Rebirth: Business Queen

Chapter 647: Who is it? (2)

Xiao Yao's move surprised everyone.

Miss Tong's actions, the loopholes between the words and actions of the two people in the past, does it mean that the disappearance of the intermittent paste has something to do with them?

"Why?" The middle-aged man suddenly yelled at Xiao Yao, "I'm here as an auction guest, I can come and leave if I want, why do you watch me like a prisoner? Not a criminal."

"Xiao Yao, what are you doing?" The fat woman also screamed, "I just accidentally knew that the intermittent cream was stolen, but now you have people monitoring me, what's the matter? Do you suspect that the intermittent cream has been stolen? Did I steal the ointment? I have never left the venue since I arrived. How could I steal it? Is the intermittent ointment so easy to steal? You are illegally imprisoning your personal freedom. If you don’t give me an explanation, I will let everyone in Xiangjiang City know that Miss Tong is a dandy girl who disrespects her elders and bullies others. Hmph, with your character, I don't even bother to compete with others. I'm not shooting anymore, I'm leaving." After speaking, he picked up an ordinary bag and planned to leave immediately.

On the surface, this person was angry and complaining about Xiao Yao's unprovoked surveillance, but deep down, he was extremely fearful and uneasy. She is now not sure if Xiao Yao really found something, or if she deliberately bombed them and let them reveal their identities. But with their current situation, it is very unfavorable for them, so they have to leave as soon as possible, anyway, the goal has not been achieved.

Except for Xiao Yao, everyone looked at this woman in astonishment like a machine gun, cracking up to "justify" themselves. Although he is an upstart, it seems that people are still very smart. It is reasonable to say that when you answered the phone just now, even if you received a certain call, you should not scream suddenly. But the strange thing is that she seems to have deliberately wanted everyone to know about the disappearance of the cream.

Yep, it's intentional. A lot of people seem to have figured it out.

Xiao Yao watched her panic and wanted to divert everyone's attention. However, the person who came here was not an idiot, and she was misled by a few words. On the contrary, the more she pretended to be so imposing to justify, the more confusing it would be.

Xiao Yao said coldly, "The two of you don't want to leave the venue until the theft of the intermittent cream is found out."

Then looked around, Ling Sheng said, "I'm Xiao Yao, the person who prepared the intermittent paste. There is still half an hour left before the shooting time. I don't know if the ointment was stolen or not. But Xue Yuning is my senior sister. She really has something to do right now and can't come to explain it. Please forgive me. And if the intermittent ointment is really stolen, then Xiao Yao promises you again. , continue to bid, and then Xiao Yao will send someone to deliver the intermittent cream to the door, with a 10% discount on the cost??? Compensation for everyone's losses, what do you think?"

As soon as these words fell, everyone seemed to be blown up.

What does Xiao Yao mean?

Does she mean that even if she loses these five bottles of intermittent cream, she will continue to make five bottles? In this way, it is none of their business to steal the ointment. Even if there is no real ointment, they can continue to bid for it. After a long time, the ointment will still come to the door.

However, someone asked suspiciously, "Miss Tong, won't the effect of the supplemented intermittent cream be reduced?" .

When Xiao Yao heard someone questioning her personality, he immediately released his fierce aura, and said coldly, "Although I am only sixteen years old, Xiao Yao is also a person who knows right from wrong and is upright and above all else. I have to slap myself. As for the intermittent ointment filmed today, those who have patients at home can immediately come to Xiangjiang, and I will treat them collectively three days later." In this way, who is questioning.

The guests that Xiao Yao was standing in, in the upper-class circle, only had some money or power, and their status and status were all lower-level people, so in terms of quality and cultivation, they were compared to those who really had status and status, but it was not that bad. Only half and half.

From the screaming of this woman to the noise of this middle-aged man, it is these people who follow the trend. As for the distinguished guests in front, even if they heard that the intermittent paste was stolen, they still sat humbly and politely in their seats, or took the opportunity to negotiate some business or the like.

After Xiao Yao said this, he once again instructed the staff, seeing that this man and woman should not let them leave, otherwise they would go straight to the treasure warehouse. In fact, both of them were secretly touched by Xiao Yao's immobile point and dumb point, even if they didn't watch it, but Xiao Yao had to make a superficial move.

Although Xiao Yao's movements were secretive, there was someone who was always paying attention to her every move, so his acupuncture movements caught his eye.

Xiao Yao walked to the corridor of the treasure warehouse and saw Xue Yuning looking anxious and instructing a staff member.

"Senior sister." Xiao Yao came over and shouted.

"Junior Sister Yao'er, you're here." Xue Yuning said with guilt and anxiety, "Yao'er, did you hear about the theft of intermittent cream?"

Xiao Yao nodded, "Well, there was a big clamor at the venue just now about the theft of intermittent cream, but now I have calmed it down."

Although Xue Yuning has been dealing with the search for the intermittent paste, someone will come to report to her what happened at the venue. It's just that the filming is about to start, and she has to deal with all the follow-up matters.

"Yao'er, I'm sorry, I lost the intermittent cream." Xue Yuning apologized very ashamedly. After all, Yao'er personally handed the ointment to her, and she put it into the warehouse herself, but why was it suddenly stolen.

Xiao Yao said, "Senior sister, it's important to find something now, take me to see the warehouse where things are stored."

Xue Yuning nodded and turned to open the three doors of the treasure warehouse.

The treasure warehouse has a large space. When you enter, you will see the brown-red wooden support corners of about 1.2 meters in size, while the above is a square transparent glass cabinet, and the treasures are placed in the cabinet. On the right side against the wall is a three-layer blue-blue safe, and of course, various treasures are placed in the cabinet.

"Yao'er, this is the safe where the intermittent cream is placed." Xue Yuning pointed to the safe on No. 18 and said, "The keys to the three doors of the warehouse are on my grandfather, me and one other person, and the safes are all password-coded. Yes, how did the person open it and enter the warehouse? What amazed me was that since the person could steal the ointment from the safe, the other treasures in the warehouse should have no effort at all. Stealing is the only thing, but what makes people strange is that he only stole the intermittent paste and left a note." Xue Yuning showed Xiao Yao the note on her hand.

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