Rebirth: Back To 1991 As the Richest Man

Chapter 556: This problem cannot be cured!

Chapter 556 This problem cannot be cured!

"Jiang Hai, I have something to tell you."

Lin Wanqiu said softly.

"What's the matter, you said."

Chen Jianghai nodded in response.

"My mother, she probably wants to go home."

Lin Wanqiu pouted outside and said.

Hearing this, Chen Jianghai couldn't help but be taken aback for a moment, "Well, why did she suddenly want to go back, is there something we can't do well?"

"My mother didn't like living in the city. She was able to go out for a walk before, but now she has to watch me at home every day, which makes her a little embarrassed."

Lin Wanqiu said truthfully.

"Did Mom bring it up?"

Chen Jianghai asked.

"Mom didn't say it. I saw that she was working very hard and wanted her to go back and rest for a while."

Lin Wanqiu shook her head and said.

Chen Jianghai thought for a while: "This is no problem, we can just find a nanny to take care of it."

"Jiang Hai, you won't be angry, will you?"

Lin Wanqiu asked nervously.

"Hey, look at what you said, you're not angry, what else can I be angry about, but you asked Dad if he meant it. After all, he still has to work here?"

Chen Jianghai thought for a while and said.

Lin Wanqiu was stunned for a moment, but on Lin Jianguo's side, she hadn't thought about it.

"When you say that, you have to ask him."

Lin Wanqiu nodded.

After eating, Chen Jianghai didn't stay in the living room too much, and went straight back to the room to accompany Huanhuan.

Not long after, Lin Wanqiu came back, looking a little unhappy.

"What's wrong?"

Chen Jianghai couldn't help but say.

"My dad said he didn't want to go back to the country, he wanted to stay here."

Lin Wanqiu pouted.

"How about this!"

Chen Jianghai thought of a way: "Why don't we go back to your house for a few days, what do you think?"

"Okay, when are you going back?"

Lin Wanqiu nodded in response.

"Wait for me to explain what happened in the factory tomorrow."

Chen Jianghai stroked Lin Wanqiu's hair and said.

"Well, listen to you."

Lin Wanqiu was lying in Chen Jianghai's arms and said with reliance.


The next day, Chen Jianghai arranged things in the factory and told his mother-in-law Xue Chunli about going home after get off work.

"Why, are you going to the country?"

Xue Chunli raised her eyebrows.

"Yeah, Mom, Wanqiu stays at home every day, and it's a bit boring. I want to take her to the countryside for a while, so it's just to relax."

Chen Jianghai nodded and said.

Xue Chunli said with a smile on her face: "Okay, when will we leave?"

"Just tomorrow."

Chen Jianghai followed suit.

"Okay, let me prepare first."

Xue Chunli nodded in response.

"Mom, there's actually nothing to prepare for. If you can't, go ahead and buy it."

Chen Jianghai said casually.

"what do you know?

There are so many things that children use, which may not be available in the countryside, so I will hurry to prepare first. "

During dinner in the evening, Xue Chunli couldn't wait to announce the news.

Chen Jianghai and Lin Wanqiu looked at each other and smiled.

Going home this time seems to be the right decision.

Lin Jianguo didn't expect this news, and said in a murmur, "If I go back, then I won't go to work here?"

Hearing Lin Jianguo say this, Xue Chunli was immediately unhappy.

"Then you can continue to work here, and we can just go back."

Lin Jianguo was also not happy: "What do you mean?

I'm not helping Jiang Hai, what's wrong with earning some money for retirement? "

Seeing that the two of them were about to fight, Chen Jianghai hurriedly spoke to discourage him: "Dad, it doesn't matter here at work, there won't be any problems."

"Hmph, you bad old man, I think you just don't want to go back. What do you want to stay in Linghai for?"

At this time, Xue Chunli's face was frosty, and she looked really angry.

"Dad, Mom, this matter is settled, don't make any noise."

Lin Wanqiu also quickly stood up and smoothed the game.

Lin Jianguo didn't dare to speak anymore, just burying his head to eat.

This bronchitis problem cannot be cured!


The next morning, the family set off.

As the New Year is approaching, I saw many people going to the market on the road, so they should be preparing for the New Year.

"Jiang Hai, should we also prepare some New Year's goods?"

Lin Wanqiu looked out the window and couldn't help but say.

"Yeah, I almost forgot about this!"

Xue Chunli also patted her head and said.

Chen Jianghai smiled and said: "Mom, there is still more than a month before the Chinese New Year, so don't worry about the New Year's goods."

"The closer to the Chinese New Year, the more expensive this year's goods will be, so you should buy them in advance."

Hearing Xue Chunli say this, Chen Jianghai just smiled and didn't say anything more.

With Qiuhai's current speed of making money, the amount of money to buy New Year's goods is really a drop in the bucket for him.

However, for the older generation, saving is always something that will be kept in mind all the time, and there is no way to change it.

When Hu Tau Ben drove to the entrance of the village, it immediately attracted the attention of a large group of people.

This year, there are not too many people who can drive a small car.

"Whose car is this?"

"Whose family is it?

Can anyone in our village afford a car? "

"Who said it wasn't possible?

Lin Jianguo's little son-in-law, I heard that he made a lot of money! "

"Who did you hear?

Is it real? "

In the car, looking at the familiar faces outside, Xue Chunli looked a little excited.

"Xiao Wu, roll down the window a little."

Chen Jianghai ordered.

As soon as the window was rolled down, everyone outside immediately saw who was sitting in the car.

"Chunli! It's really Chunli!"

Someone shouted excitedly.

Seeing that it was Xue Chunli, someone couldn't help but walk over.

Seeing this, Chen Jianghai quickly said to Wu Gang, "Stop the car first!"

Seeing the car stopped, the rest of the people immediately gathered around.

"Chunli, how is your stay in the city during this time?"

"This car is not cheap!"

"This is your son-in-law, he really is a talented person!"

Xue Chunli had a smile on her face, opened the door and walked out.

"Mom, what are you doing?"

Lin Wanqiu couldn't help asking.

"I'll chat with you guys for a while, you go back first!"

When she was in Linghai, Xue Chunli knew very few people, and even fewer could chat with her.

Seeing so many old neighbors now, Xue Chunli naturally wanted to chat, otherwise she would feel uncomfortable.

"Mom, then we'll go back first, you remember to come back for lunch."

Chen Jianghai nodded and said.

"Don't worry, don't worry, I'll go back and cook later."

The happy Xue Chunli didn't hear Chen Jianghai's words clearly.

Chen Jianghai smiled and said to Lin Jianguo, "Dad, do you want to go down and have a chat?"

Lin Jianguo glanced at it: "A bunch of old I won't go down, go home!


Back at home, Lin Wanqiu asked Chen Jianghai to hug Huanhuan and cleaned the room a little first.

Lin Jianguo was not idle either, and went out to buy groceries with his hands behind his back.

After eleven o'clock, Lin Jianguo and Xue Chunli both came back.

After eating, Lin Jianguo and the two went out, and they seemed to be in a good mood.

Back in the village, being able to chat with acquaintances, this may be their favorite life!

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