Rebirth: Back To 1991 As the Richest Man

Chapter 573: What should I do?

Chapter 573 What should I do?

"Yes, Mr. Duan, long time no see."

Chen Jianghai shook hands and said.

"Mr. Chen, I didn't expect you to come. Fortunately, I didn't reject Director Ruan's invitation."

Duan Yong followed suit.

"Haha, President Duan, this is our destiny."

Chen Jianghai waved his hand and said.

"By the way, Mr. Chen, you don't know many people here, do you, or may I introduce you?

Here are all Gan merchants, and there may be opportunities for cooperation in the future. "

Duan Yong followed and pointed to the crowd and said,

"Okay, I can't ask for it!"

Afterwards, Chen Jianghai followed Duan Yongping and met several bigwigs in previous lives.

Among them, Wang Wencai and Du Weide are naturally the ones Chen Jianghai wants to make friends with the most.

The former is a UF, and the latter is called the king of vaccines.

Knowing these people, Chen Jianghai's circle can be said to have expanded a lot.

It stands to reason that in terms of Chen Jianghai's current identity, he should not know so few people.

The key is that Chen Jianghai's rise is too fast, and he has no time to make other connections.

Moreover, Qiuhai's products, except for a small number of OEMs, are basically produced by themselves.

In this way, Chen Jianghai will not be restricted by anyone.

Similarly, when Chen Jianghai has no shortage of partners, he has no chance to contact these people.

One more point, that is, Chen Jianghai's current worth is much higher than that of everyone present.

Speaking of which, it was only natural that Chen Jianghai came to meet them.

But if they went to the door to find Chen Jianghai in person, they would be somewhat flattered.

It is precisely because of this situation that Chen Jianghai's circle of friends has not expanded.

Today is just a good opportunity for Chen Jianghai to meet a lot of people.

Seeing Chen Jianghai chatting there, Zhong Mingtian's face was full of sneers.

"Chen Jianghai, I'll let you chat for two more days, and you'll look good after the new year."

Zhong Mingtian whispered in his heart.

When I came here today, Zhong Mingtian came to Chen Jianghai.

Isn't Chen Jianghai going to be on TV?

Zhong Mingtian has prepared a big gift for him.

After everyone chatted for a while, Ruan Guangming walked in, clapped his hands and said, "Everyone, please take your seats! The show is about to start."

Chen Jianghai naturally raised his hand and said, "Everyone, please!"

"Mr. Chen, please!"

Soon, the show started, and many people standing in front of the TV were waiting for Chen Jianghai to appear.

After the sale of ps game consoles overseas, Qiuhai has become a star company.

Qiuhai can earn money from the island country and is regarded as a national hero by many people.

As the boss of Qiuhai, everyone is also very concerned about Chen Jianghai.

At the beginning, the host and Ruan Guangming were present to introduce the guests.

When introducing other people, the audience present were very calm, applauding even if it was over.

Chen Jianghai is today's guest, and is naturally the last one to introduce.

"Next, is our special guest on today's show, Mr. Chen Jianghai from Qiuhai Electric."

Hearing the host's voice, Chen Jianghai raised his head and walked out from the backstage calmly.

When he saw Chen Jianghai, he burst into applause.

Just by listening to the voice, you can know how popular Chen Jianghai is.

The other entrepreneurs present had embarrassed smiles on their faces.

It is a blessing to be able to share the stage with Chen Jianghai, but it is also a worrying thing.

It is too obvious that the audience treats this differently.

Zhong Mingtian looked at Chen Jianghai on the stage coldly, with no expression at all.

After introducing the guests, the show officially started.

First of all, it is Ruan Guangming who personally introduced the industry-university-research model, and would like to give everyone some basic information about popular science.

Afterwards, Ruan Guangming invited several local entrepreneurs to express their opinions on the stage.

To everyone's surprise, Chen Jianghai sat there and didn't say anything.

"Why doesn't Mr. Chen speak?"

"Yeah! Just sitting there, what's going on?"

Many people in front of the TV are unhappy. I came to see Chen Jianghai today. What happened when he didn't speak?

Next, the grumpy person made a direct phone call to the TV station.

"What's the matter with you?

Chen Jianghai kept silent there. What kind of show are you running? "

"Hurry up and let President Chen speak!


"What do you TV leaders think?

Is your brain flooded? "

These are considered polite, and many people yelled at them directly on the phone.

The poor operator couldn't think of it, and he was scolded for no reason.

It is really people at work, and the pot comes from the sky.

The operators felt grievances, but they couldn't find anyone to vent, so they could only give the news to the leaders who were watching the live broadcast as soon as possible.

The leaders of the TV station did not expect this to happen, so they could not help but immediately ordered: "Hurry up and inform Xiao Liu, let him advance the part of Mr. Chen's answer to the question!"

"Okay, Director, I'll go now."

"No, I'll go by myself!"

Under the surprised eyes of many employees of the TV station, their director trotted all the way to the outside of the live broadcast room.

"Master, why are you here?"

The staff in the live broadcast room were dumbfounded.

Mr. Chen's charm is too great, right?

"Hurry up and notify Xiao Liu and let him advance the link for Mr. Chen to answer the question."

"Okay, Master."

Seeing the fiery look of the director, the staff did not dare to ask any more questions, and directly notified the host in front of Xiao Liu.

The supporter Xiao Liu was also surprised when he heard the news.

However, as a very experienced host in the stage, Xiao Liu did not panic. He smiled and said a few cutscenes, and then skipped the original link.

Ruan Guangming also received this notice, and couldn't help being a little surprised: Is there a problem there?

"Next, we have the general manager of Qiuhai, Mr. Chen Jianghai!"

Chen Jianghai was stunned for a moment, doesn't he seem to be playing now?

But at this time, Chen Jianghai didn't think too much, and walked to the camera with a smile.

"Mr. Chen, there are a lot of spectators today, all of them are coming for you, do you know?"

Xiao Liu asked with a smile.

Chen Jianghai said modestly: "It's a great honor. In fact, like everyone else, I'm an ordinary person, but I don't have three heads and six arms. I may disappoint everyone."

This funny opening remarks immediately filled the live broadcast room with laughter.

"Mr. Chen, please take a seat, we will start the question-and-answer session next."

Chen Jianghai nodded slightly, then sat beside Ruan Guangming.

"First of all, our audience asked, which one has a problem?"

Soon, a young audience got this chance.

"Mr. Chen, I really want to start a business, but I have no money, what should I do?"

I have to say that most people were stunned when they heard this first question.

What kind of problem is this?

Shouldn't the issue of industry-university-research be raised?

Xiao Liu was also stunned. He was about to stand up and say something, but was preempted by Chen Jianghai.

"First of all I have a question, are you a student or have you come out to work?"

Chen Jianghai asked the young man casually and said, "I'm looking for a job, but I haven't found it.

I want to prove that I can make a lot of money. "

"Then, did you think about this idea when you were dreaming, or did you make up your mind to do it?"

Chen Jianghai smiled slightly.

"I made up my mind that I must start a business, but I have no money."

the young man replied.

Hearing this, many people laughed out loud.

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