Jiang Zhiyu did not refuse, but his face turned even redder.


[191] People who have girlfriends take advantage of military training [ask for self-determination]

Send Jiang Zhiyu back to the dormitory first, and Tang Jinyan went back to his dormitory to sit for a while, and basically the class meeting will start at night.

Time is up.

This class will be pretty good.

In fact, the students get to know each other, and the teacher determines the status of his class teacher.

Wang Fugang did not carry out the election of cadres in the cadre class.

I don't know if it's because he doesn't have enough experience or because he feels that his classmates are not familiar with each other, so he didn't make a decision in advance.

It has nothing to do with Tang Jinyan

After the class meeting, Tang Jinyan planned to find Jiang Zhiyu, and the two of them strolled around and played at Beijing University.

I heard that the small lake behind the school is the favorite place for couples at Beijing University.

Tang Jinyan also wanted to see the love child of Beijing University,

But when he was about to go out, he was called by Wang Fugang.

Wang Fugang and Tang Jinyan talked about something in the east and west, and never said what Tang Jinyan wanted to do when he stayed

But Tang Jinyan felt it.

Looking at Wang Fugang like this, it seems that Ping wants him to be the monitor

Without thinking about it, Tang Jinyan refused directly.

What a joke, he is too busy with his own business now, and he is carrying the title of MBA class lecturer on his back

Where do you have the time to be this squad leader?

13 Not to mention anything else, the squad leader in the freshman year is definitely very busy.

Although this position is very useful for Tang Jinyan's network accumulation

But Tang Jinyan is really a bit of a doppelganger

Before he explained his intention, Tang Jinyan rejected him.

Wang Fugang is also somewhat resentful, but in his eyes, Tang Jinyan is really the most suitable one

Experienced and calm

If nothing else, these two points alone are a lot better than the other students in the class.

But Tang Jinyan didn't mean it, Wang Fugang couldn't force anything.

Wang Fugang, who knows how to advance and retreat, naturally won't force anything at this time, and he will clean up after saying a few scenes.

west left

Three days after the class meeting are free

It is left to the freshmen to get acquainted with the campus

There will be military training in three days.

And Tang Jinyan spent the past three days running outside for three days.

To solve the problem of buying a house outside, Tang Jinyan bought a set of more than [-] square meters near Beijing University.

Mainly because this high-end community has just been developed after Beijing University.

Elevators, floor heating, etc. are all equipped

And the house is simply decorated, you only need to add some household appliances and so on to be able to move in normally.

After spending more than one million yuan on Tang Jinyan, Tang Jinyan transferred another one hundred thousand yuan to Jiang Zhiyu's account and asked her to purchase

some household appliances or something.

Then Tang Jinyan took Duan Shiyu and started talking about house acquisition with several real estate developers who had been in contact with them before.


The Internet company and HannStar in the magic capital have their own office buildings and factories.

Naturally, this side of the capital cannot fall.

But it's a bit slow to start building directly, not to mention that he doesn't have many people in the capital now.

people who can use it.

Therefore, Tang Jinyan can only buy the building first, and then go to recruit staff

A seventeen-story building plus a [-]-acre industrial land in the suburbs

It took Yong Jinyan nearly two hundred million funds.

Not to mention anything else, with such a large handwriting, at this stage, there are really few people in the country who can play the game.

Even the top domestic real estate companies at this stage

When developing real estate, it also relies on bank loans.

However, at this stage, the property price is not high, and the bank loan interest is high.

In fact, real estate companies do not make money

If you want to wait until the market value of these real estate companies blows out, you still have to wait until the real estate industry of the Celestial Dynasty opens two thousand years later.

rapid development

It took three days to finalize the office location, and Tang Jinyan was still quite satisfied.

The rest is a matter of recruiting.

This can't be rushed, Tang Jinyan asked Duan Shiyu to find a way to build a real estate company first

As for computer processing enterprises, this involves more things, such as plant construction, production line purchase, and personnel recruitment.

Connect with training and sales channels, and you will not be in a hurry for a while.

We can only wait for Tang Jinyan's military training to end before looking for suitable talents.

As for the house he bought before, Tang Jinyan also took the time to take a look

Although Jiang Zhiyu said that he would not move in with Tang Jinyan

But when Tang Jinyan arrived, Jiang Zhiyu had already prepared everything

I've been wiping the appliances with a sheepskin in my hand

It seems that he is running this house as his own little rich, which is also a good start.

If nothing else, as long as Jiang Zhiyu does not reject this house, then Tang Jinyan will have a way to let Jiang Zhiyu move in.

While all the freshmen were looking forward to it, the seniors and sisters of the sophomores and juniors were waiting to watch the show.

The military training is finally here.

In the dormitory, Wang Sai, who has been selected as the squad leader, chatted with everyone in the dormitory excitedly.

Within three days, Wang Fugang naturally wanted to elect temporary class cadres, and Wang Xin was a native of Beijing.

In addition, he has a straightforward temperament. During the competition, he said that if he has any questions in the capital, he can come to him, and then win

majority vote

"Hey, I heard that there was a chance to touch a gun during military training, I don't know if it's true or not?

For dry boys, although most of them will not go to join the army in a hurry, but for firearms

still love it

There's nothing wrong with saying that every boy is a military fan at heart

"Of course, I asked the previous seniors, and they said that there will be a beater training near the end of the military training.

"Everyone can shoot ten bullets

Liu Chao also echoed

"I've been to a shooting club before, but that place was full of blanks, so it wasn't interesting

"The thought of having the opportunity to live ammunition in the future makes me a little excited.

Tang Jinyan listened to their chat, but still looked down at the talent information provided by the headhunter sent by Duan Shiyu

The military training of the Celestial Dynasty has roughly gone through three stages.

In the first stage, the instructors of military training are real soldiers, and all training items are also in accordance with the requirements of the army

Come, at that time the market for military training was about three months.

And after these three months, the college students who have been trained are considered to be barely qualified recruits.

In the second stage, the instructors of the military training did not change, but the training cost was reduced a lot.

The length has also changed from three months to one month.

In the third stage, the instructors of military training became retired soldiers from some places, let alone live ammunition.

There is no chance to even touch the gun. The military training at this time is actually the formation and pace of the continuous formation.

It's purely for the sake of looking good in the final military training show.

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