Rebirth capital madman

Chapter 419, how is the capital of capital?

In fact, the decision of the essay also has its own interests.

Through this time and Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley's specific contact, the chungholic can significantly feel that the latter work style is really spicy, but it is more arrogant, and the former is modest.

Perhaps this is related to the situation of Goldman Sachs.

In this era, such as Moistist, Solomon brothers, etc., Goldman Sachs competitors in Wall Street have a considerable advantage. For example, in terms of internationalization, I started recovery after the end of the Second World War. Because of the business of war, Morgan Stanley is the UK Foundation Investment Bank in North America, and the high-level stage is still struggling to break through the international difficulties.

In addition, Goldman Sachs operates in the same way, and has lost an important major customer like Ford.

Because Golden Premier Leader Sidney Winberg and Ford Automobile Headman Henry Ford II private intersection, deeply trust, so that it affects the financial strategy of Ford Auto, let Ford Car CFO Irrindi is very annoyed.

As a result, after the death of Sidney Winberge, the Ford car executive of Sinang, who had a complaint, can't wait to kick Goldman Sachs - Want Ford Car's business, not, but need to participate Competition, and competition races to be placed in the end.

In the hologracence, and the Spring breeze of Wall Street will be in contact, naturally, it will be overlooked as soon as Goldman Sachs, which is easy to find the scenes of equality.

In short, the tall strings sell David Rockefeller and John White Black and a human situation, selling more than five Azk Oil Company stocks, sold Goldman Sachs.

This also basically guarantees Goldman Sachs in the anti-fashionable acquisition of Morgan Stanley, standing in an invincible place, and can stay, means victory, as for the next specific drama, there is no chord Relationship.

As a socially retro collection, the essays of John White Black, John Winberg, etc. Goldman Sachs, and chatted with the internationalization of the chat business.

The high stroke introduced some achievements that made Goldman Sachs, because in the long run, Xiangjiang became the British colony, his Xiangjiang department is very familiar with the British's act, and thereby playing the handling of the hand, so in London Financial Street The operating results are quite good.

So exchange, is a feast of the British state-owned company privatization in a few years, making a pavement that may cooperate.


When the chords from the New York of the East coast of the East Coast, Flying to Los Angeles in the West Coast of the West Coast, making a short rest, when I will return to Xiangjiang, a small person boards.

This person is called Mike Markula, before, in the Intel Market Department, because the competition executive duties will be lost, the content resign, relying on the Intel stock earned to the million dollar wealth, launched a happy and self-rich day, Occasionally, I will engage in investment, this time, it is to talk about things in the field.

The chord does not have a small person because Mike Markra is a small person, still in the enthusiasm of the old friend, and take the initiative to ask for it.

Mike Markula said: "A few hours, in the Silicon Valley, Dang Valentin, who is ventined in Risk investment, I recommend a personal computer entrepreneurial project, but I have seen it, but some hesitated, so Specially come to find a jazz and consult your opinion. "

Listening to the heart of the heart, I am smiling: "Is it a lot of personal computers, much more than my personal computer, so you will be unfull."

Mike Makula laughed, "Huanyu Electronics is definitely the most successful products at this stage, but I have seen the personal computer, and the architecture of Huanyu personal computer is completely different, and from the technical level, the aura Is full. "

"However, two young people who have developed this personal computer are typical anti-mainstream cultural people, and it is very exclusive to make my heart very good."

The heart is roughly guessing the Supreme Supreme, and the brow is a way: "So, you want me to make me a review through the existing experience, see the value is not worth investing?"

Mike Markula is just a lively and losing his head, "it means this mean!"

Senior strings: "Do you bring this personal computer?"

Mike Makula has a little embarrassed to answer: "I will not be sure if the Gazz is time, so I have not carried samples, but now you can make the two young people with a personal computer, rush from Silicon Valley, afternoon. I can see it. "

I want to think about it, "I don't want to go to Silicon Valley to investigate the latest developments. If you don't have to come over, let's go."

Mike Marcula has no reason to reject, and the aircraft is sitting on the aircraft. By the way, chatting on the way to talk about the unicolitting of the Silicon Valley venture capital.

At this stage, Silicon Valley venture capital is actually the slander of Wall Street, left to Arthur Lock, Tang Valentine, Mike Marcula, to eat, anyway, if risk investment is really successful Also get the listing of Wall Street, which in turn is included in the Wall Street forces.

It is not yet, and the Supreme Mercedes-Benz team was taken before Mike Markula. At the same time, I also saw the inventor of Apple Computer Jobs and Woznik.

Just as Mike Marcula, Jobs and Woznik have a strong anti-mainstream cultural youth image, the former is long, the latter is full of joins, especially Jobs, I don't know how long didn't know how long After taking a shower, it sang a smell, smoked the string and frowned, sang them to stand in the distance, watching the apple computer.

Objectively, the apple computer is simple in front of it, but it has been formed, much more than the other's so-called personal computers in the form of board.

Of course, the extent of product improvement and use of friendly experiences. At this time, Apple Computers will definitely be able to compile with Huanyu personal computer, but it is indeed enough to enter the prospects unlimited personal computer market for development.

The chunghrine does not think in naiveness, directly crushed the apple computer before the eyes, you can dominate the personal computer market, which will only make the situation becomes confusing, it is difficult to control, and he is intended.

So, the chord gives the pertinent evaluation, "From a creative point of view, this personal computer is still very potential."

Standing at the distance, after hearing the words, dragging the sandals on his feet, and pulling it over: "For some time, there is a company called Kang Yida to find a million dollars, I want to pay completely. Apple computer, we have not sold ... "

"It's really a boy who is ignorant. Even this kind of ridiculous trick is so embarrassed to sell it in front of him." The tall strings snorted, because of the strong taste of Jobs, turned back to the car .

See this scenario, Walzniak sighed a sorrow.

Mike Makula, who is on the car, asked in the heart: "Gao Jazz, what you mean, this project is worth investing?"

Senior, "I think Apple computer is active, the market prospect is quite worth looking forward to, but Mike, the premise is that you need to be an angel investor."

Mike Makula laughed: "Be an angel investor, for me, don't be difficult, anyway, my personal time is relatively abundant, you can always guide Jobs and Wozniak."

The chord shook his head, "Mike, you think that the angel investors I said is simple. In addition to the guidance, everywhere, you will also shape the image of Apple Computer."

Speaking of this, the chord refers to Jobs and Wozniak outside the means car. "You look at their virtues, don't say wearing a suit and shoes, how to take a shower, I smoke my brain Rare, think of this apple computer company, how to win investors' trust in financing activities. "

"These two young people are just let me feel that there is no place in my heart." Mike Markura said: "Especially Jobs, claiming to be practiced, food is mainly eating fruit, wash a week It is enough to take a shower. "

"However, I think, perhaps these problems are not so serious, after all, many technologies superb hackers are also anti-mainstream cultural people, and they are popular in Silicon Valley, and they will take the old board of the video game console. Nolan Bush Neld, the achievement of commercial achievements can be used. "

Senior, "So, I said, you need to be an angel investor, a special angel investor, when you are a mother, Jobs and Woznik, habitually put on suit and leather shoes, Learn to write business planning books, this is the minimum requirement with investors. "

Mike Makura sighed, "I can understand more and more, and Tang Valentine introduced this project to me."

Looking at Mike Markra, you have lost your life, "this Apple Computer company, what is the current situation?"

Mike Makura's hand introduced: "Now Apple Computer is a partnership that Jobs and Wozniak. It has no funds. There is still a partner before, but because of fear of debt joint responsibility, Quite it. "

"My plan is that if this Apple computer is worth investing, I will change it into a company, and I will put it in the $ 250,000 in the hand. I will go to the bank to make a pen, and I will get one million US dollars. To start funds, build factories, batch manufacturing products, formulate departments, and launch market sales, in short, it is to operate in accordance with regular companies. "

I want to think about it, then take the initiative to help: "Mike, if you feel the pressure in your feelings, I can let the Howard Hughes Foundation provide $ 500,000, but the premise is that you have to do it. Described angel investors, comprehensively tune Jobs and Wozniak, and serve as Chairman of the board of directors of Apple Computer to ensure that Apple Computer is working in accordance with the norms. "

Telling here, the chords took the shoulders of Mike Markula, and said: "Although I have my own personal computer products, this market is still in the infinite stage, the prospects and capacity are unlimited, I still don't What is the approach to Apple Computer.

"Moreover, if the later people in Apple can succeed, then the personal computer assets on my hand will have a high-rise boat, maybe it can provide additional opportunities."

Mike Markula quickly stated: "The high-jazz's magnificent, I certainly won't doubt, otherwise, I will not specifically find the Gazz to do consultation. Gazz let the Howard Hughes Foundation help me raise me Fund, more considering Zhou Quan, I don't ask. "

I hope that Jobs and Wozniak, who looks at the car outside, said, "Perhaps, these two anti-mainstream cultures have been packaged, the people who have created a grassroots, will become apple Computer company is unique and attractive. "

"After all, the capital needs to tell the story, and the public is also the bridge of the rise of grassroots."

"People who do a grassroots entrepreneurship?" Mike Markula asked in an uncertainty: "Is it like packaging stars?"

"Yes, it is true." Senior strings nodded, "You don't have to worry too much about the accident, the business people I said, there is much more stable, and as long as valuable, others are also Will help maintain. "

Senior strings say, of course, is not a huge trick, but have successful experiences.

At the "old script", Jobs, who was named after "Old Script", even if he never went to China, but did not hinder the people of him, and his products, the top of his products, the mystery, people who don't care about the resources, driving in the interest Below, willing to cooperate with the creation.

Mike Makula Sso: "Wozniak is obsessed with technology, and many things listen to Jobs's idea, and Jobs also has the potential to create a business card for Apple Computer."

Did that Jobs outside the window said: "You didn't say anything wrong, this Jobs looked very much with people's performance talent, seeing your godfather, how to teach."

Speaking of this, the chord suddenly has a feeling, "Mike, the energetic energy is limited, sometimes it is only a good investment, it is enough to achieve a business world, become a part of history."

Mike Markula seems to have a real understanding, after a while, I will open the mouth: "I will build Apple Computer Co., Ltd., try to leave the Silver Valley before leaving Silicon Valley."

The chord smiled and nodded. When Jobs finally made it up, he pulled down the window, saying faintly: "You guys, if you always have a strange taste, will definitely be aging it by more investors. ,like me!"

Jobs stopped, rising red face, like Jin Lion King, staring at the hine.

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