Rebirth: Business Queen

Chapter 678: ghost building

But this woman getting into a weird and say directly to him that he was ...

Gas confused by the quiet water, his face black, cold voice shouted, "What is this big little thing. Well, the ugly, the woman waiting for me. I am not learned her lesson, I will not water large and small home the quiet water. "

Listen to this second-generation ancestor-like tone, accompanied of five people all relieved, secretly patted chest, underground passage, scared to death, I thought he should pay attention to where the individual outlet yet.

"Shaw is not it shake, cold Chang Rui girlfriend is not it. This large and small to want to look cool little big in the end how long can protect her." The quiet water teeth, said, "not to cold over her large and small when, not what I want to do as her. "

The quiet water say this, it is to determine the cold Yan Jian-feng's birthday will be, let the cold Chang Rui faithless.

"So?" The man with weak curls and asks for a moment.

"So, I'm not in a hurry to teach her," face the quiet water dispersion of gas to go, it comes easily.

The quiet water looked the standing position, the fronts of the boxes looked name: dream all.

He eyebrow open smile, Allure pour facing the country not far from the Soviet Union always says, "Su total ah, this box we can go in and see it?"

As a frequent visitor to the club's luxurious space, some of the rules or know.

But know go know, just will not do too much, Jia will still allow the club managers to satisfy my curiosity guests.

The Soviet Union always looked at the diamond box, a little puzzled and asked, "water large and small, this diamond box with you, like ah, why go to?"

The next day, Xiao Tong Chun shake on ice and with a few bodyguards and Mo Ke Tong Chun came to the ice yesterday said the haunted empty building.

This is a total of 26-storey building, the business center in the capital area, if it really was not haunted, then, this office building, but the price is not cheap, that is, the entire lease down, they have to at least tens of millions a year, let alone the buy the whole building down.

When Tong Chun ice and Moke near here, when the heart was a bit scared, but even more curious.

"Shake child, really want to come and see it?" Tong Chun ice did not give up ask again. This is his way down, he asked a third-sixth.

Shake funny Xiao said, "Mahone, if you are afraid, you wait for me at home now." Xiao said the house is shaking apartment Tong Chun ice currently live.

Was made fun of his sister, the boy flew Jun ice chest, clapped and said, "joke, I would be afraid. Do not say no ghost, the ghost is the ghost is afraid of me. Not saying that one-third of people afraid of ghosts, ghosts terrifying thirds Mody. "Then, take the lead immediately stepped into this empty building. Just ignore him sweat a little palm oozing.

"Miss Xiao, please go here." Said the person in charge of this building. This floor space for so many years, he really did not think that there are still people saw it.

Although the big day, Xiao shake can come in, you can feel a little sensitive to the chilly wind came.

After shaking Xiao looked at the source of the chilly wind, Wei Zhou brow, soon smoothed out. She quietly continue to follow the person in charge to see floor architecture.

"Lee, this is ..." Ice Tong Jun, pointing to an empty house she said. Tong Chun is the reason why the ice point out, this is because the overall look of the house now and it is illegal.

The room was very clean and unusual, a little dust-free floor, is that some scattered paper, is stacked in a pile in the corner.

A few years no one to clean the place, the dust will not it? It would be so clean? The answer is definitely not.

If so, then this scene, but strange anomaly it?

"Lee, this, this, this is not really ghosts, right?" Tong Chun ice with stuttering asked.

Tong Chun ice are not afraid to say what really is like a ghost, he said he was afraid, so he is resolutely refused to shoot a ghost story like. This time over, only ventured to follow her sister over. In front of Xiao shake, he is my brother, my sister is his responsibility to protect, must not be afraid of this because, uh, this ghost, and been back. Tong Chun ice seems to forget that he is now not flinch, but has been pressing, Xiao rocking back on the road.

Tong Chun ice such a question, in addition to Xiao shake, several other big men can not help but heart is scared. This strange clean, a look that is unusual. They do not believe that this world really ghosts, they are not really afraid of what the hell. But the world met at the time something unexplained heart, there is still a bit of horror and awe.

Lee wiped his forehead cold sweat, careful and stuttering answered, "the total child, this, this, how is this possible trouble, it haunted?"

Ice Tong Chun looked at what he said would not have believed, but also expect others to do him one, he asked sharp, "that Mr. Lee, tell me how this is going? You can not tell me that your company will send the cleaners come every day here clean? Do not say I do not believe, you will not believe your own this absurd reason for it. "

Then Mr. Lee answered this range, took anxiety shake front of Xiao said, "Sister, there may really be haunted. Otherwise, we change the office, right? You see it, too scary, you know." Also not moved in, took them aback, and so all employees will not move in a heart scare ah.

Mr. Lee has a floor which may not be sold, busy rush said, "Miss Xiao, this haunted house is certainly not the cause, and certainly it was a practical joke on the prank." Mr. Lee simply give their own clever response Like the two points.

Tong Chun ice was amused, he lug eyebrow, "You sir, you're funny. Who is so horizontal prank got here ah?"

Lee whispered furans for a long time could not find any pretext. However, he still wants to either rent or, sell or, to sell this building. The company so they do not worry, later to be burned by the demolition of the reconstruction of this building, right? If that's not to mention the ghosts floor, or even rebuild these ghosts are not in this ah.

Xiao shake looked and found the problem, but she is now eager to solve vain. And so on down the stairs after buying the building and then solve them too late.

Xiao shake and said, "Mr. Lee, and then take us to other places to see it?"

It is said that Xiao was going to shake the building to buy, of course, Lee is in a very happy about it. He flattering Ha laughed, "that you make it."

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