Rebirth capital madman

Chapter 810, first, and sign the Hong Kong dollar yen currency exchange agreement

At this stage, the position of this position around Xiangjiang Exchange Fund Administration is a hive-in-law. As for other matters, it is necessary to row, for example, on the basis of a paving.

Vice President of the Xiangjiang Forex Fund Management Bureau of Xianggang and Li Guoba, is looking for someone, and they can be in the stalls of the money and banks, which can be used as a fish to get water, which is in line with the high strings, ie To a large extent, he partially shares routine, daily specific matters.

In the brief speaking, this time, the Hong Kong dollar exchange rate roughly in the interval of 788 Hong Kong dollars to 778 Hong Kong dollar, and the established target is still different, the main reason is that the Hong Kong dollar contact a package of international currency exchange rate system implementation initial There is still an international tourism to drill the drill figures, and the sudden emergency of the President of the Xiangjiang Exchange Fund Authority is stimulating.

This kind of speculation, although not like Solo's call to launch the Asian financial crisis, the wealth of the alliance of Southeast Asia is all known, but the degree of danger is not necessarily.

In the high string, there is a weakness that is easy to make speculators to be eye-catching, that is, Hong Kong dollars contact a package of international currency exchange rate system implementation, the pound that can be dominated, Sid Mark, Japanese international currency The position is not particularly sufficient, and it is estimated that the attires are also careful to test the bottom cards in this area.

As for immediate solutions, it is also very simple. From the psychological warfare, you will be able to hold each other.

It is important to know that the speculators are largely played in the international market. They are playing the heart game. Through various or bright or dark means, the idea of ​​the left and right targets, the opportunity to wave the big knife to cut the leeks, which looks like Like gambling, it is also self-thinking, it is, it is, it is, it is clear that the card is determined.

Originally, the chunghismal plan was traveling first, first to the UK, is ready to let the other party reiterate the guarantee commitment to Hong Kong dollars.

After all, Xiangjiang is a British colonial in the year, and raises countless British businessmen, let them travel from a long journey, pirate, breaking households, and turned into the big rich man, returning to London, became a top society I can't give up the British sterlant system, the imperial special system, etc., turned to the embrace of the European Economic Community, escaping the minimum obligation.

In fact, the chords have been secretly prepared to do this in the British guarantee Hong Kong dollar, as long as it is chip, let the other party sign a pound of the pounds of the Hong Kong dollar in accordance with their own requirements, even if they reach the goal.

As a result, because of the flight accident, go to this trip to London, temporarily delayed.

However, in order to raise the international gossip of Xiangjiang Chinese financial leaders as much as possible, the British has passed the news, and the Gazz has urged the body. It does not have to rush to negotiate, England Bank first gives the Xiangjiang Forex Fund 200 million The pound is the next year, you can use it.

In this way, the chords visit London goals are, it is half a half, and in accordance with the tendency of the eyes, signing a hint of the pounds that meet the hoggy of the HKM, should be difficult.

However, this is really can't relax this. Slough decision, start again, just changing, first go to Tokyo, go to twisted waist and peanut stew, and finally visit Europe, and can accompany the wife who want to go back to Toronto, in Tokyo briefly.

Gao Jazz is so dedicated, although it is still to wear a neckhouse from time to time, but the body rehabilitation cannot delay the work.

As a result, when the chord and a homework, Xiangjiang's media seized the opportunity and consume it.

The cause is, from Xiangjiang to Tokyo flights, passengers can choose Guo Airlines, or choose an aviation, and the Supreme Supreme Choose the latter, which gives the outside world, such as the Gao Jazz. Really no longer trust the airplane of the national airway.

Even, there is also a small news from a ticket company, that is, the Gazza Group created by the Gazz, will reduce the flight flight in business trips, replacing other international airlines.

Although the gratiant group spokesperson denied this rumor, National Tai Airlines also tacitly collaborate, but everyone still discusss the taste of Jinjin.

The tall strings don't want to sit again to the airway. If you count what the supun VIPPPP card is not sitting, how much the sweetness of the big, the tall jazz can be lost!

In this way, it is inevitable that it will cause inconvenience. If you really encounter the bones, it is to hurry, you can only have direct flights to Cathay Airport, what should I do, sit still?

In fact, the high strings have long been arranged, and it has already purchased a plane. I am happy to rent a few aircraft, and the high-priced private company is also high, and I am happy to sign the rental contract. I really need it. Time, the plane will definitely not miss it.

After the air plane landed in the Tokyo Narita Airport, a financial ministers bamboo lamp welcomed the arrival of the Gazz and Yi Huirong Congress.

Previously passed a business, consulate, Xiangjiang and a collections in Xiangjiang, or even the three-side committee, the chord has put the meaning of a Hong Kong dollar yen currency exchange agreement, and communication with this It was very in place, and a very enthusiastic enthusiasm is also very enthusiastic, so this time the trip to Tokyo will not be nervous.

The fact is true. When the President of the Xiangjiang Exchange Fund Authority, Jazz and a financial ministers began to official negotiations, the bamboo lamp didfully agreed, as long as a bank was properly taken care of in Xiangjiang, the two sides can sign A $ 100 billion yen yen yen currency interchange agreement.

One hundred billion yen, this number, I heard that it was quite big. In fact, according to the current exchange rate of more than 200 yuan, the exchange rate is converted, it is a hundreds of millions of dollars, it may not be as good as playing more business M & A, the size of the funds involved, but just like the one of the Bank of England, how much is not the most important, the gesture is the most important, and the information passed is enough to let the speculators will end up. Attack Hong Kong dollar profit.

Just, there is another intention of the heart, but it is not satisfied. He first complied a few words. "Another is now the world's second largest economy, all aspects are thriving, and according to this momentum, more than rice, male The world is the world, it is also entirely possible, a bank is in the heart of Xiangjiang, it is not easy to take care of others. "

When I was sitting in the opposite, I was laughed with it. After a long time, the Gao Jazz continued: "I noticed that after a product occupied North America and the European market, the Japanese companies were also Actively explore Southeast Asia, using the labor cost advantage, build a factory production, and Xiangjiang as a recognized international financial center, is a suitable banking overseas base. "

"Therefore, I hope that this Hong Kong dollar yen currency exchange agreement can be performed for a long time."

Bamboo is interested in asking, how is the extent to which the Gao Jazz said?

Senior strings, I served as the president of the Xiangjiang Exchange Fund Administration for five years, the time limit of the Hong Kong dollar yen currency exchange agreement, how can I not be less than this time.

I also laughed, and the bamboo lamp nodded. When the experts like a jazz, open the sunroof and say bright words, we naturally welcome the Japanese yen to pay attention to and use the world, Hong Kong Yuan Yen currency interchange agreement It can be performed for a long time, and even the scale can also be further increased, but one year is a one-year sign, and it is well to examine the actual implementation.

This is not there being a pithron of the bamboo lamp that has not been flicked. The Gao Jazz is not entangled. It also refers to the same international status in Hong Kong dollar. I am also happy to meet the beauty of the adult. Further improve.

So, the chords completed a work, Hong Kong dollar yen currency exchange agreement officially signed.

In this regard, the high jazz and the bamboo light smile the photos of the handshake, appearing on the headlines of the financial media header of professionals.

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