Rebirth: Back To 1991 As the Richest Man

Chapter 553: It was turned over!

Chapter 553 was actually overturned!

"Mr. Chen, thank you..."

Chen Jianghai interrupted Chen Xiaolong with a smile, "Okay, it's just the two of us here, you can just call me brother."

"Chen...Brother, I really thank you for giving me this opportunity."

Chen Xiaolong said gratefully.

Chen Jianghai waved his hand and said, "You said it all, what I gave was just a chance.

The key is that you seized this opportunity yourself, it's your own efforts, and you don't need to thank me. "

That being said, Chen Xiaolong knew that if it wasn't for this relationship, this opportunity would never fall on his head.

"Brother, I will work hard and not let you down."

Chen Xiaolong said with full of fighting spirit.

"Now how many direct-sale stores do we have in Xijiang?"

Chen Jianghai followed and asked in front of the map of Xijiang hanging in the office.

"Every city has at least one, and larger cities have two or three."

Chen Xiaolong replied immediately.

"How's the effect?"

Chen Jianghai nodded.

"Now our own sales network can at least cover nearly 50% of Xijiang's market."

Chen Xiaolong gestured and said.

"What about the remaining fifty percent?"

Chen Jianghai narrowed his eyes.

"These are mainly rural and remote areas that are rarely covered even by our dealers."

Chen Xiaolong said truthfully.

Chen Jianghai pointed to the drawing: "Then do you think there will be great business opportunities in this?"

Hearing Chen Jianghai say this, Chen Xiaolong was stunned for a moment, obviously not responding.

"Cousin, most of these places are low-income people. I don't think many people will buy our products."

Chen Xiaolong hesitated and said.

"Have you gone on a field trip?

Why are you so sure? "

Chen Jianghai asked seriously.


Chen Xiaolong said half of what he said, and then he stopped talking.

Because he knew that as soon as he opened his mouth, he was already wrong.

Chen Jianghai patted Chen Xiaolong on the shoulder, "I know some things, you heard from many people, it's like this, but you can't believe it all, you must keep your doubts and opinions."

"I have a message for you, the book will come to you in the end, and you will never know what to do, do you know?"

"Cousin, I know."

Chen Xiaolong nodded vigorously.

"Okay, your next task is very simple. The sales scope of our directly-operated store should cover the entire Xijiang, not only the city, but also the countryside. Can you do it?"

Chen Jianghai drew a big circle on the map and said.

"Don't worry, brother, I'll set off tomorrow for a field trip!"

Chen Xiaolong patted his chest and said.

"Xiaolong, it's not urgent, you've been out for so long, it's time to go home and take a look."

Chen Jianghai smiled and said.

Chen Xiaolong scratched his head embarrassedly: "Well, I see."

"Okay, let's go."

Chen Jianghai waved his hand.

"Okay, brother, I'll go first!"

Chen Jianghai is still very satisfied with Chen Xiaolong's work performance.

Turning his head to look at the map of Xijiang, he is full of ambitions. After Qiuhai's direct-sale stores are all over the Xijiang, this model will gradually be promoted to the surrounding provinces and even the whole country.

Of course, Chen Jianghai would definitely not tell Chen Xiaolong about this kind of thing now.

After all, he is still young and still needs a lot of training.


When the Qiuhai ps game console was selling well, the instant noodle market also had a shocking reversal.

In the face of Uniform's amazing price reduction strategy, the sales of instant noodles of other brands on the market are all declining.

Jiamei has successfully seized a lot of market through a simple elf noodle.

However, the positioning of the two products is different, and the unity does not take this matter to heart.

But as time went by, Unity began to find something was wrong.

The price of unified instant noodles is still so low, but the sales volume is declining day by day.

"What the **** is going on here?"

Gao Yingqing couldn't figure it out, where did this problem come from?

Regarding this matter, Gao Yingqing called someone to investigate yesterday, and there must be news soon.

At around ten in the morning, the news collected by his subordinates was placed on Gao Gao Yingqing's desk.

Looking at the information in his hand, Gao Yingqing's face became more and more ugly.

With a snap, the book in Gao Yingqing's hand slammed to the ground.

I didn't expect Uniform to spend so much money, but it was quietly overturned by Jiamei!

The appearance of the card booklet made the teenager who originally only bought the elf noodles to focus on Jiamei instant noodles.

At the same time, in Jiamei instant noodles, there are also character cards from the Water Margin!

As a result, the sales of Jiamei instant noodles have been rising steadily.

As a result, retailers across the country have begun to enter Jiamei instant noodles again.

There is no way, there are too many people buying instant noodles in the United States, it can be said that it is several times unified.

Selling unified instant noodles can earn 50 cents a pack, while Jiamei instant noodles can only earn 20 cents.

But I can't stand the numbers.

This account, retailers naturally know how to calculate.

Retailers increase the amount of purchases, and the wholesalers above them also increase.

As a result, Jiamei instant noodles, which had no share in the market, achieved a shocking reversal.

The nature of businessmen is profit-seeking. What can make money, they will focus on what.

Now that Jiamei instant noodles can make money for them, they naturally support it without hesitation.

Under the two-pronged approach, Jiamei's sales quickly surpassed that of Unity.

Not only that, Jiamei's current sales have surpassed their previous peak.

In general, Jiamei made a lot of money this time.

While making money, it also created a brand image.

Gao Yingqing sat in the seat blankly, Jiamei's move was too cruel!

In other words, Chen Jianghai is too scary!

A small card that looks inconspicuous can actually find a new way, starting from the child, so that the layout before the unification will be all in vain!

However, Gao Yingqing recovered quickly. Now is not the time to think about it. There is one more important thing waiting for him to deal with.

That is, how will the unification go next?

The ultra-low price model adopted by the unified now can no longer pose a threat to Jiamei.

And at this unified price, not losing money is already the limit. It is delusional to want to make money.

People are making money, while Unity is losing money. In this case, everyone knows how dangerous the situation that Unity is facing now is.

After thinking for a long time, Gao Yingqing only thought of two ways.

The first is to continue to cut prices. Once the popularity of Jiameiji cards has passed, Uni-President will be able to grab the market back.

Second, stop burning money and bring the price back.

No matter which path you choose, there are certain risks to unification.

If you choose the first, this is to completely hand over the initiative.

Gao Yingqing is a person who likes to take the initiative, and he cannot accept such a result.

But if you want to choose the second way, it is not without any hidden dangers.

That is, the reunification will be completely suppressed by Jiamei, and it is impossible to suppress Zhujiamei in a short period of time.

Is there no other way?

"By the way, hurry up and check, what's the current situation of Master Kong?"

Gao Yingqing suddenly remembered that he had another opponent.

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