Rebirth capital madman

Chapter 854 Catherie's Final Struggle

I want to save the ghosts of Xiangjiang British, through the Xiangjiang will, secretly stop Yiyi and become a meal in the four major wealth of Xiangjiang, and become a survival.

The Henry Catherik, the British, first summoned the Yi and a British local shareholder, opened a champion, and then with the election of Yi and a British local shareholders. At the Xiangjiang, I want to negotiate with the four consortiums.

It is necessary to point out that the two blocking methods are still different, the former purpose is to save Yihe, as for the interests of the Kazik family, ask for Du Fu, the latter is the Catherke family in action, own The benefits are naturally ranked first.

It is not only nervous, and excitedly staring at the four consortium of the four consorters of Yihe and action. It has not forgotten to pay attention to the interests and in the UK. After all, their biggest jealousy is the Kazik family's criticism. Well.

Therefore, when Henry Kai Sik and Yi and a British local shareholder represent a group of people just went out of Kai Tak Airport, Li Hai City, Zheng Yu, Guo Dezheng, Li Ziji they received a message, Yihe is the whole army.

The first idea of ​​the four is that immediately contacting the four consortium alliances to collect the financial advisers of Yihe and people, people are the role of the bottom.

Before you have, Li Semous City thought about it, we also have to reflect your own value, nothing, go to the high-benefit, look too much, I can't afford my own identity.

In this way, Henry Catherick and those members of the British local shareholders are not to Xiangjiang. From the past experience, there are many people, travel and guest fees are definitely low, we can blow media Blowing, it is Yihe to pay a single.

This little means came out, even Li Zhaiji, who has been secretly secretly and Li Zhiyu, did not help but admire his thumbs up.

It is true and not important, so that Yi and people are reincarnating.

To know, Yi and why fall to the current wolf, it is not the business crisis, financial difficulty, can be happy or still in public funds, play, play big hands, this makes the bond the bond of the Yihe and Xiangjiang shareholders?


The Xinhua People's Headquarters Building, because the Gao Yi Headquarters here, and more and more special status in the Central Financial District.

After being assessed to Qin Xincheng, a special group of the Four Wealth Group, provided a financial advisory, and immediately put down the call, immediately reported to Ye Richeng, who was a long-term general manager who was asked in person, and asked the four major consumption.

Similarly, Ye Richeng learned through high-yielded channels, and the first time I know that Henry Kai Sik and Yi and a representative of the British local shareholders have arrived in Xiangjiang, then, the four consortia people will not sit a bit. It is easy to understand.

Because I have already had countless times with the chord, I have a lot of people in Ye Richeng, and he will play a while, "I will go to the conference room."

After all, Qin Xincheng is still a newcomer who will be held in the job, such as answering the phone, the tea water, the running leg, and the information, etc.

Even so, Qin Zhi is still envious of many colleagues, can follow the project experience, even if you do hardship, you will be like a bitterness.

So some people began to secretly guessing, although Qin Zhi's new work is working hard, performance is excellent, progressive, but the new Chinese building is the unique elite, which is like this, or less, is it?

Have a colleague who has been to the tea restaurant that Qin Sume's family, immediately denying, impossible, Qin Xin's home is a matter of strength, the only cultural person is her college student.

For such a whispering, Qin Zhi is naturally noticed, but she is too lazy to pay attention to it.

About fifteen minutes after the conference room is located, Li Hematrus, Zheng Yu, Guo Dezheng, Li Zhai, and his followers, the heads came in.

Compared with the colleagues in the body, the four tycons have revealed the scenery of the four tycons, and Qin Xiaoxin's eyes are not blind. She has seen these character, in front of the high-string brother, there is a guest of the guest, so .

After everyone sat well, Ye Richeng's chest has rushed to the theme. Everyone is worried that Henry Catherick and Yi and a British local shareholders representatives have arrived in Xiangjiang? In fact, there is no need to care, Yi and a bland of local shareholders are not high, it is estimated that Yi Yi and a stock of Yiyi and the company's stocks, all added, less than 100%, all this is more than 100 In the year, Chen Zhima is accumulated, and it is not allowed to have the bonds of the railway in the Empire in the Hand.

Ye Richeng's interesting, neither depth, and very image, four tycons can't help but laugh.

Li Hematown sinking, these people blow the wind, the energy of the ghost fire, still can't be underestimated.

Ye Richeng smiled, "The comprehensive acquisition of the four consortals alliances is about the best, I am really imagined, Henry Catherick has any article."

See Yong Li Cheng is so stable like Taishan, Li Half City whispering, "Gao Jazz ..."

Ye Richeng nodded, "I am relieved, and the Gazz has always been a director!"

They are engaged in the news, and the news of Yihe, the Catherik family, this Ascendant and Yi and a large shareholder representative of the British business, and issued four consortiums in a comprehensive acquisition, launching negotiations.

Objective, this requirement, completely in the reason, the four national consorters have expected, otherwise, will not come to the financial adviser to play the head of the financial consultant so quickly.

After the charter of Tomorrow's negotiations, everyone spread, and Ye Richeng secretly went to see Gao Jazz.

At this time, the chords are browsing a late newspaper. After seeing Her Li Cheng, he handed the newspaper in the past, and smiled and asked: "Is this your hand?"

After Ye Richeng, he couldn't help but laugh. It turned out that there was a report above. It was so hard to attack, the financial situation of Yihe is so difficult, and you can entertain Henry Kai Sik and Yi and a British local shareholder representative. They are afternoon, they are very luxurious, those big masters, sitting on high-end cars, live with luxury hotels, eat top western food ... The benefits of banks are frozen and account funds are right!

After reading, I learned to resonate the resonance in Ye Li Chengdu.

"I really have no such anxosis, it should be Li Half City, they do their first hair ..." Ye Richeng puts down the newspaper, "the boss, what do you think about tomorrow's negotiations, how do you see?"

Senior: "The four major consortals have a comprehensive acquisition, it is difficult to pick out problems, Henry Catheri wants to tear open from this aspect, very difficult, he may turn to provide financing, use The tricks of Hu is governed to reach the purpose of retreating four major consortia. "

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