Chapter 225 Unexpected Harvest

  Although the camera is a small object, it is also a hard electronic product.

  At this time, the few men who were still in a panic and were crushed by the girl's light and breezy like a bubble, shrank together, and suddenly gave birth to an illusion of pain.

   "You, what are you doing?" Chen Xin took a step back, read a familiar classic line, and blushed when he remembered the wrong character.

   "Hehe, didn't you let me come?" The girl chuckled lightly, then threw away the tatters in her hand, her delicate and elegant eyebrows raised, with a hint of sarcasm.

  "I..." Chen Xin was speechless, and was pushed aside before he could understand what went wrong in the link.

"Damn, why are you talking so much nonsense with her, so many of us are afraid that a woman will not be successful, so we go up and pick her up, first take a round to let her be honest." The accomplice next to him has been guilty and swift. With a wink, the anti-theft iron door was blocked firmly, and the others surrounded the girl.

  The so-called two fists are hard to beat four hands. A young girl was kidnapped to a residential building alone. There are five or six young and strong men in the house. No matter how you look at it, they are all about catching turtles in the urn.

  Recovered from the shock of the girl seeing through their tricks, several people have already made up their minds, whether it is soft or hard.

  Unfortunately, this hard party is obviously not them.

  It was crackling, and after the chaos and wailing in the room, the living room was already flat.

  The girl leisurely drew out a tissue to wipe her hands, sitting on the computer chair, condescendingly, and asked, "Are you here?"

"No, no, we know it was wrong." The few people who are still in pain are grinning, curled up into shrimps and begging for mercy with horror. It must be a painful change."

  Several people are sweating in pain and busy making assurances that they are a far cry from the time when they were calculating with pride just now.

  "I believe there is pain. As for how to change it..." The girl glanced at the bikini scattered in the bag, took out her phone slowly, and asked the other end who was keeping the call: "Did you find it?"

"It's done early. The massive video of this early morning made my brain congested. You talk about you, you are uneasy while shopping, why do you have to go and fight the injustice." Nan Xu yawned and babbled endlessly. Xu was shocked last night. Just now I received a call from the girl and hurriedly got out of the bed. It was tracking the address, and it was a black camera and computer.

   "Thanks for your hard work." The girl softly soothed, looked back at the massive image gallery that appeared on the blue screen computer, frowned slightly, and said indifferently: "I'll find you some labor and share the work."

   "What?" Nan Xu's mind hadn't turned around yet, but when he wanted to ask again, the phone was already hung up.

A few young and strong men lie all around in the residential building looking at the girl holding a disposable water cup in front of her with horror. The exquisite eyebrows are still picturesque, and the tall and elegant figure is still elegant and beautiful, but they are no more I can't afford bad thoughts.

"The drugs in this cup, as well as the photos and videos in the computer, as long as you get it to the police station, it should allow you to stay in jail for ten or eight years." The girl's slender fingertips shook the cup. Liquid, outspokenly, through the three indiscriminate methods, his eyes fell faintly through a layer of water pattern on the faces of a few hurriedly on the ground, and he laughed softly: "Of course, if a victim commits suicide as a result, the penalty may be Heavier."

  Her tone is peaceful or even gentle, not at all as if she wants to kill others, but rather like having afternoon tea in a flower room, chatting and discussing the weather.

  "You, who are you? What do you want to do?" Several people on the ground suddenly felt a tingling scalp, and Chen Xin was holding his stomach in regret, and only dared to spit out words with a trembling voice.

"Hehe, didn't you let me come, visit the place where the actor debuted." The girl raised her eyebrows and looked at him, with a little fingertips, and said gracefully and calmly: "I want to see the real private photos of the actor, if you can't get it Come out, I will let you never touch the camera in your life."

  The voice fell, before Chen Xin had time to react, he saw a light flew from the girl's fingertips, and with a click, the SLR lens in his hand cracked into a spider web, and a blade was shiningly inserted on it.

"Ah!" Chen Xin exclaimed, shaking his whole body into a sieve, and finally knowing that he had recruited someone who shouldn't be offended, so he hurriedly rummaged through his cabinet and took out all the photos inside. "Tang Lin's follower is here. , It’s all here. He usually likes to go to nightclubs, but he never takes people out to stay overnight. I only photograph some of his daily life and sell it to some fans."

  He thought that the girl was Tang Lin’s enemy, so he hurriedly picked out some explosive photos from it and presented it.

  The girl scanned it roughly, but she really didn’t see any unsuitable scenes for children. Instead, she saw another face, “Who is this person?”

Chen Xin cautiously took a look, and immediately replied: "This is Tang Lin's fellow junior. He has been in the industry for two years, and his name is Mo Bin. Tang Lin covers him very much, and often carries it in and out of various places, but Mo Bin keeps hiding it. While he was living in private, he was recently approaching the Qin family's endorsement, as if he wanted to use Tang Lin's kidnapping case to ruin his reputation."

  Although Chen Xin has wicked eyebrows, and is weak and weak, he can still speak of celebrity gossip.

  "Do you mean that this person is related to Tang Lin's kidnapping case?" Qin Qing tasted an unusual taste from it.

"This..." Chen Xin hesitated and didn't dare to say. The girl stretched out her hand and took out a picture of another cabinet with her hair all over her body. He whispered, "I happened to be paying attention to Mo Bin some time ago and I caught him. I contacted the Qin Group in private. They were in a very hidden coffee shop. I also saw a man with a scar on his face. He looked dangerous, so I only took a picture and hurried away. Then the second one. God, something happened to Tang Lin."

  Even if he didn't say it explicitly, anyone with a bit of a brain can figure out the tricks.

Kidnapping with a gun, and openly breaking into the jurisdiction of the sniper camp. It is impossible for an 18-line star to do it. The driving force behind it is very likely to be the Qin family who wants to weaken the endorsement fee, and even if the matter is revealed, Mo Bin Will also be used as a substitute for the dead.

  The Qin family had a good plan to be independent, but unexpectedly left evidence. In the photo Qin Qing held in her hand, the man with scars on his face was the one who was knocked out by her in the jungle that night.

  She suddenly felt that today’s trip was worth the money.

  Furthermore, she swept around the big men in front of her, narrowed the corners of her eyes, raised an arc, and said leisurely: "I have a small favor, and I need your help."

   More than fifty thousand words!

  (End of this chapter)

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