Rebirth capital madman

Chapter 110 This movie is absolutely saving money and make money.

If before, in the data center still under the member service department, the office is evolving, the ecology is a pair of chords and Zhuo Fengnan. So now, the office of the listing department is the ecology, it is the Senus and Wang Huting, Zhuo A pair of two in Fengnan.

The surface looks, the chord is in the bottom of the wind, but in fact, he is more powerful!

The truth is very simple.

Before, if you were eliminated in the data center, you can wait for the hine, it may be unemployed; now, even if you return 10,000 steps, it is really defeated in the office of the office, and there will be no one to think about it. Senior, honest.

Supreme momentum, the information conveyed is very clear - less scratch, do a good job, is a matter.

As of now, the tall stroke does not discover Wang Huting and Zhuo Fengnan proactive make what is a trick, but there are some business intelligence, try to do things, hidden in their hands.

Supper strings are not strange, the competition between the different project groups in the general company, is also trying to occupy the high point of information advantage.

Looking at Wang Hi Ting, Zhuo Fengnan face occasionally flashed, the color of the conception, the chord is only the nose, "I have a secret intelligence you think, I also have my own news channels, even more than you. Also comprehensive. "

Last year, that is, in 1969, Xiangjiang stock market has a total of five new listing companies;

And this year, according to the chord prediction, this quantity will exceed 20.

In other words, the Far East Exchange and Xiangjiang Stock Exchange will be a company that will be a first stock exchange, which will choose the first stock exchange this year.

In addition, there will be nearly 20 companies and plan to issue new shares.

The two are added, and the string is estimated, the scale of the total absorb funds, the conservative will also break through 500 billion Hong Kong dollars; as for the turnover, it will be ten times more than this number.

On such a piece of cake, even if there is any pleasant, Baoyuan, so that the background strong businessman is joining the ranks of the food, the chord is still confident, letting the high good results.

As for the official, help the far East Exchange, pull the new listing of new listing companies, it is simpler, the goal of the person responsible, the heating is directly connected to the other party.

Wang Huting, the so-called intelligence of Zhuo Fengnan, is a smileering!


By running the opportunity to run outside, the chord picks noon, about Liang Xin, and eats meals together.

The big star seems to have a little mood, the hine string is expected, the family relationship of the gossip media is not harmonious, not a hole in the wind.

In fact, under the big trend of Cantonese film at this stage, Liang Xin's film career is not affected.

In the film named "Seven Vertion and Seven Digital", she starring her, the public box office is quite excellent, and it is estimated that it exceeds 800,000 Hong Kong dollars. The problem is not big, so that the film company has begun to plan, take hot iron The place was sequet.

But people red also means that it is not much, not to mention this type of "seven-seven vertical seven gold", can be returned to the ranks of salty wet sheets.

In the case of Xiangjiang, the chord further feels that the social atmosphere here is subtle attitude towards the restriction level.

I remember that there was a Xiangjiang Golden Simpography, because they were angered the Internet public opinion, they were disdainful as "a three-stage film", and this person is very calm, and I don't think there is any shackles.

In fact, there are many stars in the mainland in the mainland, and they have participated in the three-stage film, but the specific situation is often different.

For example, Cheng Long, starred in the "Golden Bright" of Shaw Bros., but he just played a lot of little in a drama. In this case, can you say that he "a three-stage film"?

There are also some female stars, it is the director's calculation, in the back of the movie, through a substitute Li Dai Tao stabilizes. In this case, can you say her "a three-stage" "?

Liang Xin's style in the movie is a sexy route. It is similar to the mainland audience. In 1980, Hong Kong film "Fu Xing" series of movies, Zhong Chuhong, Guanzhi Lin, Hu Hui, playing the male audience male The role of the Timon.

Take the "Qi Qi Qi Qi Qi Qi" this film to do specific examples, the sexy of Liang Xin is the source of salty wet, and salty wet is for the comedy effect.

Furthermore, Liang Xin's so-called imaginative bath lens in this movie is not as good as the mage of the blind people playing in Roland.

To put it bluntly, "Qi Qi Qi Qi Qi Qi" has been putted in ten years later, the other once the Hong Kong film, the gossip media, even if they want to speculate, it has become more tolerant social atmosphere, and it is too lazy to pay attention.

But now, there is a soil that has a wave of the gossip media, and then disturbing Liang Xinjiazhu is not.

See Liang Xinmao is not high, the high stroke test: "Miss Liang, you don't matter?"

Liang Xin shook his head, "Mr. Gao is right!"

Senior strings directly turn the topic to Xiangjiang Movie Industry: "CTC has now decided to quit Xiangjiang?"

Liang Xin, who belongs to the Cathay, can't think about it: "Accurately, the CTC is closed the film production department, transfer the film factory to Zou Wen's Jiahe, and the movie distribution and theater business are still working. "

"So, the CTT will eventually go to the building." Senior strings, then directly in the purpose of this meeting, "Chu Yuan, this person is still in the CTC, you can't help, take him Introduce me here. "

Liang Xin asked: "Do you have opened a movie company?"

"Calculate it." The chord takes out a script. "I want to let Chu Yuan to direct this work; if you have a schedule, please come to the guest."

"Seventy-two tenants". "Liang Xin looked up, while smiling:" You don't tell me, this script is from your hand. "

"Is it can't." Gao String shrugged, "Don't forget, I live in Tanglou, the state of the society, or more understanding."

"I estimate that your film's shooting fee is the lowest record I have ever seen." Liang Xin played: "Almost all scenes can be completed in the studio. As for the actor, I can't talk about who is the absolute protagonist. With the relationship between Aford 'fund, the lacquered passenger strings will be. "

"I have been so planning." Senior strings in front of beauty, did not cover up their own small gas, "I think this movie is absolutely saving money and make money!"


I am grateful to the opening of the popcorn! !

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