Rebirth: Back To 1991 As the Richest Man

Chapter 570: This courage is not small

Chapter five hundred and seventieth this spirit is really not small

Even if there is a certain profit in the early stage, if you want to fill this bottomless pit, it will definitely be an astronomical figure.

Ordinary companies don't dare to do this at all.

Because if you do this, if you are not careful, the company will fall into the quagmire of the collapse of the capital chain.

Many companies that were thriving in the past have embarked on a road of no return because of blind expansion.

Chen Jianghai smiled and said, "Choosing a dealer really saves money and effort, but in this way, the lifeline is in the hands of others, and I hope this lifeline can be controlled by myself."

Chen Jianghai in his previous life knew how important channels were.

It can be said that the channel is king!

Taking advantage of the fact that Qiuhai can make money now, Chen Jianghai plans to make arrangements in advance and establish all offline sales points.

Once these points of sale are established, the next step is the logistics and warehousing transfer stations.

At that time, it is time to burn money.

However, Chen Jianghai has not told anyone about this matter, as long as he knows it in his heart.

After all, with the current social environment and economic development level, it is still a bit too early to say that it is engaged in logistics.

The point of sale is the most suitable model.

Chen Jianghai plans to establish all sales points nationwide in about two thousand years.

At that time, it will enter the Internet age.

At that time, logistics will also leave a strong ink and become a new leading industry.

It's still early, and Chen Jianghai has enough time to make arrangements.

In the face of Chen Jianghai's words, both of them were surprised.

Chen Jianghai is not very old, but few people can achieve this spirit.

After knowing his intentions, the two also knew how important the marketing department was.

"Huang Lao, according to this, this marketing department is indeed a good department."

Feng Zongxian couldn't help but say.

Huang Lao also nodded and said, "Well, you are right, but Xiao Chen, I have another question."

"Old Huang, please speak."

Chen Jianghai said politely.

"Who is in charge of this department now?"

When Huang Lao asked this, he naturally wanted to know who his grandson would deal with in the future.

"The marketing department is now in charge of our Qiuhai's vice president Liang Haoyang, but my cousin is in charge of the specific affairs."

"If my grandson goes to this marketing department, what are you going to arrange for him?"

Huang Lao asked.

Hearing this question, Chen Jianghai answered very quickly without any hesitation.

"The same position as my cousin, the deputy manager of the marketing department."

Hearing this, Huang Lao was very satisfied at this time.

To say that he helped Chen Jianghai, he did say a few words for him.

To say that it helped a lot, but I can't talk about it, after all, I only said a few words.

But Chen Jianghai can always remember such a small kindness and repay it with all his strength. This is what Huang Lao values ​​most.

Following such a person, his grandson will definitely not suffer.

"Xiao Chen, I'll give you a toast, thank you."

Huang Lao picked up the glass and said.

Chen Jianghai quickly got up and said, "Old Huang, you are being polite. If you want to respect, I will respect you!"

After speaking, Chen Jianghai picked up the wine glass, lowered the mouth of the glass and touched the middle part of Huang Lao's glass, looking very respectful.

After drinking, Huang Lao also gave Chen Jianghai a reassurance.

"Xiao Chen, I have to clarify something to you first."

"Old Huang, tell me."

Chen Jianghai replied.

"My grandson is going to work at your place. If he doesn't do well, I hope you won't cover him up, and punish him as he pleases!"

Chen Jianghai was stunned for a moment, but he really didn't expect what Huang Lao said.

Feng Zongxian smiled and said, "Old Huang, won't this be too inhumane?"

"What's inhumane?"

Huang Lao's face was straight, "Since he wants to make a breakthrough, he has to be prepared, and he has to learn to take responsibility when he does something wrong!"

Hearing what Huang Lao said, Chen Jianghai and Chen Jianghai were in awe.

This meal, which can be said to be enjoyed by all the guests, did not end until after eight o'clock.

Chen Jianghai personally sent Huang Lao back to the place where he lived, and then returned to the hotel.


Early the next morning, Chen Jianghai took Jin and Tong to the construction site of Qiuhai Building together.

When Chen Jianghai arrived at the construction site, Tang Huairen and his brother-in-law Wu Hongcai were already waiting at the gate of the construction site.

"Mr. Chen, morning!"

The two looked respectful.

In the past, Tang Huairen's status at home was not too low, but it wasn't much better.

But since working here in Chen Jianghai, his family status has also risen.

Now, when my wife talks to him, she doesn't dare to raise her voice too high.

There is also this brother-in-law by my side. Although we had a good relationship before, he was a little bit neither big nor small.

Now that I have seen it, I have a brother-in-law in one bite. That's a kind call!

The same group of relatives at home, now running to Tang Huairen's house every day.

When I came, I carried a few things in my hand, and accompanied me with a smile all the way.

Tang Huairen would never have dared to think about such a situation before.

Now, it's really happening.

Tang Huairen knew that everything he had today was given to him by the man in front of him.

As long as he can do things well, Chen Jianghai will never treat him badly.

With this kind of thinking in mind, Tang Huairen now leaves early every day and returns late, for fear that something might go wrong on the construction site.

Fortunately, the construction went smoothly for a period of time, and the progress of the project has not fallen behind.

Tang Huairen knew that Chen Jianghai came today, in fact, to check his work.

As long as Chen Jianghai can be satisfied, he will be stable for the rest of his life.

"Old Tang, I heard Zhijiang and Laotong say, you're almost living at the construction site, you've worked hard."

Chen Jianghai patted Tang Huairen on the shoulder and said.

Tang Huairen looked at the two gratefully, and quickly replied: "Mr. Chen, you trust me so much, I must do things well and never fail."

"Well, well said.

I also have a word for you, as long as you pay for our Qiuhai, you will get the rewards you deserve! "

Chen Jianghai said with a smile.

"Mr. Chen, I know this!"

Tang Huairen nodded in response.

Jin and Tong were rewarded with a car and a house this time. Everyone in Qiuhai now knows that.

Such a generous reward makes everyone envious.

At the same time of envy, everyone has the same idea in their hearts, that is, they have to work hard, and maybe they will be rewarded.

"Okay, let's go in and have a look. By the way, let's talk about the progress of the project."

Chen Jianghai pointed to the front and said.

"President Chen, Mi Qiu, and the two managers, please put on your helmet first."

Wu Hongcai held three helmets and handed them over with a smile.

Chen Jianghai nodded: "Okay, safety on the construction site comes first, I must implement this."

"Mr. Chen, rest We have all these labor insurance tools, and we can only start work under the premise of ensuring safety."

"Well, that's a good job."

Chen Jianghai is naturally not stingy with praise.

Hearing Chen Jianghai say this, Tang Huairen and Wu Hongcai were even more happy.

"Mr. Chen, go this way, be careful with your steps."

At this time, the foundation of Qiuhai Building has basically been completed.

I saw that the construction site was full of various building materials, and the workers were also busy, and the scene was in full swing.

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