Rebirth capital madman

Chapter 395 does not talk about money

After a short cold, Howard Hughes' law Frank Mors did a formal explanation. "In the purchase of the movie" Iceland World War Cloud "copyright, we really think about it in no week, there is no necessary information, and then I can't get the trust of the Gazz, but this is also helpless, because my boss Hug is very low-key, so even their own hobby does not want the outside world. "

The chunghrin does not delay the coffee and drink a bite, and I recall the information about the "Iceland Wars" related to the fragmentation time.

This famous box office movie in 1968 belongs to the cold war thriller, and it is the real incident of 1959, and the story is roughly, the content of the Soviet Union A satellite falls into the Arctic Greenland area, the national agents headed by the Soviet Union, many unexpected conditions during the period.

Although the chords don't have to spend more than two hours, I will take the "Iceland World War", but he basically judges that this film is not good at the time of the Mik National Institute, nothing more than the current film and television. The production of special effects technology cannot support China's Xianxia theme. The "Ice Fight" involved in many expected scenes including submarine operations, did not reach sufficient to stimulate the effects of public sensory.

After all, a lot of people sitting in the cinema, it is not necessarily to stay in the home to watch TV playback, which ultimately leads to the evaluation of the movie.

From this point of view, the chords tend to believe that the financial resources have to buy several Las Vegas radio, which gives yourself to the luxury Hughes, Wang Ba, and Wang Ba, the green bean land is the same. "Ice" The national war clouds, or it is said.

But what happens, I can't always say "Iceland Wars" in Havende, I have to be the beauty of adults?

Seeing the high strolleration, Frank Mors continued to say: "We are sincerely buying the copyright of" Iceland Wars ". If it affects the overall business plan of the Gazz, then we are willing to compensate for fees. "

"You can tell these words, you are a clear person." The chord slowed down: "So, you can understand that I can't see the" Iceland Wars "copyright?"

"Gao Jazz, we are sincere, the price will open ..." Frank Morse is lobbyed, but it is soon to face the color of the high strings, and the words go back to the back: "The high-jazz's financial resources I have earned, after the birth of Miss Hast, after being kidnapped by the symbiotic guerrilla, take the poor of 100 million remedies in San Francisco in a week, even the old man The family can't do this. "

"It can be seen that the strong financial resources of the Gazz, and the deep relationship with the banking world, enough to sit in flatness with Houss, if you only talk about money, you will fall."

Senior and loud laugh, "Mors, you do excellent, no wonder you can serve Mr. Houst for a long time, I also appreciate you!"

After listening to the praise of the eldest, Frank Mors did not carefully tuning his sitting posture, he asked hard to say: "The" Iceland Wars "copyright, is it really non-selling?"

"I am a businessman. If I say," Iceland World War "is not a selling, isn't it to insult everyone?" Senior strings smile, "You will treat me with sincerity, how can I deceive you ? "

"The key to the problem is that you repeatedly mentioned that the price of" Iceland World War "copyright, we can open, then I want to be 100 million US dollars, Mr. Houst is willing to give?"

Frank Morse is a lawyer of this year, and it must be strong enough to exercise his skin, but it is still squeezed with a heassic string to be red, a bit of busee, "Gao Jazz, for" Iceland Wars "The copyright, what should we talk?"

Senior parallel pointing: "You don't think Morse, like the level like Mr. Hug, shouldn't you talk about the exchange resources, share the opportunity?"

Frank Morse is going forward to the body, "Please give a high jazz directly, how should I return to Mr. Houss?"

Senior string is good to answer: "As far as I know, Houss has many properties in Las Vegas, and everyone can cooperate in this area? Or, Mr. Houst can also propose other aspects. With a sufficiently attractive business project, let us discuss together? "

After listening to the answer given by the chord, Frank Mors took a coffee cup and gradually understood the true thoughts of this jazz.

As so much, the tall strings don't look down on the money to sell "Iceland Wars" copyright, the price of people really want is, how to get a cup on the site that has been branched by the old name of the commercial big Hungao The opportunity of the thoughts.

If you talk about this, your hive position has been clearly indicated, but Frank Mors can't do the Lord, you have to go back to ask.

Waiting to go to the door of the elevator, Frank Mors looks back at the eyes, see the high strings still stand in the door of the office.

"Oh, this Gao Jazz is not to look at the surface, but it is actually quite difficult!" Frank Morse in the elevator went into the elevator, could not help but

There is a good voice, how big is there, how big is the temper, and after the boss, it means that it is not good to wait, especially for many years, Howard Hughes, the temper is more difficult, causing people underneath. It is impossible to know the difficulties you want to ask them to do well.

Frank Mors, who was returned, pondered and pondered, and I felt directly to Howard Hughes may not be correct, or I will communicate with Frank William Gay.

In the state of Howard Hughes, he will definitely operate its own company as a normal boss, but by means of a group including Frank William Gaish and other executives.

Tan Frank William Gairi said that he served as the Chairman of the Hughes Airlines, the Hughes Tools, senior vice president and board member.

Of course, for the outside world, "Motor Black Hand Party" is called, far more easily than this institution itself.

After listening to Frank Mors, Frank William Gair is reluctantly: "Houst is now more and more difficult, Ming put David is a difficult person, is it true? Just for a movie, take those who can be unknown. "


PS: Thanks to the book friends, such as the reward! ! !

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