Rebirth: Back To 1991 As the Richest Man

Chapter 593: 1 thorn in the heart

Chapter five hundred and ninety third a thorn in the heart

At this moment, Ariel was very frightened and anxious.

She originally planned to leave Linghai the day before yesterday, and then go away incognito.

But she didn't expect that as soon as she arrived at the station, she was taken away by several people.

These people said nothing but sent her to a house.

She serves food and drinks every day, but doesn't talk to her.

This made her feel particularly uneasy, thinking wildly every day, and couldn't sleep at night.

Suddenly, the door creaked open.

Seeing the person walking in, Ling Yichen's bloodshot eyes widened.

She never expected to see this man here: Chen Jianghai, the boss of Qiuhai.


Is it surprising? "

Chen Jianghai glanced at the other party and said lightly.

Ling Yichen was no longer afraid at this time, she cheered up and said, "I didn't expect that the person who caught me was the dignified President Chen, so you are not a decent gentleman!"

After listening to Ling Yichen's words, Chen Jianghai couldn't help grinning: "Are you calling a thief to catch a thief?

Shall I send you to the police station? "

"I-I don't know what you're talking about."

Ling Yichen suddenly froze.

"Why, are you forgetful? Do you want me to remind you that you stole the design drawings of Qiuhai R&D Center?"

Chen Jianghai said slowly.

After hearing this, Ling Yichen's face changed slightly, and soon returned to normal: "Mr. Chen, do you have any evidence?"

Chen Jianghai shook his head: "When it comes to evidence, there really isn't any."

"Then why did you arrest me?"

Ling Yichen asked immediately.

"Then what evidence do you have that I arrested you?"

Chen Jianghai said calmly.

Seeing this, Ariel knew that she was now a fish on the chopping block, and she was not qualified to refute at all.

Thinking of this, she stopped talking, as if she wanted to fight with silence.

Chen Jianghai didn't care, he stared at Ariel for a while, and then he said: "You look really good, no wonder Zhao Changgui is very interested in you."

Hearing Zhao Changgui's name, Ling Yichen, who had been silent, suddenly changed his face.

"This matter has nothing to do with Changgui, don't wrong a good person."

Seeing Ariel's reaction, Chen Jianghai murmured: Does she really like Changgui?

Although it was strange in his heart, he said with a very indifferent expression: "Hmph, he brought a wolf into the room this time, causing Qiu Hai to suffer heavy losses, do you still want to escape?"

"You...what do you want to do?"

Ling Yichen suddenly became nervous.

Chen Jianghai also wanted to know Ariel Ling's attitude and how far she was towards Zhao Changgui.

"He must have received benefits, so he deliberately released water. I will hold him responsible for leaking secrets and send him to jail."

Chen Jianghai said fiercely.

"You bullshit, he didn't collect money, I did all this, and it has nothing to do with him!"

Ling Yichen suddenly shouted excitedly.

"Hey, you said it's okay to be okay?

Can I trust you? "

Chen Jianghai said unceremoniously.

Ling Yichen was in a hurry, she didn't want Zhao Changgui to suffer together.

Although she didn't spend much time together, she knew that Zhao Changgui was a good person. If she hadn't started doing wrong things, she would have wanted to stay with each other for the rest of her life.

"I... I can tell you the mastermind behind the scenes, this matter really has nothing to do with Chang Gui, he doesn't know anything."

Ling Yichen said loudly.

Chen Jianghai pondered for a moment: "It depends on what you said, whether it is true or not."

Next, Ariel Ling told Chen Jianghai the whole story.

What she said was based on Chen Jianghai's investigation, and there was not much discrepancy, and it was basically the truth.

"Did he really not betray me?"

Chen Jianghai said with some doubts.

"No, no, he really doesn't know anything. If you want to settle accounts, find me."

Ling Yichen responded immediately.

"But I can't keep him anymore. Anyway, this matter has nothing to do with him."

"I've already told you everything I know, what else do you want?"

Ariel was nervous again.

"Do you still care about other people now?

Think about yourself! "

After speaking, Chen Jianghai turned around and left.

Ling Yichen just wanted to catch up, but the door slammed shut, trapping her in this small room.

At this time, Ariel was very regretful, she didn't want Zhao Changgui to be implicated because of this incident.

Without him, Zhao Changgui would definitely have a very good life for the rest of his life.

Now it's all because of her that Zhao Changgui's life has been ruined.

Thinking of this, Ling Yichen lay directly on the bed, covered her head with the quilt, and began to cry.

Chen Jianghai walked out of the room with a smile on his face, and muttered: "I didn't see it, Chang Gui is a fool who can capture a woman's heart!"


In mid-February, Chen Jianghai received an invitation from Feng Zongxian.

Tonight was a banquet held at a state-run hotel.

The content of the banquet is very simple, then celebrate the establishment of a city in Linghai.

At this time, Feng Zongxian's promotion order arrived, and this matter was settled.

Feng Zongxian naturally will not forget to invite Chen Jianghai, a great hero.

Chen Jianghai readily agreed and told Feng Zongxian that he would be there on time in the evening.

"Parents, Wanqiu, I have something to do at night, so I won't eat at home."

When going out, Chen Jianghai said to Lin Wanqiu.

Lin Wanqiu asked, "Why, is there an entertainment?"

"Well, Brother Feng asked me to come over. We in Linghai have officially withdrawn from the county and established a city."

Chen Jianghai said with a smile.

Now that this matter is settled, there is no need to hide it from them.


Chen Liye seemed very excited, "Linghai is going to become a market?"

"Yeah, Dad."

Chen Jianghai nodded.

"That's really a good thing."

Chen Liye said eagerly.

"My dear, let's have two drinks tonight!"

"Okay, your proposal is good!"

Seeing Chen Liye and Lin Jianguo like this, the corners of Chen Jianghai's mouth twitched, the two old men were looking for a chance to drink!

"Wan Qiu, I'll go to Qiuhai first."

"Okay, slow down on the road."

Seeing Chen Jianghai go out, Lin Wanqiu had a hint of worry on her face.

Yesterday, Lin Wanqing called her. After chatting, she euphemistically mentioned a lot about the women around Chen Jianghai.

This matter is now a thorn in Lin Wanqiu's heart.

She didn't know how to tell Chen Jianghai these and could only keep it in her heart.

At this time, Lin Wanqiu felt very confused, and felt that the gap between him and Chen Jianghai was getting bigger and bigger.

The bigger the gap, the less words there are between two people.

Lin Wanqiu felt that there seemed to be no other topic of conversation between the two recently except Huanhuan.

She couldn't help but remember that she had had a fight with Chen Jianghai before, for the same thing.

So what should we do?

After thinking about it for a long time, Lin Wanqiu made a decision, no longer waiting, and go to school!

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