Rebirth capital madman

Chapter 107, high-boss only earn US dollar

Li Xiaolong certainly noted the difference between the chord face, but he only thought that he was sleeping, but he didn't think about it, and then he sat down his position.

Thoroughly woke up the chords, looked around, and found that Li Xiaolong sat next to it, and a young woman with two sleeping children.

"Li Xiaolong is the whole family back to Xiangjiang to visit relatives, or holiday?" Senior Strovenly guessed.

Since I encountered Li Xiaolong, my heart was interested in my heart, but he did not rush.

Because the chords, I can't touch Li Xiaolong, what is the temper.

Li Xiaolong's stasis, the sorghum, how many people said some. Although he appreciates the other's talent and value, it does not mean that you are willing to be self-disciplineless.

When Li Xiaolong's pair of children woke up, when the passenger sent a drink, it would have a high string of water, and naturally hit a call: "Are you going to the Xiangjiang probe?"

Li Xiaolong looked at his wife and children, replied in the emotion: "Probes, and by the way. You?"

"OK, it is normal." Dark self-sighted essays, handed over a business card, "I just lost from rice, back to Xiangjiang."

After Li Xiaolong, he said with a hint of hometown, he said: "The original, Mr. Gao is in Xiangjiang."

"I am Linda, this is my husband Li Xiaolong." Linda carefully received a high-string business card, and he handed over Li Xiaolong's business card.

Senior strings did not care about these details, and Li Xiaolong, Linda has a lot of talk, this road is also happy, and it is very familiar.


After the plane landed in Kowloon Kaide Airport, the aircraft, a little string and Li Xiaolong, took the lead out of the terminal, and the result was scared by the long gun short gun outside.

The heart of my heart is tall, pulling a reporter asked: "Dude, which big star is you greeted?"

The other party replied patiently: "You didn't see the" green bee "on TV, playing in Katong, playing Kato, Kozi."

"Oh, you said Li Xiaolong." Senior strings nodded, "on the plane, our seats were."

This reporter turned his face in an instant, and smiled and said: "The old brother, tell me, is there any news?"

The chunghrine did not take care of each other and the path left straight.

"Hey, the old brother ..." Looking at the back of the essay, he may not leave the reporter of the current position, not from the annoying you, I have just gone, I don't know the golden jade.


Senior strings are not rushing up in the sea to return to Hong Kong Island, but go straight to the work of the factory in Kowloon.

Because, a thousand Huanyu-8800 calculator, the first batch of the first batch of rice, must be shipped with as fast as possible.

During this time in the country, you will have a fine string of calculations.

To know, the light is from Los Angeles to Boston's domestic state, and the cost per minute will be nearly five US dollars; while Miko hits the international long distance of Xiangjiang, how expensive is expensive.

The high strolles have been separated from the old, and they see the door of the industrial building where Huanyu Electronics is located. Zhou Chengchang is directly commanded several workers, and the truck is placed on the carton.

Zhou Chengchang glanced on the road to the sky, and glanced at the eldest strolles from the taxi. "The boss, when did you come back from Migra?"

"Just put down the plane, take a taxi." The chord refers to the truck: "What is it?"

"Our calculator." Zhou Chengchang replied: "The boss, you leave the Xiangjiang River, the customers of Southeast Asia have come to the door. This hundred Huanyu-8800 is preparing to ship to Singapore. "

"Wait, this hundred Huanyu-8800 first delivery." Senior Strine continued to stop: "I just talked to a big single in the country, waiting for me and wearing a bright business how to adjust the quota, and then Shipping is not late. "

"Yes, the boss." Zhou Chengxiao nodded, "Dai Manager is looking forward to you in the office."

Dai Zhi didn't really come back. Just a playing surface, he suddenly came out, "the boss, finally waited for you."

"Our calculator, the sales is good, and the Southeast Asian market has passed through the order of more than 300 orders, only one production line is already busy, and the parts purchases are also a big gap."

"Then you are afraid to be more anxious." The tall string puts the contract with Charles Dow Tang, put on the desk.

"There will be one thousand units right away!" Dai Zhizhi saw a breath.

Senior String Explanation: "There are thousands of retail stores in the marketing channels of Rui Times, first take one thousand papers, all are conservative."

Dai Zhi is somewhat: "If the supply is completely priority, what should I do if the river local market and the Southeast Asian market? All orders, I have promised."

"Let them wait, first concentrated in the production of the United Nations." Senior Shuangliang handed: "The market always exempts the flock effect, the rice people have grabbed the product, and the market does not buy."

Dai Liang said some mouthful: "There are several orders, I have received pre-payment."

"That will give them a few more." I thought about it. "If they are not willing to accept, the sure is returned to the advance payment."

Dai Zhi's mouth, the heart said that the boss is iron and earned a dollar.

Since the last time, Yi Huirong is hitting, Dai Shiliang is not simply that the chord is not simple. Now there is such a big order on the desktop. He will not dare to make it, only the one who promised .

Seeing that it is very obvious this time, "Senior Satisfaction is slightly squatting," about increasing production lines, improving capacity, and increases parts procurement, you can don't bother, I can quickly hit the required funds. "

"Then I don't have anything, I'm lighteningly plays the role of" executive ".

"Right ..." Gao Strings and asked: "What is the rendering rate of Huanyu-8800 as of now?"

"Two percent." Dai Zhi Liang analysis said: "The number of parts required for Huanyu-8800 is relatively small, the circuit layout is very excellent, thereby greatly reduces the assembly difficulty in the production line, and the quality is easy to control."

"It is really good." Senior, pointing: "Pay attention to keep the factory's environmental hygiene, I will go to Huifeng Bank to talk about a loan. They should send people to investigate, you don't want to lose Jingzhou."

Dai Zhiqiang promised: "The boss is relieved, since the last time you emphasize fire safety, I specialize in strengthening the management of the factory environment."

"Your ability, of course, let me rest assured." The Senior String smiled nodded, "" The market is in the world, let us work together, do one! "


Thank you for your reward! !

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