Rebirth capital madman

Chapter 467 is a blue giant in the case of capital.

In order to make Comdex into the first event of the IT, the initial stage is not a good, so the Howard Hugz Foundation has launched a three-year excellent product reward plan outside the COMDEX system. In the face of small entrepreneurial companies, the lowest third prize can also reimburse all the costs required to exhibit.

At present, the personal computer industry is still in the first generation. Most of the practitioners are small companies, especially software, such as representative Microsoft, but the employees have more than 10 million US dollars.

Therefore, this crowning support plan, greatly enhanced the popular Comdex's popularity, not only professional media, but also attracted the exhibitors to register, so that Comdex can charge high-end customers, not in the entrepreneurial particles .

This effect is similar to the snowball. The concept of "traffic" is not necessarily deep into the heart, but the popularity accumulates, enough to attract large and medium-sized enterprises that have developed mature.

It is necessary to specifically point out that Comdex is only part of the IT industry, and the personal computer industry is only part of it, so weighed small machine manufacturers, peripheral manufacturers, software developers, product distributors retailers, IT Solution consultants, etc. Even the field of electronic games is exhibitors.

When the Comdex group committee finally identified the exhibition list, the exhibitor more than three hundred, and participants estimate to reach six thousand people.

One thing to explain is that the COMDEX at this stage is mainly open to IT from industry and media, only in the last day of the exhibition, limited reception interested public admission.

The first COMDEX public activity of the chunghism is to give the officials from the Zhengfu, Nevada State University system, including certificates, and 10,000 US dollars to ten Tens of thousands of US dollars.

This is a two-day appetizer, which is a two-day official banquet, so that the exhibitors will show their own products for two days to show their own products and finally create business opportunities.

In addition, the Comdex team has also established a forum, requested the industry to speaking at the stage.

The taste is that the "just a toy" evaluation surrounded by the personal computer, did not appear in this occasion, because the Huanyu PC and spreadsheet this kill-level application combination fists is too fierce, especially Huanyu Computer Company CEO Charles Dowi also flying flying flyingly demonstrated that the sixteen fourth-generation Huanyu personal computers that pushed to the market in the second half of this year, allowing IBM, data equipment companies, etc. Old card computer manufacturers, faintly smelling This industry is dangerous.

The first COMDEX has not ended yet, it has been identified that a big reason is that the Committee has invited the Board of Board of Directors and CEO Frank Kari, as Chairman and CEO of the IBM. CEO CIRC Olson and other industry heavyweight characters are present.

Just taking Ken Olsen, it does not give the dismals of the personal computer before, but the R & D plan of the thirty-two mini-machine system VAX sprinkled with a data equipment company.

The mainstream small machine, mainframe, mainframe, two, sixteen, 32, etc., now in the sixteen era, the old computer manufacturers will not panic.

After all, although from the technical point of view, the performance of the entire computer system cannot be absolutely measure, but marketing can make customers recognize this set!

The high strings have swept a business leader in the field, especially after a serious Frank Card, secretly smile, and the pressure is really good.

Take the lunch time, the chord deli and the Frank Cartry are sitting together, "Chat chat," Kari, how do you think the prospect of a personal computer? "

Frank Card is not taboo this topic, calmly replied: "I personally be more optimistic."

Senior striped snake followed the stick: "So, is IBM some computer research and development plan?"

Frank Kari, asked: "How, Jazz worry that IBM will threaten Huanyu personal computer after IBM is involved in personal computer business?"

Sen strolling haha ​​smiles, it is unfair to attack: "Carry is a senior person in the IT field, naturally understand the power of the first advantage, otherwise, the small machine of the data equipment company will not rise in front of IBM. ! "

Frank Kari flashed a piece of shackles, because the chord of the string is correct, the small machine of the data equipment company is to drill the market space of the IBM mainframe, and wait for IBM to figure out the taste, want When entering the field of small machines, it is not possible to crush the data equipment company that has been stabilized.

It seems that there is no change in the look of Frank Kari, and the tall strings continue to talk: "Huanyu personal computer has been jointly part of the weighing equipment developer, software application developers, create a very complete ecology Chain, distance to form industry standards is not far apart, although it is strong as IBM, only passive followed parts. "

At this time, Frank Kari can't determine how big is the authenticity in the hyper strings, but he still tends to believe in most, so I am actively putting smoke bomb, "With IBM's strong technical heritage, even in personal computers Later, it will become a leader, not the role of followers. "

"I can tell Gao Jazz, IBM has been promoting personal computer research and development plan."

"Is it?" High-tech is smiling. "As far as I know, IBM has a very obvious large business disease, and the implementation efficiency is very low. It is like moving a box from the first floor to the second floor. The reported office process can be done after three months. "

"The rules of the personal computer industry can be different from the fields known to those skilled in IBM, and they can be described in the new month and do not exaggerate."

"Look at the development track of Huanyu personal computer, almost every until two years, there is a new generation of products to be pushed to the market, this is not, the fourth-generation Huanyu personal computer is fast."

"And IBM's large machine life cycle, almost ten years, SYSTEM360 serves in 1960, and the SYSTEM370 seems to have eight years."

"IBM's blue giant has been hit a slow label, and the stock price is weak is the best reaction in the capital market."

Frank Carlina is also a big man. The temper in the week is absolutely small. At this time, it is finally the words of the sylla of the sterling.

"The Gao Jazz said so much, what is it to show off?" Frank Kari slowed down the coffee, and the tone was obviously unpleasant.

The chord laughs and shrugged. "You think more, I am worried about the future of this great company! Perhaps, acquire Huanyu Computer Company, can make up for the mistake of the IBM after the personal computer sector."

"What ..." The language of the height of the sky, let Frank Carry have sprinkled the coffee.

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