Rebirth capital madman

Chapter 862, place, wind

From the Catherik family, he is a thief, saying that this point of the three-sided three-knife in Xiangjiang is in Xiangjiang. It is also a place to follow, but it can be discovered by a piece of block. Let the various parties forces, let the appreciation of the eyes feel unexpected, fully mobilize the capital power of human greed, horror, Rys!

The wake of Tai stock is that the empire is big, if the chess is bad, it is not far from the land, the times are different, and they should be careful.

The large-scale consortium of Xiangjiang, pondering that the New Year's Eve and retail business, the meaning of the price, that is, after the super-large consortium like Huifeng, I have a chance to bite up. And a bite.

As for the fact that the strength is unqualified to make up, it is not harvest, but it is seen from the effect of capital operation. Ying wants to try to be in the quarter of the rush.

With the past experience, there are more and more consensus on the Xiangjiang market, only the boots defined in the law, and the smell is sensitive, and the person who is sensitive, has begun to actively prepare.

When a flight of Vancouver flying to Xiangjiang landed in Kaide Airport, he once famed of the stock price of Jia Ning Group, and reached the high-level exhibition of life in the Xiangjiang stock market. .

Zhan Peizhong has been immigrated to Vancouver. On the one hand, it is the immigration tide of Xiangjiang. On the other hand, it is also a head after avoiding the explosion of the Xiangqian fraud.

When the country tasted the economic promotion of the economy in the immigration tide of the Wai River in 1960, it was actively attractive to Xiangjiang immigrants.

In the type of business immigration, whether in terms of entrepreneurship, employing at least one of the governments, or in investor mode, it is more than 13 million yuan in Hong Kong dollars, which is obviously Without the exhibition, he did not speak, he made three companies in Canada, but it was not as good as the fish, so far, so he flew back to Xiangjiang to find opportunities.

After walking into the residence of the Xiangjiang, the exhibition is nodded at all, and the maid is very good.

In the first time, Zongzhong contacted the acquaintances of Xiangjiang, and passed the news that he was already in Xiangjiang. Don't say, there is a bureau, causing his interest, evening, wisdom to set the banquet Friends in the circle.

After taking it, the exhibition will go to this dinner. After the acquaintance meets, it naturally avoids a cold and warm.

"I heard that your brother, after Vancouver, I have acquired two local famous companies, really doing the wind!" Xiang Zhizhi asked Haha to compliment.

The cold and self-known exhibition is, of course, it will not be self-built, in Vancouver, there is no imagination, he also finds an excuse: "Canadian brokerage commission is 3.1%, Xiangjiang Five, so, to discuss the true prosperity of the stock market, Vancouver is more than Xiangjiang. "

"This is not, I feel that the Xiangjiang stock market should have a lot of orders, come back and see, there is no good opportunity."

Xiang Zhisheng nodded, "The brother, your sense of smell, or as ever so sensitive, I think it is just a bad factor, as long as there is a determination, the market will rebound."

At this time, Liu Great Bear was here. I looked at the two yawn, I'm looking for fun, "I know the people who know the relationship, I understand that you are staying up late; don't know the kindness, I thought you had a song in the night."

Liu Big Bear did not care, then asked Huizhong, "In the day, it is very comfortable, the same price, the same price, in Xiangjiang, can buy a landing unit, in Canada, I can buy a set of garden houses, I have to have The conditions like you are not awkward, how do you think of going back to Xiangjiang.

"Canada is suitable for the old-age, Xiangjiang is suitable for making a fortune." Exhibition Peizhong asked Liu's dynamics.

"In the Xiangjiang, staying up late, it is too hard, or is it." This occasion is to communicate some intelligence, so Liu Big Bear does not know, say some intended, "I think it is now analyzing the trend of the stock, you can It is seen whether the stock market has a comprehensive recovery. "

Exhibition Pei Zhong Shen said: "Brothers I left Xiangjiang for a while, I only know that I have acquired it, I don't know much about it, I don't know much."

Liu Big Bear Wine Wine, Introduce: "The place is incorporated in the whole real estate business and assets of Yihe, and plans to issue new shares. If all goes well, and the situation is hot, it is enough to explain the confidence of the stock market and real estate. They are back. "

I've I heard that the new Central Project, which is undoubtedly undoubtedly put into use next year, and starts to rent under the operation of the land, and the monthly monthly rent is about 30 yuan. "

"So expensive?" Exhibition is very surprised. "I didn't remember the wrong, this is the highest rent level of the highest-level office building before the real estate industry crash, but after the real estate industry crashes, Zhongyuan The rent of the leased office building is over 20 yuan per square feet. "

"This is the place to be the first major real estate company in Xiangjiang. It is the judgment of the future industry prospects." Xiang Zhizhi flashed the light of wisdom, "Now look at the market, how to react to the king of the Central. If everyone If you buy it, the meaning of it is not self-satisfied. "

Exhibition is thought, "According to the trend of Xiangjiang's economic development, the proportion of service industries is getting bigger and bigger, especially in the international financial center of Xiangjiang, and the banks around the world have set up branches in Hong Kong. In this star property in the Central Land, it is definitely a symbol of a strength. It should not be cold. "

Liu Big Xiong listened seriously, and tastes the possibilities of it. It may be useful in it, secretly playing Xiao Jiujiu, near the imperialism, exhibition of Pei Zhong et al, far away from the Yongjiang Hua Ya, a comprehensive acquisition Four major consortions, and then finally eaten Yihe Gao Shi, all of which were rising with the rise of Xiangjiang stock market in the early 1970s, and he could not miss the next type.

Also talking to the imperialism of the exhibition, suddenly lowered the sound, "Brother, you have resources in the high-yield, it is better to inquire about the internal intelligence, come back to share sharing with your old brother."

Exhibition is not resigned, because this is a symbol that has the energy of the ability, just in its own place, and it is not in nothing.

"OK, I will visit Ye Richeng tomorrow." Exhibition belongs to show off, "If you are lucky, you can see Gao Jazz."

"The brother has worked hard." Xiang Zhiqi nodded again, "In my opinion, the most authoritative people in Xiangjiang financial circles, non-high jazz, each of his words, all worth thousands of gold, you have to pay attention "

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