dissipate.

However, Chen Jianghai did not continue this topic, there is no way to explain this kind of thing clearly.

Besides, reasoning with a woman, Chen Jianghai felt that it was of little use.

The fundamental reason lies in Lin Wanqiu herself.

Now Chen Jianghai's identity, status and wealth have undergone earth-shaking changes.

But Lin Wanqiu herself was still stuck in the old mentality of being a little rich.

The faster Chen Jianghai grew up, the more uneasy she felt.

The gap between the two is getting bigger and bigger.

Especially now that she has a child, and Chen Jianghai is often away from home, it is normal for her to be cranky.

Chen Jianghai knew that she had to have a good talk with Lin Wanqiu, otherwise she would always have a thorn in her heart.

Back home, Chen Jianghai hugged Huanhuan to Xue Chunli.

"Wan Qiu, I'll tell you something when I enter the room."

Chen Jianghai waved to Lin Wanqiu and said.

Lin Wanqiu didn't say anything, and followed Chen Jianghai into the room.

"Wanqiu, I'm busy outside every day now. Are you feeling uncomfortable at home alone?"

After entering the door, Chen Jianghai took his wife's hand and asked.

"Jiang Hai, I don't have one."

Lin Wanqiu lowered her head and whispered.

"Are you worried about something?"

Chen Jianghai raised Lin Wanqiu's cheeks with both hands.

"No... no."

Seeing Lin Wanqiu like this, Chen Jianghai knew that she didn't speak her mind.

"It's all like this, you still say no?"

Chen Jianghai said with a frown.

Lin Wanqiu raised her eyebrows and glanced at Chen Jianghai, then bit her lip and said, "Jiang Hai, really not."

Chen Jianghai took Lin Wanqiu into his arms and whispered to her ear, "Wanqiu, promise me, you must tell me anything, don't keep it in your heart, okay?"

But Chen Jianghai knew that if postpartum women don't get enough care and care, the probability of developing depression is very high.

Hearing Chen Jianghai say this, Lin Wanqiu's heart was finally opened.

"Jiang Hai, you won't want me in the future, will you?"

Lin Wanqiu looked at Chen Jianghai pitifully, with sparkling tears in her eyes.

When she said this, her voice trembled.

Chen Jianghai said quickly: "Fool, what do you think?

How could I possibly do this? "

Lin Wanqiu said a little nervously: "But I'm not literate. After giving birth, I look ugly, and there are so many beautiful women outside..."

Lin Wanqiu said a lot in one breath, but in the final analysis, there are three words: not confident.

Chen Jianghai didn't interrupt her, just listened to the other party's worries quietly.

"Wan Qiu, you think too much."

After Chen Jianghai waited for Lin Wanqiu to finish speaking, he comforted him softly.

"But what I said is the truth!"

Lin Wanqiu was still worried.

Chen Jianghai let go of Lin Wanqiu, stared at the other party and said, "Wanqiu, no matter what you become in the future, you are my wife Chen Jianghai!"

Hearing this, Lin Wanqiu did not look very happy, and said quietly: "Who can say what will happen in the future?"

Yes, Chen Jianghai was a little speechless.

Lin Wanqiu was just digging the horns and couldn't get out at all.

The only way now is for her to get out of this dead end by herself.

Chen Jianghai said nothing, and suddenly lowered his head and kissed Lin Wanqiu.


Lin Wanqiu did not expect that Chen Jianghai would suddenly come out like this.

At the beginning, Lin Wanqiu struggled for a while, but slowly, her body gradually softened and she fully enjoyed this wonderful moment.

After a long time, Chen Jianghai released Lin Wanqiu.

At this time, Lin Wanqiu closed her eyes and looked happy.

Chen Jianghai's release caused Lin Wanqiu to wake up suddenly.

At this moment, Chen Jianghai was looking at her with a smile on his face.

"What are you doing?"

The blushing Lin Wanqiu quickly pushed Chen Jianghai away.

"My wife is so beautiful, why should I be happy?"

After speaking, Chen Jianghai took her into his arms again.

"Wan Qiu, let's hold the wedding again sometime!"

Chen Jianghai said softly beside her ear.

The matter of holding a wedding was mentioned by Chen Jianghai early in the morning.

However, the appearance of Huanhuan later pushed the time back a bit.

Chen Jianghai was busy during this time, and he also delayed this matter.

Now Lin Wanqiu is a little unconfident, Chen Jianghai thought about the wedding, which must be a good comfort to Lin Wanqiu.

"Huanhuan is still young, what kind of wedding are you having?"

Lin Wanqiu shook her head and said insincerely.

"What does it matter?

It's time for parents to watch. "

Chen Jianghai said with a smile.

"But... we're already married..."

Lin Wanqiu was still a little hesitant.

Chen Jianghai said: "Before I was not good I couldn't give you a decent wedding.

Now that I have money, I will make up for the things I owe you before. "

"Jiang Hai, you are so kind to me."

Lin Wanqiu's face was moved, and tears were about to fall.

"I'm good to you now, and I'll be better to you in the future, you, don't think about it all day."

Chen Jianghai comforted.

Hearing this, Lin Wanqiu looked at Chen Jianghai and secretly made a decision.


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