More than ten excavators came directly at one time, and four trucks of relief materials were sent

Not only that, the bosses of the other three companies also rushed over together.

One of them had a strong smell of alcohol on his body, and it seemed that he was rushed over from the wine field temporarily.

Tang Jinyan didn't care

Tang Jinyan is not qualified to control what the other party does, but being able to rush over at such a time is at least enough.


Of course, to a large extent it may be because Tang Jinyan offered a high price

Tang Jinyan was not ambiguous, and simply signed the acquisition agreement with the three bosses who arrived later.

Including the [-] million of the previous one, the acquisition of these four companies cost Tang Jinyan a total of [-] million

Take over a bunch of excavators and trucks, as well as a lot of land under the names of these four companies

Some are half-developed and some are not yet developed

According to the current situation, Tang Jinyan is a small loss

But who made him rich?

Millions of losses are nothing to Gan Tang Jinyan

What's more, if nothing else, just the land in his hands, he doesn't need to do anything, wait ten years.

It's enough to make the [-] million he spends now become [-] billion!

That's what makes money

It's these real estate bosses who are eager to start their own company.

If you don't make a move now, in ten years, when the price of land rises, almost everyone will be


With the addition of new support, rescue work is suddenly a lot easier

When it was getting late, everyone was basically rescued by (Wang's)

It's just that a few people are either not found or have been confirmed dead.

It's impossible

Although Tang Jinyan's rescue came fast enough

But in the face of continuous torrential rain, plus the disaster came too fast

Everyone did their best

At this time, it is time for Duan Shiyu to show her super high comprehensive talent attributes.

Nearly [-] survivors are in good order under the command of Duan Shiyu

The one who should get food and water, the one who should help set up the tent, help set up the tent

But in the afternoon, Duan Shiyu came with a short-haired child.

covered with a small blanket

A pair of big eyes, but they are full of tears

The first time after seeing Tang Jinyan, he immediately knelt down,

And then wept directly,

"Brother, can you save my parents.

"I can't find them."

[198] Xiaoluoli [please make a decision]

Tang Jinyan didn't know how to explain to the little girl who cried until she lost her voice

But he was sure he did his best.

No one can find it

A mudslide spread along the river for nearly ten kilometers

This is not something that can be searched by manpower in a short period of time, although Tang Jinyan has already called many people to find it.

Natural disasters are often accompanied by man-made disasters

But no one thought that this man-made disaster would come to this little girl who looked only three years old.

Night has come.

The roar of a diesel engine sheds light on the makeshift shelter.

It also allows everyone to drink a sip of hot water and eat a hot meal after being soaked in large water for a day.

In the afternoon, the government rescue camera has already arrived.

At that time, the rescue work in the early stage was basically over.

Thanks to the machinery and materials supported by Tang Jinyan.

The disaster situation has been clearly controlled.

This was a good thing, but someone got hurt because of it

The houses and farmland of all residents were basically destroyed by this mudslide

A few people whose family members have not been able to find it even slumped on the ground and started crying.

When Tang Jinyan came back, the little girl was too tired to cry, and was comforted by Duan Shiyu and fell asleep.

Seeing Tang Jinyan's head poking in outside the tent, Duan Shiyu made a noise gesture

Then got up and came out,

The two went to another tent

"Has anyone been found?

Although Shi Yu guessed something when she saw Tang Jin's 460 words

But still asked

Tang Jinyan only saw the scene where the little girl knelt on the ground and begged him to help find someone.

But Duan Shiyu stayed with the little girl all afternoon, until now

It's a lie to say you don't feel bad

Duan Shiyu also looked forward to Tang Jinyan being able to rescue the little girl's parents

But the truth is not always as expected

Tang Jinyan didn't speak, just shook his head


There was only a sigh left inside the tent

Eyes spent the night in the tent.

The phone was soaked in water while saving people

But I have to say that Nokia's workmanship at this time is really nothing to say

When Tang Jinyan was soaked all over, the phone was nothing at all.

He called Jiang Zhiyu, who was still in the military training ground, and said that he was still in the city.

After talking about things all afternoon, I didn't pay attention to answering the phone,

It was a small lie.

But as for whether Jiang Zhiyu believes it or not, Tang Jinyan doesn't know, and now he doesn't have the energy to care about these things.

After eating a bowl of instant noodles brought by Duan Shiyu, Tang Jinyan fell asleep.

I was already very tired from the previous military training, and my energy was basically under the condition of being lured into support.

Today is a busy day, running in muddy water for a day, which is more tiring than military training.

I don't even think about changing clothes

Just fell asleep in clothes full of muddy ideas

Duan Shiyu came over to take a look, and then covered Tang Jinyan with a hand.

But the result is obvious

Sleeping in wet clothes, it is impossible not to catch a cold

The next morning, Tang Jinyan only felt dizzy

After taking the cold medicine, there was no improvement, and Duan Shiyu forced him to send him to the urban hospital.

After hanging up the emergency department, I did several tests and said it was a viral cold.

It's not a big problem, it's just that Tang Jinyan may be in a bad mood for a few days.

It's true

Without Tang Jinyan asking Duan Shiyu to inform anyone, he lay in the hospital alone for three whole days

Headache, cough and runny nose all the time

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