How much lower than Dean Zhao,

It is precisely because of this that after seeing the leave slip in Tang Jinyan's hand

The other party is not as Tang Jinyan imagined

Bai Jie approved the fake

Instead, he glanced at the leave application and ignored it.

Turning his attention to Tang Jinyan,

"What do you want to do when you go out, girl?

The chief instructor waved his hand and let the instructor who brought Tang Jinyan in go out.

"My company has a problem that I need to solve in person.

"I have already reported this matter to Dean Uncle in advance, and obtained the permission of Dean Zhao.

Majesty is straight, but Tang Jinyan is not stage fright

The chief instructor is not enough to make Tang Jinyan timid.


"What company do you have as a child?

"You don't want to run halfway, do you?

"Let me tell you, you may not attach great importance to military training, but quitting halfway is no different from escaping!

At any time, as long as the word deserter is mentioned, it is a huge hat

Tang Jinyan's face sank when he heard this.

"I'm asking for leave (well, okay), and for a reason.

"What's more, because of the heavy rain, military training has been stopped, and everyone is resting.

"If you question the reason for my leave, you can call President Zhao for confirmation.

"Besides, I'm not a pickpocket!

Tang Jinyan looked coldly at the chief instructor in front of him

The chief instructor also looked at Tang Jinyan and seemed to want to say something, but before the words came out, the phone on the table suddenly rang.

Then it rang out.

The chief instructor ignored Tang Jinyan and answered the phone in the past.

But the next moment, his face changed suddenly.

"Pharaoh, the people you brought with you are still there, right?"

"Now, immediately take everyone to Shishui Village, which is [-] kilometers away from you, to talk about emergency rescue and disaster relief!

The voice on the phone is urgent

And it's loud.

Even Tang Jinyan, who was not far away, heard it straight.

His face changed in the morning.

This torrential rain has brought many problems!

[193] Disregard for loss under circumstances

For a village in a remote mountainous area.

A torrential rain, in a way, almost a disaster,

It has been raining heavily since last night, and finally caused a mudslide

Tang Jinyan said that the place they chose for military training was far from the city, but fortunately this place was flat, otherwise it would

It cannot accommodate so many students for military training at the same time.

But it's different elsewhere

Going further in is the mountains.

It's not uncommon for torrential rain to trigger mudslides or something like that

Before buying disaster, it has nothing to do with economic development

Very common even twenty years later

In the last life, Tang Jinyan had never seen a mudslide, nor had he heard of a mudslide near the capital on the news.


No recognition result

Only mudslides and Surabaya village in mind

Just heard what was said on the phone, the fastest support takes two hours to arrive?

In other words, at this stage, the only forces that can rush to Sishui Village to support are the chief instructor and his subordinates.

fifty people?

Tang Jinyan does not deny the four words that man will conquer the sky,

But if the debris flow really blocks the road, not to mention other, whether even the rescue can get in is another matter.

After the chief instructor finished shouting, he ran downstairs directly.

Then Tang Jinyan saw everyone who was resting in the dormitory.

The instructors rushed out of the dormitory in the heavy rain.

Ten seconds or twenty seconds.

Tang Jinyan didn't count it carefully, but the instructors in camouflage uniforms were already standing neatly.

"Urgent task!

"Due to the mudslide caused by the rainstorm, the village of Sishui, [-] kilometers away from us to the southeast, has been blocked by the mudslide.

village (bdeh)

"Only us are the closest, and the fastest support takes two hours.

"We need to get to the Sprinkling Village as quickly as possible for emergency rescue and disaster relief!

"All have

"Twenty-kilometer rapid march! Destination, Surabaya Village!

"Set off!


A deafening sound rang out

Tang Jinyan was instantly full of goosebumps,

"All in one, turn right! Run!

"Erlian has all of them, turn right! Run!

From receiving the call, to the emergency gathering of everyone, and then to departure, Tang Jinyan is very sure that the total time spent is absolutely

no more than two minutes.

When Tang Jinyan came back to his senses, the instructors on the playground, the people in front of them had already left the factory gate.

The chief instructor stood on the playground, drenched in torrential rain, and the voice rang again.

"All students, the head of the class, listen to the order!

"As the chief instructor, I order you to appease the students in your respective classes, not to move around at will, and to stay in the dormitory.


It seems to have been infected by this scene, and a few beeps sounded upstairs.

However, the sound was somewhat not loud enough, and was covered up by the sound of the rainstorm.

After the chief instructor finished speaking, he didn't stop any longer, turned around and chased after the large army.

It suddenly became quiet, and there was only the sound of rainstorm hitting the roof and hitting the ground.

Tang Jinyan took a deep breath, took out his mobile phone and called Duan Shiyu.

"Hello? Boss, I'm almost there, can you ask for leave?

Duan Shiyu's voice rang out

"No time off.

Tang Jinyan's mouth has a bit of a wry smile

"Ah? Why?

Duan Shiyu wondered

Tang Jinyan didn't explain Duan Shiyu's doubts, and asked directly: "The real estate we are about to acquire

How many construction teams does the company have in total?

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