Rebirth capital madman

Chapter 803 knows that some people do not die

This Jiemin is a good thing to give the essay. It is the meaning of the Gao Jazz, and now it should be exhausted, and now, when the body rely on the luxurious and comfortable leather seat, the whole person It's easy to put it down, so that you can start what to put on. After all, you can't intermine.

After arriving at the hotel, Benjimin said: "Jazz, Qi Kecheng, two and accompanying people first make a break, the medical group will make a preliminary health check for you, wait for the first lady, I will notify you, everyone can Take this gap, give your family a call, and report to peace. "

Senior low-channel: "Ben Jie, I have an unfortunate, you can disclose all the recent situation of Jazz, I'm going to disclose, I want to take the opportunity to observe the Xiangjiang side, because I want to take the opportunity to observe the Xiangjiang side. Loyalty, friend's goodwill, is it. "

"I understand! I understand!" Ben Jieming gods smiled, it was not the set of power to win, "we are also very proficient," said that passengers and crew will land peacefully, will arrange to hospital for medical examination, how? This delay will not be too long. After all, the global concern, and so many passengers, the family members, which are likely to come to visit. "

"Twenty-four hours, it is almost." Seniors said: "Of course, if time is longer, the effect should be better."

When Yanke Cheng saw this Jie Ming left, smile and wanted to listen to: "Gao Jazz, what did you talk about? How do I feel, a mystery?"

"Nothing, just hope that he will arrange, about our news, only disclose the necessary part, but let everyone rest as much as possible before leaving Lu Song." Senior strings smiled, "Jazz, Yanke, In these two days, in addition to making the lady, it is best not to contact others, including the government, so that we can show the risk of the danger, maybe you can reach some condolence subsidies. "

Do you have a tall and smart person? This is clear that I have to work with you. Qi Kecheng lipped, and finally did not say opposition. Because through this accident, he has been embarrassed by the leadership of the tall string.

To put it bluntly, Yanke Cheng's basic "waste". In the next time, he is difficult to find back to the staff and balance the heart gas.

If you don't move, you will like your assistant to go to "care", and you will call your family and department.


After listening to the rewards of the National Taba flights to the Gazz, the reaction between Xiangjiang, worried, anxiety, and stealing, and even self-thinking opportunities, I can do a lot of ecstasy. As long as the chord is not in the Xiangjiang, it is too easy to easily, and even if you want to move anything, it belongs to this type.

Yihe Headquarters Building.

At the press conference that is playing in the TV, Duncan Brugaw solemnly announced that according to the official news on Manila, the fault airplane safety landing, passengers and crew members have no death, Yi Yi And the army of the army, Week: "Sen this is happy and high-quality soul, it is really hard enough."

Yonghe Ban Ximen · Catheri is equally disappointed, "Even if it is not dead, it is broken, and it will make some opportunities to create some opportunities."

When Duncan Brucks sprinkled, after the various remedies of TEANT, Davis Davis sent the latest intelligence, according to Yi and the news from Luzon's branch, The Boeing Seven-four seven-seven-seven-seven-seven-seven-seven planes did successfully landed in Manila International Airport. Although there were many wounded, they were sent to the hospital, but they may be like the official propaganda of Luzon, this rescue is very successful, no one died.

Introduced here, Davis shrugged, you also know, Lu Songa is dictatorship, the affiliates have the ability to let the outside world only know the news that it is allowed to know, since the global murderer, It has been controlled by the management, including this rescue, although many media reporters are allowed to enter, but they are also the only life.

However, it is seen that Lu Songzhengfu regards this rescue, regarded as an important opportunity to improve international image, and want to rescue the power, no death, will not be adulterated.

"The worst result of that is the injury is hospitalized." Bao Weishi Shen said.

Ximen Kai Sik suddenly thought about what, asked: "Right, deputy fiscal Skin is not on the plane, did he have any news?"

"I have been hit by the way." Davis nodded, "The government has received the news, and Yan Ke Cheng needs to take a while."

"This is right." Ximen Kai Sick self-timer smart and smart legs, "With Yan Kecheng's identity, he is sure and hosted. Yanke is hurt, and the chord is difficult to escape, but in order to It is not alarming that the river is covering it. "

Davis loudow in front of him: "What you mean is, as long as the string is injured, it has to be recurable, then his disposal of the land will inevitably weakened, and this is the opportunity of us."

Bao Weisheng asked: "The" Gao Yi's general, what is the movement? "

"In addition to Ye Richeng contacted the Academic Si Sha Dingji," Davis thought about it, "Also, the Governor has received the close relationship with Thatcher's relationship with the close-up of Yi Huirong Congress. phone."

"It's really a husband and wife, I'm always happy. Unfortunately, it is a long way." Ximen Kai Sik smiled, "Whether, we meet, let the board chairman of the board of directors Vet."

Davis reminded a sentence, "Wei Pis is not stupid, this special period, will he show it?"

Bao Weishe said with the posture of the feathers: "There is no place to copy the shares of Yi and 5%, not because the new Central Land has never forgotten, telling him, this meeting, we will discuss the new Central Land project."


The big military division is the big military division. Wei Pis is as scheduled, is the arrogance of the face.

This is also no wonder that only from the perspective of the market value, it is deeply accused of nearly two billion debts, the current market value fell to 40 billion, and the deception can no longer declined, and the land is several times, before the two sides The status is the big and your younger, now you can do it at least to adjust.

After the meeting, the first package of Weisheng pulled the leisure, praised London, to take the Stanfu Bridge Stadium, the new town development in the Wooden Terminal District of London, and even rumored the British National Department Store Fu Whetra Department Store Group, business international expansion achievements, clouds.

Wei Pue is impatiently interrupted these flatteps, saying that those nonsense do, this meeting is not to discuss the new Central Land, Yihe as long as it is willing to let go, immediately reduce half of the debt pressure.

Davis couldn't help but smirked a bit, and it was really collected, and it was refused to let any golden land in the central center.

Wei Pue did not fight against the gas, I originally, the new Central of the King should belong to the place, you can have a means of spending a countertop, don't think that I don't know, Laozi has never eaten this dark loss.

The past is not chasing, doing business or should look forward, Bao Weishi has finished the round field, tested: "Since the land is so passionate about the new Central, it is better to set up with Yi and the merger. At the time, the new Central Project will naturally belong to the place. "

This round of the wheel to Wei Pie, rolling, Yihe now is the point of rotten, who doesn't know? Why is it going to be a big head?

"This is the professionals deliberately unprotten." Bao Weisheng did not exclaim, the current problem is really very serious, but as long as the capital turnover is turned, it will turn to the danger, or the very brilliant diversity Operating a large group, and the place, the financial situation is good, but it will return to the narrow business surface, and it is going to the market space to expand its business. In addition to the internationalization, it is not to seek diversification.

To put it here, Bao Weishen threw a heavy bomb, of course, brought about the maximum credit for the improvement of capital flows, and then in the same way, not only the new Central is you, but even the big class It is yours, and you can give you no less than one million signed fees.

Wei Pis finally moved, and his eyes turned to Siemen Kakitc. "Why, Catherke's family wants to open?"

"I have to admit that the situation is strong." Ximen Catheri shrugged, "As long as the family of Yihe is still there, Catherke's shareholders still save."

Wei Pig's face is suspicious, and the three people, Bao Weishen, Davis three people, and finally shake his head: "Sorry, your proposal will be very attractive, I can't do it."

Bao Weishuyheng lover: "As far as I know, I delighted the Fifty-five-fifth Xiangjiang Institute of Lands, and only one hundred percent of nine o'clock, I have only one percent. Conjective, this is to strengthen the English-based colorful color, which is more convenient to develop in the UK market. If you must, the English executives are definitely very large in the field of the country. "

"Now this festival, the influence of the high strolling, it is inevitably reduced, it is the good time you decide to place it."

"According to the situation in the Xiangjiang situation in front of you, you still put the headquarters to the British native, you can make progress, you can retire, life after retirement is more secure."

See Way Pien is still silent, the West Gate Katheki is open, you originally a partner with Li Junxin, how is it so eager? Look at the people and records of Li Junxin, even if Li Hematic has a special care of Huifeng, he has got the authority of the remember, but it is still holding the management hand headed by Li Junxin!

Bao Weishi also helped the cavity: "The business atmosphere here is still old, and the management is not the puppet."

"Not only is the problem of controlling the power." Wei Pig shook his head. "You don't know the specific situation of the land, now the development route is very clear, in the case where the Xiangjiang market does not work in the stage, strive to break through the British market. The purchase of Stanford Bridge Stadium is a quite encouraging start point, and the acquisition of Fu Wai Sha Department Store Group, the overall situation has been fixed. "

"To know, many members in the Furaosha Department Store Group are old names. The storefront places are self-ever, with the 10,000 steps, even if the department store is not in the air, the land can also be active. Especially, Fu Lao Sha Department Store Group's flagship store Harodian Department Store, the location of the store is exceptionally superior, and it has also been certified by the British royal family, and the Gazz is quite optimistic. "

Ximen Kai Sikhaha laughed, you all said that the Funosha Department Store is so good, why is the shareholders of people to sell? Even if the other party agreed, what is the high price to put it? Business internationalization is really so easy, Yihe, Huifeng how will slowing slowly?

Some hidden rules, they are not interesting.

The land is getting a Stamford Stone Company in London, claiming to participate in the new town development in the London's Waste Terminal Area, is a symbolic meaning greater than the actual results, but it is only convenient in the stock market in Xiangjiang, bank financing. Just like Jia Ning before bankruptcy, how to boast, how to be on the real estate project of Auckland in Mi, is not a joke.

Wei Pis is a bit dissatisfaction, don't take Chen Songqing and Gao Jazz to compare, set the current development, which is much better than in Yi and Banner, otherwise, when you first, why will it take place?

Ximen Kai Sik defended, that is because the chord is too sneak, don't talk about Wu De!

Bao Weisheng coughs, pull the topic of the run, I can understand that the pressure of Gao Jazz gives the management layer. In fact, the landing to London is expanded by the acquisition, sets the land and the Yi and the merger, and by your class, the expansion effect, more excellent, from the perspective of commercial speakers, Jazz as long as the Gazz is reasonable If you accept it, if you are accused, it is right.

Wei Pis listened, smiled, your wish, I have already pondered it, it is Yihe poor, I want to I ignore the introduction of the bureau, even if the two companies finally fails, Yihe also got it The asthesia, but I have to take a good job of arbitrarily advocate the good rice bowl.

With this risk, why don't you put it in accordance with the original development plan, go to the acquisition of Fu Lai Sha Department Store Group, even if it is no success, it is not my responsibility. As for the new centro king, when you are so good, it is not too late.

See Vail Pieter to gather him, Bao Weishen put his hand, inquired, set it to London, the Gazz is ready to acquire Fu Shan Department Store Group, how high is the price?

Tell you, there is no, Weishi answers, the high-level psychological price of the Gazz, is about 100 billion pounds.

It is impossible to be so cheap, there is no new land for the new Central Project and the real estate development. Ximen Katink's head shakes like a depression drum.

Bao Weishi thought about it, let WV Pieter waited for a moment, and screamed Davis to entertain Wi Peter, and then he took the West Gate Katin. Also change the place, I don't know what to do.

When Wi Pie's loses patience, when I plan to take it directly, Bao Weishen and Siemens Kai Sick returned.

Bao Weishi proposal, we came to a gambling, set and arrive with the merger negotiations, set the place to help the Yi and alleviate the fiscal pressure; if you are on Christmas, you will successfully acquire Fu Walai. Department Store, the new Central Project is also the same with this price, and it is taken away; if the merged negotiation continues, it is determined by the place. Of course, the exit method can also be discussed again.

Ximen Catherick does not move in the sky again, this is the last chance of getting the new Central Ring Project. If you can't do the owner, you can ask you to ask you.

Wei Po said that it must be clarified and relieve financial pressures. This is good, and it is good, and it is allowed to give Yi and two hundreds of millions. If the place is not higher than 16 billion pounds, successfully acquire Fu Lai Sha Department Store Group, then this Even if the money is acquired the deposit of the new Central.

Bao Weishang was squeezed, two hundreds of millions of not enough tooth seam, and if the acquisition of Fosha Department Store does not fail?

Wei Pue's old face is red, big deal, that is 200 million, set off, I still have this permission, as for the land and Yi and mergers, or put it on the board, study.

You look at it, you will find a lawyer to write the document, if you don't work, one shot twice.

Ximen Kai Ski waved, well, ok, just follow this.

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