Rebirth capital madman

Chapter 851 does not mean not to flash, don't pay attention to it.

The Yihe high-level, which is headed by Ximen Kai Sick, has been roaring. After the confusion, he also faces the cruel reality, first report Henry Kai Sick on Scotland, report the burst of Xiangjiang, Then the soldiers three, go to emergency fire.

Yi and General Manager Davis went further; Yonghe Ban Ximen Kai Ski to the Hong Kong Government, the military adapter Weishi and Securities General Manager Smith is responsible for the attitude of the Test Loan Bank Alliance.

Let's talk about Davis, the President of the Board of Directors, is still so difficult. People did not stay in a comfortable luxury office, but personally arrived in the new Central Project site, urge the mighty ministerial, and Receive and deployment.

Some of the construction sites, including the relevant companies, including the main contractor Golden Gate, have been placed, and the site meeting was held.

The Golden Gate Building, a member of a member, is inextricably complicated, how to do it, there is a day, but I don't dare to make it, I have to live.

Other related companies are more reality, and the new Central Project site must never go down. In case it is a bad project, then you can follow your mildew.

In fact, after the placement and Yi and the gambling agreement around the new Central Project, after the legal proceedings, rely on the stakeholders of the new Central Project to discuss life, they tighten the nerves, and I was afraid from being sent from time to time. The project was frozen, which really became reality.

Now as long as the project is completed, you are on the sky. Everyone has a meal to eat, and it seems that now, now the wealth is large, and it is more reliable than the Yi owned a butt.

After the on-site meeting, Wei Pigu was recalling the map of Hong Kong Island in his mind, and it tasted with the fun of the golden area, Davis was led into the office of the site.

I have a hurry, Davis, Wei Pie's slightly frowned, and he certainly knows what is the meaning of the other party, and the former consequences of the former and less than one billion.

Don't look at the Siemen Kasatie, I took the initiative to find it, and I promised to fulfill the gambling agreement on the new Central Project, Wei Peter had a big appearance, but he remembered a pen account. In addition, Pakistan may not sign a transaction contract in the new Central Project, and initially actually control the new Central Project, enjoy the embarrassment of Yi and I can't receive the money.

In fact, strictly speaking, Yihe is not a penny, the earliest and negotiations with yourself, the atmosphere, and take a flowers of 200 million, plus the flowers of 300 million , A total of 500 billion, really not less.

When Davis explored the detailed details of the frozen, Wei Pis did not volunteer Q & A, just a thousand people answered, anyway, the money, the land has been placed on the Yushe account, as for the back, We really don't know wow.

This problem is not the true purpose of Davis, just a group, after all, the "small head" that is frozen, belongs to the entire transaction amount, he is a little humble, please ask Vi Peter, let's remain the thirty Ten million, don't take advantage of the system of the bank.

Weve, I said Davis, you should not think that there is more than $ 4 billion cash, it can take it out, which is a loan provided by the bank, and there is a small small Rules to go, you have to follow the requirements of others.

So, I am really sorry, your request, I can't meet. That, you have seen it, now I am really busy ...

Davis nest has come out from Wei Pis, and goes to the Golden Gate Building. It is good to apply pressure to the Golden Gate Building.

As a result, the people in the Golden Gate laughed, you think that Wei Pie called so many related companies, is it Yaowu Yangwei? Now that other companies are all staring at the golden gatework, who has courageous to smash so many people's rice bowl, then say, Jinmen buildings should also be born!

You are big and ran over, say how to let the companies that monitor the Golden Gate Architecture Lenovo, then, you have no other things, or avoid it.

This is really centrifuged, Davis gray leaves the new Central Project site, goes with the other two people.


Then, Siemen Kai Sik, he was asked to find Hong Kong Ku Youde, but the attitude of the other party, can be seen, some cold.

This is not difficult to understand, after the secret plan of his "Run Road" secret plan, it is extremely denying to press to the Hong Kong Government, require the privilege of the exemption; If you are not disturbed, Hong Kong Kuyu is inevitably greasy.

This Kazik family is really drum noise!

Unconsciously, Hong Kong Kuyu has accepted, and the Kazik family and the view of the Yihe cut.

Finally, Hong Kong Kuyu is spurred, and the specific problem, you should ask the Financial Secretary and the Bank Association.

Also, Ximen Kai Sik is no longer entangled, leaving the Hong Kong Crown, and the death of the Secretary Xia Dingji and the Financial Secretary, Yike Cheng, Yi and encounter is unfair, the afford is to be the Lord.

Looking at the face of Yihe, the Secretary Xia Dingji and the Financial Secretary, Yan Kezhen, I can't refuse to refuse the Xengrikik, and then call the Yihe Loan's banking alliance, say it.

This is not enough! Ximen Catherik is in charge of indignation, this matter must be in the face of the entire Xiangjiang Banking Congress, clear, what is the big courage, dare to freeze Yihe account funds?

Catherke family is very annoying.

Similarly, in the hearts of the Kazik family and Yihe cut, in the heart of the Secretary Xia Dingji and the Financial Secretary, Yanke Cheng, quietly rooted.

They agreed by the fiscal, then let the Bank Supervision Office of the Financial Secretary and Xiangjiang Banking Association, awarded the benefits of the bank, enough to give you a good and face?


Baching Weishi, Smith, directly to find the owner of the bank.

Chen Zuze, the general manager of the Bank, is not to see, and he is in and includes all the representatives of Huifeng, Standard, and the representatives of the Yihe Loan Bank Alliance, to discuss the name of the favorable bank to lend bank alliance. , Frozen and account funds.

Huifeng, Standard Types, etc., the meaning of even at least a minimum court instrument, , there is a bit of the grass, come out, say no good, easy to scare customers, future business Not good.

In this regard, Chen Zuze's face revealed a sense of scorn, in a seat, who didn't know what it, the new Central Project is abnormal, and the relevant information is estimated to be filled with a house.

In simple, the land of the new Central Project has been auction, with more than $ 100 billion; the property development on the land, involving more than 800 billion, and most of them are the money of our bank loan alliance, as for mortgage, It is the land, property, rental income, Yihe Goodwill, etc.

At present, you are worried about the business crisis. You are worried, your loan can't receive it? Yi and sudden fire sell the new Central Ground King project to the ground, what is the use of the payment, you can't care?

If you think that the benefit of banks are in the name, frozen and account funds, not properly, that line, is not frozen, the benefits of banks will leave 500 million, the remaining 500 million, thaw, Ren Yi And to give it.

I am not afraid, so hard is so busy, it is not for everyone's interests, and the results have fallen, what is it?

To be here, Chen Zuze waved at anger, let the assistant next to him, according to what he just said.

Don't, other banks represent our representatives, and joking, who is not afraid of loans into a meat buns, do not return, there is ten billion freezes too time, too correct!

At this time, the bank representative began to critically critically critically critically critically critically critically, like the people's mortgage to buy the building, bank loans are not clear, and they will bypass the mortgage bank, the transfers property, and simply appear in the heart. Fortunately, the beneficial bank risk control is !

After waiting for the head of the meeting, after the direction of the you want, Chen Zuze opened again, there were billions, just a small part of the new Central Project to resell the land, there is more than 3 billillion Do you want to freeze?

Others have nodded, of course, to freeze, revolve around the funds of the new Central Project, must be in the garage of the loan bank alliance.

Chen Zuze confirmed the road, if I was soaring to your banking system, pay the payment, will you firmly freeze?

Everyone has been attached, that is, of course, not to say, our loan bank alliance must control the flow of funds around the new Central Project.

At this time, the secretary came in, and Chen Zuze said a few words.

"So ..." Chen Zuze's mouth slightly, asked, if it was unconfaciated, everywhere, what is you?

People have a rhinoceros, they are asked now, I dare to call bank Dad?


Sitting in a cold bench, the Bao Weishi, Smith, a group, left, etc., Chen Zuze did not appear; right, etc., the meeting was not finished, their patience, a little lost.

Ok, this time is responsible for running legs, bringing news, Ximen Kai Sick has said that the Hangzhou, the Financial Secretary, the Bank Supervision Office and the banking guild, publicly discussed the banner, and go back to us 10 billion !

Too good, don't have a white eye here, Bao Weishi and Smith are immediately in the spirit, and they will be busy with Siemens Cain, Davis.


Because the meeting is temporarily convened, there is a rush between the banks, and the representative levels of all banks are generally not high, and they are not showed as Huifeng Bat.

This is normal, if the jazz is coming, Shen Wei will consider making a lively, but the chords must not have to go to itself.

People are almost almost, and after the meeting begins, it is naturally the performance time of Siemens Kakitc.

He is sadly pointing out that the beneficial bank is frozen and account funds, what is bad behavior; and how important it is a billion is now!

Listening to the complaints of Siemen Kai Sik's near tears, the representatives of all banks did not look at the ear, and they were talking about private language.

Chinese bank representatives, we have come to learn to observe, you all say it.

Hua Yaran Bank representative, oops, the rest of the banking crisis, but also let us headache, no mood pay for these bad things.

Like a Japanese-funded bank, the European-raising bank, the United States-owned bank, the representative of the strong bank, naturally there is a heart-owned head, and it is expressing yourself.

For example, if there is a compassionate, Siemens Kai Sik is so poor, Yi and so lack of funds, how can a bank can freeze people's fund accounts?

If there is a peace of mind, it is, the West Gate Kai Ski is so poor, Yihe is poor, and the benefit of the bank will not only freeze the fund account of people, but also to reach aid.


When Siemen Kai Sik performs, Chen Zuze represents the loan bank alliance, got up and said: "The situation in the new Central Project is abnormal, in this occasion, it is difficult to exhaust, in my opinion, there is also one Breaking the program, that is, there is a bank to stand up, for the Yihe Guarantee. "

"Dear, as long as you are, who is willing to represent your bank, for the Yihe Guarantee, Mr. Ximen mentioned 10 billion, immediately thawed."

Brush, the big conference room, instantly quiet, and the needle can be smelled, and it is awkward!

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