Rebirth capital madman

Chapter 856 is only a good jazz.

A small staff member, casually "introduced" the high-yield energy, the financing ability, put it in London Financial City, is not inferior, Yi and one British local shareholder representatives even in "City" The psychological advantages are sitting on the sky, and they also understand that they can't help the Catherke family on the negotiation table in front of them.

The four major consorters are still very idius and continue to watch how the ghosts perform, anyway, not standing in Yi and there, just a long time.

For the situation in the current afternoon, especially the Caesar family, Henry Catheri will naturally understand, since the negotiations have no meaning, don't waste time, snake, Yi and one British local shareholders representatives And the Far East British Interest Group, the first thing is to stop the Yihe stocks from continuing to flow to the four consortium alliances. As for others, such as the Far East British Interest Group gives up the Miao head of the Kazik family, I can only take a step.

"Ye Sheng, can we talk to it alone?" Henry Kaisi, sincerity, put forward the request.

Ye Richeng's eyes slowly from Li Hemat, Zheng Yu, Guo Dezheng, Li Zhai, face, will smile, Henry, a belly, this occasion, the four consortia is the protagonist, the role of the financial advisor If the anti-guest promises to agree, it is not to let the four heads of the people are suspicious. Is there anything that is not possible?

"Here is your own person, Mr. Henry has anything, even if he is faced." Ye Richeng refused.

"Ok, you are really enough, there is a city government." Henry Kaisi is dark, his face smiles unchanged, "I want to pay a high jazz, I don't know if Yesheng can help the bridge?"

"It turns out." Ye Richeng did a great understanding, "Mr. Henry wanted to pay attention to the high jazz, directly contact the Xiangjiang Forex Fund Administration president office, where the contact information is open, casually check, you can know."

From Ye Li Cheng, you get such official standard answers, Henry Kaisi is spurting out of the old blood, you are not nonsense.

See Her Li Cheng so bright, Li Hematrus, Zheng Yu, Guo De Sheng, Li Zhai is a breather, immediately returning to his site, and also opened a meeting.

The four consortals issued a comprehensive acquisition of Yi and all shareholders. It is almost a week. The progress has exceeded 35%, but the speed is slow, according to this trend, to tell the truth, four big The head of the consortium is whether the full-scale acquisition goal will be achieved next week, and it is really important to realize the full acquisition target for them.

This situation is justified, before the four of the four consortals, in the pressure of Yi and Zhengzhi, I took the drum, turned to find a high-jazz.

According to the currently open information, the stock distribution of Yeski is roughly, the Catherke family holds a percent of 34%; the land is held 5%; the four consumption of the alliance, and after the comprehensive acquisition is issued, If you register, you have added 40% of 40%; the rest of the part should be mainly in the hands of some institutions, and I am afraid it is more affected by the Far East British Interest Group.

Good, the four major consortions did not have the pressure of life and death, giving high jazz, do more, pay more, can also take a decent land, and the sold force is dry.


Henry Kaisi and Yi and a series of British local shareholders came to the Xiangjiang Association's clubhouse, the Far East British Interest Group, which is headed by Huifeng, is told the chairman of the board, want to lobby each other, restart the Yiyi And the merger negotiations with place.

You don't have to think too much. Wei Pis does not live in the temptation of Yi and this fat meat. Moreover, he also has repeatedly explored the topic of this aspect, which can be described as the bottom, once successful and Then, the achievements of the big class in this position are really going to write.

However, Wei Pie has never had a pill, because there is still a lot of problems that cannot be ignored.

The first thing to see is the most obvious question is that there is only five percent of the Yi and stocks, the four consortions and the Catherke family are big, and the Catherke's family also has the right to be able to manage, and the idea is only Move the mouth, it is responsible for the specific implementation, but it is impossible to impulcually do not consider the actual difficulty.

For another example, Wei Pet has his own ideas, before the merger of Yihe and the United States, he took out sincerity, but the result was played by Siemens Cain, now talk about merger? The acquisition is almost!

In addition, it is also the most important point, and the mind is clear, who is well known, who appreciates himself, treats themselves, gives it to the platform, his loyal object can only be a jazz, and lobby your far East British Interest Group, There are many interests in private goods, and how many conflicts in the high consortium must be made.

In both parties, this constantly mutual trial, and therefore, when each is harvested, Henry Catherik and Yi and a representative of the British local shareholders have come over, and the cold is chaotic.

When Henry Catheri saw Weve, it would be vigilant from the heart. If the far East British Interest Group wants to set the place, replacing the Kazik family in Yi and a series.

After he said, Henry Kaisi was a sentence, it looks here very popular here.

This occasion who has strength who has the strength, Wei Pis doesn't care, I want to save Yi and, it seems that now, I only have a place to save Yi, and I only have to save Yi and I have been widely accepted. .

Henry Kai Sik took place to nod, Yonghe and set the place to restart mergers, and it was also a good way to break.

Wei Peter's gods shook his head, before the incompatibility of Yong and the United States and negotiations were broken, and the incomprehensible, the merger was not feasible. If the land is saved, then only the acquisition of a road can be left.

Henry Kazen's eyes became sharp, only five percent of the Yihe Shares, I want to acquire Yi and, from it?

Wei Pis shrugged, so, everyone lobbyed me, naturally, it is necessary to have a group of groups.


On the other hand, Yi and one British local shareholder representatives and Far East British Interest Group have passed the enthusiasm, and they can't talk.

Because the former is successful in the Far East, it has inherited some so-called graphic identities in the UK, and it can not be very resistant, the shelf is not small, and the far East British Interest Group that is updated. Once there is a difference, it is each other. I can't see it.

In the hearts of the Far East Britary Interest Group, the more likely, the Caesar family generation is not as good as a generation, and now I can only eat the old bodies, it is really not awkward.


Wei Pis feels that the atmosphere of the scene is dull, some impatient, plans to get up.

Already widowed Huifeng Bat, but raised his hand to stop the Piese, it was so uncomfortable, everyone still discussed the problem as soon as possible, after all, Yihe is already in danger!

Wei Po is re-sitting down, I am willing to accept everyone's proposal, but I am concerned, how to solve it?

The Financial Secretary Luke came to everyone, Lang said: "I think, I want to open the current entangled situation, only the high jazz is good, do you think?"

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