Rebirth capital madman

Chapter 997, gas transport, do not avoid

It is true that in this period, the social development level of Xiangjiang can be described as high, but it does not hinder what to believe in the fault, especially the business tyhenies who have high entertainment stars and high exposure rates are impressive.

This phenomenon cannot explain how the people involved in people's mind, their contact environment, the characters are often complicated, and it is easy to have unexpected conditions. It is inevitable that there is a psychological comfort.

At the yield of the Yinjim Island 30 oilfield, there was a magical rebound, it really can be explained by science, but why is this luck, is it fell on the happiness? The mutation such as this, is placed in a fierce competition in the business sector, almost equal to the big turnover of the winning and negative jump.

So, about the fortune of the Gaowei, unconsciously, intentionally unintentionally became the topic of Xiangjiang Zupin.

For example, please contact the word is temporary and lucky, one mentioned that the first words in the mind are lucky, and there is also a list of high-rise, and becoming the public. Large new stocks have to make the way.

Like Li Half City, this is not convinced, can only temporarily avoid the front, and avoid affecting the financing.

Ironically, I would like to be happy with energy, and the consortium of Li Hemato controlled the consumption, but did not retreat, but the investment department participated in the wind, including the new stock subscription, from the stock market.

The body reaction is the most honest, the stock makes money and complains with the fairy, and it also does not refuse.

Huifeng Bank is also this virtue, almost no more than a highly happy energy and high-profile activities, there is a saying, which is a list of hang-ups, and there is no strength to contribute.

It is necessary to point out a point, take special perspective from the ruling of Xiangjiang's balance, the long-term strategy of commercial development, although the happy energy is so sensitive, but the status is quite prominent.

So, the happy energy is determined to become a public listed company, and has been "praised", some special matters, put a skeptical head of the backstake behind the scenes, which is the strategic shareholding of British and China.

Only in the direction of being insensitive, such as the British Oil Company hopes that the stock shareholding of the happy energy has been greatly improved, how can it be more than ten percent.

For this, the chord does not oppose, the bilateral interests are exchanged, as long as the high-rise energy is in the development of Xiangjiang, the British oil company increases to facilitate the convenience, but it is still different, the most ideal and implemented The plan is that the stock of the happy energy is officially listed on the Xiangjiang Joint Stock Exchange. British oil companies don't want to increase their shareholders, just bought, it will not be a misunderstanding of the control.

Obviously, British oil companies don't want to break money. For this reason, the British Oil Company Board of Directors Peter Walters specializes in the high jazz to communicate, don't wait until the happiness of the energy is officially listed, and the stock of happiness, the stock of energy is negative. High price.

This problem can also be negotiated, but there is another consideration in the Strinex, that is, with the UK Zhengfu Borrow the stock market, the current big cattle market, the last time, the BP stock, the Kuwait Investment Bureau tried to get The Plan of the British Oil Company control will also be exposed.

Although the string is determined, the UK is will definitely play, and it will stop, let the Kuwait Investment Bureau's ambitions for bubbles, but maybe there will be any opportunities for the benefits in the process, there is no need to take the benefits of themselves too early. take it out.

So, the negotiations are so attitudes to be friendly.

The top of the top of the big gangs are trying to play, the parties to the next part, too busy, even if they participate in the Qin Dynasty, I have received the new school, and I have not received a special trip to be cold.

For example, that is rejected by the classmates, I have been refused to eat together, I called Qin Xin, and I have set it almost.

Qin Xinnin naturally cope with the other party, but it is also politely showing the attitude. If you have something to say, everyone is a classmate, can help the lining.

See what people say what the ** dragon is very embarrassing, I explained someone, and the new, do you make my work as a high-loan loan, so this is alienated? Really, our company's business is to deal with debts, and belong to the financial industry!

Qin Zhi was amazed, I replied, I am really busy, I don't exaggerate, now the company uses female staff as a male staff, the male staff is used, the work intensity is very large, the time to eat is to go to the cafeteria, you have What is it, or just talk directly.

** Dragon finally, I boast to the boss, some students are in good job, so the boss moved the relationship to buy a close-up shares, and he also wants to express it in front of the boss.

Qin Zhi thought about it, he gave the ** dragon a phone number, straightforward, even a bit paralyzed, your boss is a bit level, just go to the work, the financial circle is very real, especially now, time is money .

** Dragon smiled, understand, understand, the relationship you introduced is a big player, if my boss is less, people can't see it, I will not receive, the responsibility is his own, anyway, this busy has helped.


I can trick the male classmates in the phone, but I have to take the time for Zheng Anqi, Qin Xincheng, and drinking a cup of coffee with each other.

Zheng Anqi's purpose does not have to guess, you can know, use the relationship of classmates, I want to make a new one in the new energy stock.

Qin Zhi did not have a trace, An Qi, your business is very wide.

Alone, the new face of Qin Zhi, Zheng Anqi did not have the kind of goddess in the same kind of goddess, but the real life is a bit, straightforward, where there is a chance to make money, where, and she wants to make more private houses.

Qin Wei's new faintly taste, under the pre-appearance of the light-famous appearance of Zheng Anqi, I am afraid there is still a lot of emotions.

Although, Qin Zhi's new to Zheng Anqi's financial products in the classmates, intuitivelyately produced a call, but after all, there is no empirical, and she helped the ** dragon, and naturally, I will also help Zheng Anqi, so on what kind of specific harvest, then It is necessary to depends on a variety of factors.

After getting new opportunities from Qin Xin here, Zheng Anqi made a few times of the old classmates, and the wind fire left.

Just, didn't have a thunder that I accidentally exploded, let Qin Xin's new old classmate, lost all the aura.

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