Rebirth: Business Queen

Chapter 532: Mrs. Sheriff (3)

Xi Hongan knew that it was impossible now, and Xiao Yao was now the only life-saving straw he caught. Moreover, even if he didn't believe in Xiao Yao, he would still believe in Tong Wenhua. He also heard Xiao Yao's call to Tong Junshan just now. Tong Junshan said that her medical skills were higher than Tong Wenhua's. That must be Tong Wenhua's acquiescence. Otherwise, Tong Junshan would dare to talk nonsense about the matter of human life.

Xiao Yao and Leng Changrui changed into sterile clothes and entered the operating room. All the nurses and assistants inside were called out by Dean Zhao.

Now they can only wait as anxiously as Xi Hongan.

For brain cancer, it is said in "Simple Questions and Odd Diseases": "The brain is the main source of the marrow, and the brain is reversed so it causes headaches. In the understanding of brain tumors in traditional Chinese medicine, the etiology and pathogenesis of tumors are mainly due to 'has been established, Qi is returned, body fluid is retained, and evil energy is trapped in it, condensed fields are easy to become, and even live together!' Caused. Brain tumors are visible swellings in the brain, which belong to 'Zhengjia!', 'accumulation!' In a word, brain tumor is a disease of the sea of ​​marrow, which is mostly caused by pathogenic phlegm and dampness condensed in the brain, intracranial qi stagnation and blood stasis, increased intracranial pressure, blocked veins, heat and wind, and wind and fire. It can also damage yin and body fluid, resulting in deficiency of liver and kidney, depletion of body fluid, accumulation of evil toxins, and the accumulation of pathogenic toxins, and these many pathogenic mechanisms can interact with each other. It will not be relieved for a long time, and it will become a solid disease."

Mi Mengru's encephalopathy is caused by the accumulation of phlegm and dampness in the brain, intracranial qi stagnation and blood stasis, increased intracranial pressure, and blocked collaterals. Therefore, Xiao Yao wanted to open the veins in Mi Mengru's brain, so that the blood stasis in the skull could be removed and faded.

The brain veins are very delicate, and even the most authoritative brain experts in the world would not dare to perform such an operation. One is that it is difficult to find this context, the other is that the tools needed for the operation cannot be created at all, and the third is that even if this kind of operation can be performed, if one is not careful, it will cause massive intracranial hemorrhage, and the patient may die on the spot. So, I didn't dare to do this kind of surgery.

However, Xiao Yao dared to perform this kind of operation. One is that she has supernatural powers and can easily find the veins in the brain. The other is that she has a full set of brain surgery tools. Finally, she has a young age. In addition to maintaining a person's life, the transformed evil spirit has another function of removing impurities. It is to absorb those unnecessary things in the brain, and after finishing it, Xiao Sui can take back these evil spirits.

Therefore, with Xiao Yao's internal and external support, plus his own medical skills, this kind of operation is very simple.

Xiao Yao put dozens of large needles on Mi Mengru, who seemed to be asleep, according to the acupuncture points. These needles work together. First, it acts as anesthesia, preventing pain and bleeding. Second, it is also for Mi Meng. If you are angry during the operation, don't let Mi Mengru go suddenly.

Xiao Yao blocked the cameras in the operating room, and then took out various brain surgery tools from the space.

Leng Changrui is not proficient in medical skills, but he has been in front of his master and junior sister since he was a child, and he still doesn't understand it for a few seconds.

"Senior brother, give me the No. 10 tool!" Xiao Yao said seriously with a mask on.

Leng Changrui gave Xiao Yao the No. 10 surgical tool.

"Number two!"

"Number eighteen!"

Xiao Yao took the tool, opened Mi Mengru's brain, and used his supernatural powers to find the brain veins. It was quickly found, Xiao Yao used a silver needle to pick out the blood stasis and miscellaneous qi blocked inside.

"Xiao Sui, let go of the evil spirit!" Xiao Yao said to Xiao Sui in the space.

"Yes, sister!" Xiao Suichu replied obediently.

Soon, a stream of white gas floated out of the blood and entered Mi Mengru's brain. Xiao Yao and Leng Changrui watched as the cleared qi and blood stasis were eliminated by the white gas.

Two hours later, Xiao Yao used his ability to check again to see if there was any neglect.

Leng Changrui watched Xiao Shao sweat profusely, so he used his inner hand to relieve the hotness of his junior sister.

Three hours later, Xiao Yao had completed all the operations.

Leng Changrui looked at the tired junior sister, and said with distress, "Junior sister, if you don't have a rest in the space, then go out!" Going out now, it must be very difficult to rest, because for some reason, a lot of people come outside. people.

"No need, Senior Brother. I'm a martial artist, I can still bear this tiredness!" Xiao Yao shook his head and said, "Mayor Xi and the others must be in a hurry, let's go out now!"

Mi Mengru's ward is an advanced ward. The patients on this floor are either powerful or rich. Many patients, I don't know where they came from, said that Mrs. Mayor Xi was undergoing surgery and ran out to see it without rest. Some patients were also terminally ill like Mrs. Xi, but they could only hang their lives in the hospital and wait for death. They all know that Mrs. Xi is also a patient waiting to die, and she has a brain disease, which makes it difficult to perform surgery, but now, in the middle of the night, someone has performed surgery on her. They are all very curious, and I hope they also have This lucky, let that cure their disease.

There were more and more people waiting outside, and Xi Hongan and the others became more anxious as they waited. Several hours had passed.

Xi Hongan prayed silently in his heart, and the bodhisattvas of all parties blessed the operation to be successful.

Perhaps his prayers worked, the lights in the operating room were turned off, and Xiao Yao and Leng Changrui came out.

Xi Hongan hurried over and asked Xiao Yao worriedly, "Miss Xiao, how is the surgery?"

Xiao Yao took off the mask, smiled and said, "Congratulations to Mayor Xi, the operation was very successful, and soon, Madam will recover!"


These words shocked not only Xi Hongan, but also Zhao Yuan and Doctor Zhou. Because, before that, everyone knew that Mrs. Xi's illness could only be for death. Now suddenly tell them that Mrs. Xi has been rescued by an operation.

When Xi Hongan heard Xiao Yao say that the operation was successful and Mengru's disease could be cured, he couldn't believe what he heard. He was afraid that it was a hallucination. Asked, "Miss Xiao, you, you, are you telling the truth?"

Xiao Yao nodded and said, "It's true, Mayor Xi, you and your wife can grow old together in the future!"

As soon as Xiao Yao's words fell, Xi Hongan suddenly knelt down and sat down, covering his face and crying, "Woooo..." Before, he cried in pain and pain, but this time he cried with joy.

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