The Xiangjiang, the Railout, known as "Shopping Paradise", is recognized as well.

It is necessary to point out a point, the customer of the Retority of Xiangjiang is not limited to local people, and there is a larger passenger flow brought by tourism.

The Xiangjiang Railout, such as department stores, supermarkets, convenience stores, shopping centers, direct stores, chain stores, grocery stores, etc., they have been wonderful, and they are full.

In terms of the oldest department store, there is a British bloodline, walk the high-end route, the Kaver Buddha, Yingjie, etc., there is Hua Ya, Yongan, First, Daxin, Yuhua, Dahua Waiting; there is a big pill, pneumon house, Iedui, eager, Jizhi Island, three, and three more people.

In fact, the segment of retail this line is not necessarily a clear, well water does not commit river water. As long as the customer is popular, the shopping mall will open up a region, such as the underground layer, and set the supermarket, not surprising, although the supermarket Did not grab the business of department stores, but both have complementary places, no one will sit near the business opportunities in front of me, white and white, and do not have anything.

The supermarket in Xiangjiang, since the rise in 1970, it is not high, it is inevitable who wants to try it, the competition is fierce, and Jindong Supermarket and Bajia Supermarket are this field. Leader. In Hong Kong Island, Kowloon, the number of stores in the three districts of the New Territories, more than one hundred and twenty, the latter also has a small distance from one hundred.

Jindong Supermarket has been in the date of being founded by the essay, and it is intended to innovate, actively enterprising, the momentum is like a rain, and there are many exclusive advantages that others can't enter.

Just give a well-visible example, thanks to the high planning influence of Gaoxing Group in real estate industry, the overall planning influence, nearly a new core store in Jindong Supermarket, try to consider the needs of customers. Hardware with parking lots is convenient, this is in the increasing capital of the river, but it can be done easily.

As for the advantages you can't see the background, there are many, such as the computer information management level of the goods, is not inferior to the peer Wal-Mart.

From the perspective of the retail business of the Gaoxing Group, Jindong Supermarket has a Huikkon Shopping Center, and there are several brands of convenience stores, and even small certification franchise stores at the "Cai Jing" in Xiangjiang Commodity Circulation System. Once the price war is started, the so-called promotion will inevitably produce a joint cluster attack effect.

Just started, the outside world went to the Jindong supermarket and the hundred supermarkets, stirring the Xiangjiang supermarket industry to fight into a group, almost never smile, clapping the faster, or fortunately, fortunately, or expecting the two tigers, there will be a hurt The interests of fisheries, or enjoy the benefits of shopping ...

Can Jindong Supermarket completed the Spring Festival promotion, launch spring promotion, then launching the summer promotion, and the Jinqiu promotion is also inception of troops, and the eyes should be in the end of the year in 1984; Baijia Supermarket also stepped also Keep staring at Jindong Supermarket, a pair of people who don't wear the sky, and the sea is like the sea, which makes the Xiangjiang retail industry, gradually in the heat, feels a bit chill.

The first thing that is the first to rush is the merchants in the field of Xiangjiang Railout. He is following the blend of the Jindong Supermarket and Baijia Supermarket buttons. How can I breathe a fresh air? In the next half of the spring promotion of Jindong Supermarket, it will not be able to do it.

When the summer promotion of Jindong Supermarket, after the fire, the media began to concentrate on criticism of Jindong Supermarket and Bajia Supermarket.

Jindong Supermarket and Baijia Supermarket Customer Yingmen, compared to other supermarkets, at least 30%, the turnover has fallen by a percent, and everyone thinks that the situation will be "a chicken, a chicken", The result is that the dead chicken is all over the ground, only the two big cocks lead, loud.

These two large supermarket groups are so arrogant, and other small and medium-sized supermarket groups are in the fiscal crisis, until closed? It's not that there is a strong spending behind your respective beings!

Such a price war, no fairness!

In addition, the price war of Jindong Supermarket and Baijia Supermarket has spread to the entire Xiangjiang Railout.

Originally, everyone's turnover of the supermarket will take advantage of the trend of Xiangjiang retail industry in the next few years. It is more and more agreed, but the Jindong Supermarket and Baijia Supermarket are still aggressive, and then so vicious competition, it must destroy The rational structure of the Retail Industry in Xiangjiang has formed a monopoly of large groups, which is not conducive to the healthy and orderly development of Xiangjiang Railout.

In short, condemning Jindong Supermarket and Bajia Supermarkets Deceived, vicious competition public opinion pressure, but Jindong Supermarket and Baijia Supermarket have not exposed it, after all, public opinion sometimes inevitably become The little daughter-in-law dressed up by others, the two did not have a big scene, with their own strategy.


On behalf of the high-yield, Guiding the Happy Group's retail business expanded Ma Yongxiang in the local market, after being dedicated to the store, returned to the open air, let the people who are refreshed, just the secretary sent a piece of information.

This is the 26th floor of the Xinhua, and the secretary emphasized the sentence.

Ma Yongxiang will nod, and then open it. See is about an octaver, Chongzuo Department Store, will open the exact information of large shopping malls in Xiangjiang.

A service industry level is indeed unique. It can be said that "customers are God" this, in a business community, the most thorough, and then in 1960, Japan, Japan, Dahui Pills, the department store, the performance, performance performance It is good to see this scenario, it will come.

Ma Yongxiang put down the documents, ponders in the heart, the competition of this big cake in Xiangjiang retail industry, it is more intense, so that the retail business of Happy Group has been in the Jindong supermarket, establishing the deployment of advantageous market status, early place Expanded, according to the string, it is to dominate, but also be able to control, including the last one who is in an indispensable, overall situation.

At this time, Ma Jingxi called the second son, there is no such thing as an important bureau, and I am eating at dinner.

Ma Yongxiang pushed the entertainment, after the class, I will see the old beans directly.

Ma Jingxi, who plays a virtue, high-looking character, is a good health, and the face is full of smile, and when Ma Yongxiang enters the door, I said that you have a very practical.

Ma Yongxiang smiled and went glance with a high-stroke, gently pinching the face of the small guy, and replied casually, in fact, I prefer the fierce battle atmosphere of the time to acquire CCB, but, Now that this price war in this, it is also very in line with the appetite.

I hope that you can set the semester, find the position that is truly suitable for you, and Ma Jingxi often reminds a few words, turn inquiry, the price war of Jindong Supermarket, how to returns, don't you think?

Ma Yongxiang laughed, how, Li Hematown finds you tested? The autumn promotion of Jindong Supermarket is already prepared. If you stop, you are really unwilling.

Ma Jingxi is slightly frowned, and the pressure of public opinion is still to consider. The Jindong Supermarket continues to promote autumn, although Bajia Supermarket can continue to accompany, other supermarkets will be more and more, it is easy to commit public.

Ma Yongxiang slammed his mouth, as long as the peers cried through the reporter's pen, we will close, it is too laughing, if the foreign-funded retail giant of the tiger, understanding it can be deceived, you can trouble.

Ma Jingxi's focus on the graduation of the Spring Festival promotion, spring promotion, summer promotion, Jindong supermarket has established a monopoly in the field of Xiangjiang supermarket, which can be troops, while the autumn promotion this price war, the surroundment, the effect is more good!

Ma Yongxiang thought about it, the eyes were bright, ginger is always old, you are broken, and the supermarket will stop, it is really uncomfortable; you can make this card in the autumn, let those crying guys, in the past It's not enough to enjoy a lifting of a lifetime, it is more interesting.

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