Switzerland, there is no working pressure, and then when everyone is playing, they are very happy, fully alleviating the hard work of rushing, the same.

It can be said that after completing the central bank and the financial community of the Miki, the United Kingdom, Side, and the International Monetary Fund, the international positioning of the Xiangjiang Foreign Exchange Fund Management Bureau has been formed.

Furthermore, the military order under the mean, that is, after his first five-year term, Xiangjiang Exchange fund assets increased from current billions of dollars, with a large number of more than $ 3 billion. Environmental guarantee.

Obviously, regardless of how the outside world is talking, the chords have a lot of people in their hearts.

Because Xiangjiang is in this historical period, Xiangjiang future is used as a card to play, the bad guy is igniting the fire, the stupid is afraid that the world is not chaotic, and the ordinary people are fooled, and it is inevitable to panic ... ...

In this case, the Xiangjiang economy will go, it is really shrouded in the fog.

Others have no bottom, the chords can't be faded!

If the negotiations between the two countries have been stalemate, the Britain, the Britain, the United Kingdom can't stand. Its own contradictions such as economic lagma, trade union force, northern Ireland issues, etc., as long as the negotiations reached the result, Xiangjiang must return, The Xiangjiang economy will quickly turn, the most representative stock market and real estate re-fire, and strongly pull the economy further increase.

Senior thinking, eating this general bonus, five years later, Xiangjiang Exchange Fund assets exceeded $ 2 billion in difficulty, will not be too big.

In addition, from the performance of the economic situation in the country and a country, Siece and other countries, as well as international trade friction, "Old Script" similar to the similar square agreement, how can you? " The play code is still to be staged. Using this opportunity, Xiangjiang Exchange Fund asset size can increase billions of US dollars in succession, and do not let the outside world suspicion.

Also, the Xiangjiang Development Investment Fund is more than the high-yield platform. It is a five-year time, and it is also possible to grow in the scale of Xiangjiang Forex Fund assets, contribute $ 23 billion.

This kind of blueprint has a clear feeling, and it will definitely feel relaxed, so that it can always maintain a peaceful mentality when dealing with domestic affairs.

Peaceful to Switzerland, I have been going to school for a while, and the chord must be in the way. To be honest, your big son, although it belongs to the president according to the old name, but he still has a special feeling.

If you have a low-key stroke, when you find peace, Ping An is participating in the International Tennis Union, the International Tennis Union, ITF, a teenage group satellite.

Parents of the court, red headband, red jersey, red pants, red racket, red ball shoes, hands hold, launching in the bottom line, omissivity, as a fast, steady counterattack, The opposite blonde teenager is to defeat.

The look is calm and safe, and after a gesture with his own coach, it is ready to serve.

Senior strings only plan to see a few eyes, because he agreed to use resources, transfer peace to Switzerland to school and accept more professional tennis training, but still think that playing tennis as a strong body intestion It's enough, your son, and still the eldest son, or should be prepared for the future to help the family industry, how to let the tennis anti-customer mainly, affect the most fundamental academic plan.

However, at this time, the tall jazz, but I watched unconsciously.

Because, although the chord is not a professional tennis, it is still some, it can be seen, the performance of peace is in the official stadium, it is really good, it reflects that peace requires Switzerland to accept more professional tennis training, The attitude is quite serious, not a three-minute child.

At the same time, some subtle small fluctuations in the heart of the chords also put him on the seat.

The small peace on the field, that is really handsome, after all, his mother Liang Xin is a big star in his name, the appearance of the appearance is self-motivated, and his son naturally inherits this.

Between Ping An Shen, the pair of Danfeng's eyes especially with killing power, the chunghosis noted that the ladies in the audience obviously be more interested in their sons, and drums to especially sell.

In this way, the tall strings have read the son's game, and Ping An uses a winning, showing his father, it is not a japanese, in his words, the points can't be taken, the next step will win the championship, Good to get higher points.

I didn't forget to hit my son's essay, deliberately asked peace, "You look at it, what is it used?"

Peacefulness replied, "I can transfer it to the professional competition."

Senior strings snorted, you see the success and glory of those stars on the court, I have thought of the hardships you have to pay? Professional competition is their livelihood, and the intensity of competition can be imagined. You are used to you from small brocade, your mother is so used to fly over, I have doubt, you can eat, you can't eat those suffering !

You look at these tennis equipment you use, you are the best, and you can be in the same stage, how many logistics guarantees?

Can you play a career competition? Can you feed yourself? Can you make these investment make sense?

It is true that the time does not care about these waste, but the time of life can't afford it, especially in this age, still concentrate, the most correct!

Peaceful and weakly, dad, I have listened to you, come to Switzerland, learn foreign languages.

is it? The chord is faintly asked, then you think, what is the level of achievement?

Ping An is a chest, others don't say, if someone is using French, German, I will definitely understand, I will go back.

The chord was amused by his son. This time I didn't test your foreign language. I told you that this is to see you very early, I hope you have a number in your own heart.

When it comes to, the chord taking a safe shoulder, as a father, this moment he is still a soft, and asked, I can't catch up with the championship, this time I don't want to go back to Xiangjiang with me?

Pulling a breath of peace, shake the head, I have to stand up, wait for my mother next time, let's go back to Xiangjiang.

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