Rebirth: Back To 1991 As the Richest Man

Chapter 586: Ruixue Mega Year

Chapter Five Hundred and Eighty Sixth Rui Xue Auspicious Year

At twelve o'clock at noon, pots and pans of steaming meals were all served.

There are more people this year, so there are three tables, two for adults and one for children.

Chen Liye sat in the first place with a smile, watching the group of people chattering below, the smile on his face did not stop.

Lin Jianguo, who was sitting beside Chen Liye, seemed to have a hint of embarrassment on his face.

"My dear, did you sleep well last night?"

Chen Liye also saw it and greeted politely while pouring wine.

Lin Jianguo said quickly: "Okay, so many people celebrate the New Year together, I was so happy that I almost fell asleep at night!"

Hearing the conversation between the two, the whole dining table burst into laughter.

Chen Jianghai stood up with a glass of wine in his hand: "Today is New Year's Eve, and our family can be reunited together. I propose, let's have a drink first!"

Hearing Chen Jianghai say this, everyone stood up one after another.

"Come on, cheers!"


At the dinner table, everyone was staggering, and it was very lively.

The children were all sitting at the dining table at this time, and their mouths were full of oil.

The adults were beaming with joy, and the children were playing around. Seeing this happy scene, Chen Jianghai was stunned for a while, and his eyes were slightly moist.

The previous generation's New Year's Eve was spent by himself.

Every time I get drunk and full of endless regrets.

Now that he can celebrate the New Year with Wanqiu, his parents, his mother-in-law, and his relatives, he is extremely satisfied and happy.

Chen Jianghai said secretly: No matter what happens in the future, you must be with your family during the New Year!

"Jiang Hai, why are you in a daze?"

Lin Wanqiu next to him gently pushed Chen Jianghai.

Chen Jianghai smiled slightly, put his arms around Lin Wanqiu and said, "I'm happy to see so many people celebrating the New Year together."

"Wan Qiu, we will be like this every year from now on, and we will be together forever, okay?"

"Look at how stupid you are."

Lin Wanqiu couldn't help but let out a sweet smile.


At this moment, someone outside shouted.

A group of children hula all at once and ran out.

"It's snowing! Go out and see!"

Chen Liye stood up and said happily.

Hearing Chen Liye say this, everyone went outside.

When Chen Jianghai walked to the door, he saw pure white snowflakes like cotton wool floating in the sky.

Linghai belongs to the south, and if you want to see snow, it is only during the Chinese New Year.

The snow here is different from that in the north. In the north, you can see the inside and outside of the Great Wall, but there is nothing but mang.

Here in the south, there is less pride and a little more gentle delicacy, just like a big girl with yellow flowers in a waiting room, with a bit of shyness.

"Play well, play well, it's the so-called Ruixue Zhao Fengnian!"

Chen Liye couldn't help but sigh.

"That's right! It seems to have a good harvest this year!"

Chen Congjun also responded with a smile.

At this time, everyone in the village was standing outside the house, watching the snow fall from the sky.

After watching for a while, everyone returned to the dinner table, and the mood seemed to be better.

This can be seen from the frequency of men's toasting.

This meal lasted until more than three o'clock in the afternoon.

In Linghai's custom, in addition to stir-frying green vegetables in the evening, all they eat are the leftovers at noon.

There is a moral here, more than every year.

However, there were too many people today, and there was not much food left, so I made another meal.

After dinner, the whole family sat happily in the living room, waiting for the start of the Spring Festival Gala.

Although there is a DVD at home, you can watch the videos of Hong Kong Island, but for everyone, there is no Spring Festival Gala that is more attractive.

Chen Jianghai sat on the sofa with Huanhuan in his arms, and his heart became very calm.

Home is always a place where people can forget their troubles.

Small children crowd around the coffee table, their goal is the various snacks on it.

Seeing the children take a candy, a biscuit or something from time to time, the second aunt Qian Xiuyun couldn't hold back for a while: "It's okay, don't eat it, you guys are not full yet!"

The children immediately turned their attention to Chen Jianghai for help.

Who has status in this family, who speaks and speaks, but children can see it clearly.

Chen Jianghai smiled and said, "Second aunt, let them eat more during the Chinese New Year, it's alright!"

"Thank you for your cousin."

Qian Xiuyun nodded and said.

"Thank you cousin!"

While shouting, the children quickly stretched out their hands and pulled them up.

Cousin here is really delicious!

Chen Jianghai followed and said: "You guys have eaten candy, remember to brush your teeth at night, otherwise you will get cavities."

"I know cousin!"

"Cousin, I must brush my teeth!"

At this time, the third aunt Liu Hongmei next to her shouted excitedly: "The Spring Festival Gala has begun, it has begun!"

The family's attention turned to the TV.

The familiar voices of Mr. Zhao Zhongxiang and Mr. Ni Ping came from the TV, and the occasional chatter and nibbling of melon seeds from the audience made Chen Jianghai feel that there are only two words, true.

The occasional laughter made Chen Jianghai laugh subconsciously.

The sound of firecrackers coming from outside is a bit noisy.

However, Chen Jianghai believes that it is this kind of noise that makes it more grounded.

The big city in the previous life was full of steel and cement. People who were busy every day had no time to do other things.

Even when it's New Year's Eve, I don't have any interest in making good preparations.

Perhaps it is because of this that the taste of the year will disappear bit by bit.

"Jiang Hai, this year's New Year is really lively!"

Lin Wanqiu's tone was full of happiness.

Chen Jianghai put his arms around Lin Wanqiu and said, "The Chinese New Year will be so lively in the future."


Lin Wanqiu nodded and snuggled into Chen Jianghai's arms.

Chen Jianghai smiled slightly, but said nothing.

What he wants to do most at this time is to feel the atmosphere of this New Year, which is extraordinarily warm and true.

At the same time, the headline of Xijiang Daily attracted the attention of many people.

Most of the media in Xijiang Daily, Pingshan and Linghai reported on Qiuhai's annual meeting.

The first thing that surprised everyone was that the program of the Qiuhai Annual Meeting was very novel.

Even the gala of some local stations is nothing more than that.

The second is Peng Xiaofei, an employee of Qiuhai, who has entered the attention of many people.

Many people don't understand why a person in difficult family still thinks about donating money?

After reading the they finally understood what was going on.

After all, Qiuhai pulled Peng Xiaofei a hand on the most difficult thing, and he wanted to repay him.

One of the most concerning is the poverty mutual aid fund launched by Qiuhai boss Chen Jianghai and the initiative to sing a song.

You must know that before this, Qiuhai's employee benefits are already very rich.

This is not self-proclaimed by Qiu Hai, but has been affirmed by many people.

After hearing about Qiuhai's benefits, many people envy the workers who enter Qiuhai.

Now that such a poverty mutual aid fund has been launched, Qiuhai's workers really don't have to worry about anything at home.

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