Chapter 223 The palm of the commotion

  At that moment, Qin Qing knew that they were really different.

Opportunities between people are accidental collisions in a drop in the ocean, some connected by blood, and some related interests, and Qin Qing and Feng Yan have gone from unrelated strangers to this step, and they are tightly entangled in the middle. It's their own strength.

  That kind of chemical reaction was so wonderful that it suddenly broke out of the soil like a dead seed, growing into a thriving and prosperous area at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The warm breeze outside the jewelry store fell on the bright and clear glass cabinet with the summer light, the bracelet on the girl Hao’s wrist was flowing with dazzling brilliance, and Feng Yan lowered his head, but only saw the reflection in the girl’s big smiling eyes. With his own figure.

  The heart was gently moved by a feather, causing him to burst into flames, but the antidote was only in the palm of the girl's hand.

  He paused there, and when he was about to swallow the antidote with all his strength, the phone bell in his pocket rang first.

  Ring Ling Ling...

  The monotonous and old-fashioned melody is very out of place, he frowned fiercely, his eyes are almost unquenchable.

"Ahem, you answer the phone first." At the other end, Qin Qing noticed the scorching eyes of a dozen pairs of eyes in the shop. Realizing the subtlety of timing and location, she rolled her red eyes and pulled her hand back, at the end, Gently rub the fingertips of the other person's fingertips, which can be regarded as comforting someone's displeased face.

  Feng Yan grabbed his mind, and when he took the phone out of his pocket, he had hung up the phone and only sent a text message.

  Qin Qing was observing her words and feelings, and whispered softly: "Go ahead, I can handle the next thing."

  From yesterday's loss of contact for two hours, it is enough to see that the man is not busy. She does not want to rely on the other party for everything.

  Feng Yan stared at the phone for two seconds before restraining the urge to ignore it. He looked up at the girl and said solemnly: "I will send you back."

  This is going to go.

   "No, I want to walk." Qin Qing subconsciously rejected it faster than her mind. When she reacted, she smiled and waved goodbye to the other party, "See you next time."

  Feng Yan stared at her silently, and for a long while, he finally nodded, "I will be back as soon as possible."

As    said, the big palms that were almost held together rubbed the ends of her hair, and then the tall figure disappeared at the end of the road.

  Until there was no one in the field of vision, Qin Qing's heart was sour, an unprecedented depression swept through the limbs, like a heatstroke in a dog days, for a moment of despair.

  She didn't know what was wrong with herself, and suddenly she was very reluctant to leave the man, and even the farewell was obscure.

  The rest of the people in the shop were silent at this time.

  "Guru..." The local rich man watched the bracelet worth six million hung on the girl's wrist, swallowed fiercely, and his mouth became dry and dry, and his face flushed.

The little San next to him stared almost out of the window, remembering the gentleness of showing off the degrading and handsome man just now when he put the bracelet on the girl, there was a kind of shame of being beaten into a pig's head by the left slap and the right slap, and turned his head again. Looking at the big gold master who is obsessed with one's heart, it is like another pig.

  Finally, before the girl left, the two of them fled with their tails between them.

Qin Qing didn't want to go back to her place for the time being, so she really wandered on the street alone. The sunny day was shrouded by a trace of clouds, and there were few people walking in the shade of the trees. She stepped on the fallen leaves on the pedestrian walkway and walked in a dream. Later I realized that I had been rubbing the blood jade on my wrist.

  The round beads are crystal clear, not as dazzling as the previous rhinestone, but they are a bit more restrained and elegant and more suitable for her.

  "Really persistent..." She gently fiddled with the bracelet, regardless of the hard-earned chip inside, she just muttered to herself in a low voice, and the corners of her mouth rose again.

  The man took the chip in the middle of the night and made a bracelet, just to make up for the bracelet that was lost before, to make her happy.

  But he didn't know that what she really cared about was his mood.

  The boundary line between the two has long been blurred. It was not only Feng Yan who crossed the boundary unilaterally, but she also responded.

  Although this different emotion has not been penetrated yet, in general, the experience is not bad.

  Qin Qing thought this way, lowered her eyes and chuckled again, but before the smile could say it, a small click not far away made her eyes cold, "Who is it?"

  She stopped, her eyes faded from her smile and shot sharply behind a big tree, her breath suddenly drenched.

"Hey, eh, don't get excited, I'll come out now." A shout came from behind the tree, and then a young man in a plaid shirt jumped out, with a SLR camera hanging in front of him, which was the shutter just now. the sound of.

   "Why sneak shots?" Qin Qing lifted her upper and lower eyelids, and the warmth in her eyes dissipated, and she looked a bit like a stranger.

But this is the case. The young man on the opposite side was still not afraid, but was surprised and admired again and again, "It's so beautiful, it's so beautiful, little sister, I have been a professional photographer for so many years, and I promise you that you are what I have seen. The girl with the most exquisite and perfect facial features. My name is Chen and I am a photographer on the cover of a magazine. I wonder if my little sister is interested in trying it?"

  Speaking, the other party did not retreat but moved forward. The business expertly handed over a business card, and the font of the expense looked decent.

  However, "It is a sneak shot without permission. Please delete the photo." Qin Qing didn't show mercy at all, and his plain tone contained unresistible determination.

"Eh eh, wait a minute." Chen Xin guarded the camera, turned around and stopped the girl's path. A pair of thieves wandered around as if seeing fat, "My little sister is in such a good condition. I really cherish talents. Well, we also cooperate with artist companies. If you are not interested in taking the cover, we will directly package you to be a big star, how about it? You know the actor Tang Lin, that is the person we held out, and now I have it. There are also his private photos in it."

  The other party said while mysteriously taking out a few photos from the bag, all of which were fruit photos of Tang Lin's upper body.

  Qin Qing was fortunate to have seen the chest of the Saobao actor, and at a glance, he saw that the photo was PS technology. At the moment, she wanted to call and ask the person who was cheating in the entertainment industry under his name.

   "How about it, after joining the company, you can still get in close contact with the actor and make a movie together..." Chen Xin didn't make a draft of his speech.

  Qin Qing glanced at the person without a trace, moved her heart, and simply collected the photo, "How do we sign the contract?"

  (End of this chapter)

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