Rebirth: Back To 1991 As the Richest Man

Chapter 584: Go all out for the dream in our hearts

Chapter five hundred and eighty fourth go all out to the dream in our hearts

As soon as he took the stage, Jin Zhijiang was the first to speak: "Mr. Chen, we don't care enough about the employees below, it's our fault!"

"Mr. Chen, we must care more about our employees in the future."

Tong Qingxiong and Tang Huairen also followed suit.

After hearing this, Chen Jianghai didn't want to say anything to them, and then explained: "In the aspect of helping the poor and seriously ill employees, we must not be vague, so that they can feel the warmth of the Qiuhai family."

"Yes, President Chen!"

The three responded in unison.

"Peng Xiaofei, on behalf of all Qiuhai employees, thank you for your kindness."

After finishing speaking, Chen Jianghai gave all the things in his hands to the host, and then gave Peng Xiaofei a ninety-degree bow.

Seeing this, Jin Zhijiang and the three quickly followed suit and bowed to Peng Xiaofei directly.

Peng Xiaofei was completely stupid, the big boss actually said thank you to him?

After several seconds, Chen Jianghai got up.

"Peng Xiaofei, thank you."

Chen Jianghai held Peng Xiaofei's and said, thanking him again.

Peng Xiaofei was a little overwhelmed, "Mr. Chen, this...I..."

"We, Qiuhai, are really lucky to have a dedicated employee like you.

When I have time, I will definitely come to visit. Do you have anything else to say? "

Chen Jianghai asked.

Peng Xiaofei quickly shook his head: "Mr. Chen, no more."

"Okay, please go back to your seat first."

Chen Jianghai raised his hand and said.

"Then the money..."

Chen Jianghai said with a smile: "This is your money, Qiuhai will not use employees' money for charity."

There is no doubt about what he said. Seeing this, Peng Xiaofei bowed to Chen Jianghai before stepping down.

"You guys go down first!"

Chen Jianghai turned his head and said.

When the three of Jin Zhijiang went down, Chen Jianghai was left alone on the stage.

He looked around the audience and said with a smile, "I came to Pingshan's New Year's Festival today, and I am really surprised to encounter such a thing."

"But at the same time as I am surprised, I am also very unhappy, because our management is still not doing the job properly!"

"For such a difficult family, the management didn't take care and help in time. It's a bit of inaction for me."

When the three of Jin Zhijiang under the stage heard this, the cold sweat on their foreheads fell directly.

They never thought that Chen Jianghai would take this matter so seriously.

"Employees are the wealth of an enterprise and the cornerstone of an enterprise.

If the basic life of employees is not guaranteed, can they still work here with peace of mind? "

"On this, I would like to give an opinion to the management here.

Regarding families with serious diseases in the factory, we must pay attention and help in time.

Don't think that a fund can solve all problems, care is also indispensable! "

Clap clap clap, the audience burst into warm applause again.

"Peng Xiaofei said just now that he wanted to donate money for that special factory in Qiuhai.

What I want to say is that we Qiuhai will be responsible for this matter to the end. If you spend a penny from your employees, it is Qiuhai's fault! "

The thunderous applause sounded again.

Chen Jianghai had to stop and wait for the applause to subside before continuing to speak.

"Qiuhai set up a major illness fund and work-related injury insurance before, but I now find that these two guarantee funds are not enough. Today, I will add another one here, and that is the poverty-stricken family assistance fund."

The managers in the audience had mixed feelings on their faces when they heard Chen Jianghai say this.

Our President Chen really cares about the staff!

You must know that the entire shares of Qiuhai are basically in the hands of Chen Jianghai, and the money is basically paid by him in the end.

A boss who is willing to spend money on his employees is definitely a good boss.

"Every year in the future, I will take out 1% of Qiuhai's income and put it into this fund.

As long as the family has difficulties and cannot support the elderly and children, they can apply for this fund support! "

1% of Qiuhai's annual income seems to be only 1%, but no one dares to underestimate this 1%.

One percent of one hundred yuan is only one yuan, but one percent of Qiuhai's annual revenue is definitely not a small amount.

Not to mention other things, the sales of DVDs in the past two months alone have exceeded one billion!

Even after removing all necessary expenses such as cost and labor, Qiuhai's net profit is almost 400 million!

One percent of four hundred million is four million.

You must know that this is just a product, and the income of two months is definitely a terrible figure in one year.

Chen Jianghai took out such a large sum of money, which shows that he attaches great importance to employees.

Qiuhai's people don't know how much money Qiuhai can make in a year, but they know that Qiuhai can make a lot of money now.

These data can be seen from the monthly sales.

Chen Jianghai donated so much money at once, but the boss didn't say a word at all.

The applause resounded throughout the audience, and the employees were really fortunate to be able to work in Qiuhai.

Work-related injuries, major diseases, and now a poverty fund is added, and Qiuhai's welfare system is very powerful.

It is no exaggeration to say that as long as you can enter Qiuhai now and keep working, you will definitely not have to worry about the rest of your life.

After the applause was a little smaller, Chen Jianghai continued: "Originally, I would sing a song at the end today.

Now I want to give this song to Peng Xiaofei and all of us Qiuhai people in advance! "

Jin Zhijiang and others did not expect that Chen Jianghai would suddenly advance the show.

But then they understood and admired Chen Jianghai very much.

Originally, this song by Chen Jianghai was sung at the back, at most to bring some surprises to this annual meeting.

But if you sing it now, then its meaning is different.

Now Jin Zhijiang and the others are only worried about whether Chen Jianghai's song can achieve this effect?

Hearing that Chen Jianghai was going to sing, everyone in the audience was very curious, what song is Mr. Chen going to sing?

After waiting for a long time, everyone has not heard the prelude.

Just when everyone was wondering, Chen Jianghai's voice rang in the venue.

"In my heart, there was a dream that I would use singing to make you forget all the pain..."

Chen Jianghai's first sentence immediately amazed everyone.

The people present never thought that the big boss could sing so well.

"Hey, what song is this?

Have you heard of it? "

"I haven't heard of it. Did it come from Hong Kong and Taiwan?"

"I've never heard this song, but it's pretty good."

"The more you listen, the better it sounds. I must find this song!"

The audience was excited, and the reporters were even more excited.

They never imagined that Chen Jianghai would perform on stage in person tonight!

"Record it all for me! You can't miss a single You know?"

"It must be recorded! I have a hunch that this song will be popular!"

"Grasp every minute of our life and go all out for the dream in our hearts..."

Chen Jianghai raised his fist and waved while singing.

Seeing this, many people stood up one after another, waving their hands in agreement.

This song is used here, it is too appropriate.

Jin Zhijiang and several people were also stunned. This song, in terms of lyrics and connotation, seems to be tailor-made for what happened just now.

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