Rebirth: Business Queen

Chapter 715: plan failure (1)

Seeing that the five people didn't answer, Xiao Yao continued to say sharply, "Don't tell me, you don't have a master behind you, I don't believe it. From the first day I entered Beijing, you've been watching me, thinking I don't know? If it's not the people behind you, then who are you working for?"

When I heard this, I was not surprised, but shocked.

It turned out that they were discovered on the first day, but why didn't her three bodyguards track them down.

"Miss Xiao, do you think that if you bomb us like this, we will say something indiscriminately? You also underestimate our brothers, aren't you brothers?" said the tall and thin one. He also almost panicked under Xiao Yao's sharp questioning. But thinking about it, today is the best time when all three of her bodyguards are not there.

"Oh, what about you guys?" Xiao Yao asked.

"Nothing, we are just following the master's order to kill you," said the short thief.

Xiao Yao raised his eyebrows and said in a "surprised" way, "Kill me? I seem to have just entered Beijing, and I didn't offend anyone, right? Who has such a deep hatred for me and wants to take my life?"

"You don't need to worry about this." A medium-slightly fat man next to the thin man shouted loudly, "Do you think you can get revenge by knowing who our master is from our mouths? You are dreaming. Today your The three bodyguards are not by your side, I think you are unable to fly now."

Xiao Yao's face turned cold, and he said with a sneer, "Hehe, why do you think I didn't let my three bodyguards follow me and tell you, just to lead you out."

Xiao Yao had been monitoring the people who followed them before, and she didn't have any murderous intentions towards her, so she just let them follow them casually, and then, just when she was going to buy vegetables, she suddenly received murderous intentions from a group of people. She immediately set aside her three bodyguards.

She thought that these guys would at least take action on her way home, but she didn't expect that this group of people would start taking action in such a hurry to steal her wallet and lead her into the deserted alley. Don't think that Xiao Yao's wallet is so easy to steal, if she hadn't confirmed that the thief was one of the group, she wouldn't let him steal it.

When Xiao Yao said this, the five people were even more startled, but their hearts were inexplicably panicked.

However, the tall and thin man sneered twice, "Hehe, Xiao Yao, stop teasing. Could it be that you know how many of my brothers will come to see you?"

"You're really right. In addition to my excellent medical skills and martial arts skills, Xiao Yao has a skill that outsiders don't know, and that is magic." Xiao Yao continued his words and said coldly.

"Then, I'd like to see if you can count, if you will die here today." The tall and thin man said angrily.

Xiao Yao sneered and said, "Hehe, I don't know if I will die here, but I count your brother's tragic fate for the second half of his life."

Xiao Yao's words angered the five of them.

"Brothers, let's come together," said the short thief. "Kill him as soon as possible, so that the master can explain."

"Bang Bang", within five minutes, the five people were lying on the ground, wailing and moaning in pain.

Xiao Yao clapped his hands, looked at them one by one, and said with a smile, "Just because of your three-legged cats, you still want to take my life."

Known as the five people who only have three-legged cat kung fu, they wailed in their hearts, they are the top masters of the aristocratic family, and they have killed countless people.

However, what terrified them was that in Xiao Yao's eyes, their so-called superb killing skills had indeed become the three-legged cats. Because they didn't notice any movement of Xiao Yao at all, but they all fell down.

Xiao Yao looked at the five people contemptuously and said, "Didn't I just say, I count the miserable fate of the five of you for the rest of your life, believe it or not?"

After finishing speaking, Xiao Yao took out a small sharp knife with a thorn hook from somewhere, stabbed it at the hands and feet of the five people, and then picked out a thin **** string-like thing.

"Ah!" However, they were dumbfounded and couldn't shout at all.

Then Xiao Yao, facing several mouths, went down with a knife, but half of his tongue came out.

Don't blame Xiao Yao for being cruel to them. For a murderer who wants to kill him, no one can stand up as a bodhisattva.

After everything was done, Xiao Yao took a **** sharp knife, tore off a person's white shirt that was still clean and not stained with blood, and wrote directly, "This is a gift for you!"

After Xiao Yao finished writing, he found the contactor from one of them and contacted their companions.

Then, Xiao Yao took back his wallet and swaggered out of the alley.

Somewhere in the yard, there was a burst of angry shaking.

"Trash, trash, all trash," a woman stared at the blood-colored, angry face on the white cloth strip, making this beautiful face look so hideous and terrifying, "Five people can't pick one girl. Instead, his hands and feet were picked out and his tongue was cut off."

"Master, calm down." The first man in black bowed his head and said respectfully to the woman.

"Relieve your anger, stop your anger, how can I relieve your anger?" the woman shouted, "People haven't been killed, and they have suffered heavy losses."

"Master, please give your subordinates another chance to make up for their mistakes!" The man in black knelt down and said.

It was they who were careless. Although they had heard that Xiao Yao knew martial arts, after all, if he defeated four foreigners with one person's strength, his martial arts would definitely not be weak.

But they thought that no matter how high this Xiao Yao's martial arts were, he couldn't possibly surpass those who had undergone rigorous training.

But things are often unexpected. They thought they could kill people with full confidence, but they turned out to be wrong. The people who died, oh no, they were the ones who were killed, their hands and feet were abolished, their tongues were cut, and others This life can only be spent in bed. Now seeing the tragic state of these five people, I also know how ruthless this Xiao Yao is.

He swore that he would definitely avenge the five brothers, so he had to kill Xiao Yao himself.

After the woman scolded her for a while, she calmed down a little, and she calmed down again and said, "Forget it. It seems that she has been shocked by the grass, and it will be even more difficult to assassinate her again. This time her three bodyguards did not Now, you didn't kill her. There is no next time. Xiao Yao's assassination this time will definitely alarm Leng Changrui. With the level of attention he attaches to Xiao Yao, he will definitely be more careful and stronger. The secret protection of this evil species."

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