Rebirth capital madman

Chapter 866 Technical Application is stable, levy from a sin

Between the ground, the happy technology and the Xiangjiang Joint Exchange, with the final setup significance, is a luxury yacht playing in the sea.

Senior Strings include the President of the Land Board of Directors, the chief executive official Zhou Wenyao, the CEO of the Xiangjiang Joint Exchange mainly has several vice chairs and some members of Li Fuzhao and Zhan Zhaolin.

The reason why Hua Hanhui, the President of Xiangjiang Joint Exchange, is not showing, that is because his health has a serious problem, it has cancer. This kind of thing is inevitable. It is like a deep, and the outsiders are not good for the details. Anyway, it is temporarily can't perform.

Li Fuzhao has a profound qualifications that have established a Far East Exchange, and the multi-year deep qualifications competition in Xiangjiang Stock Exchange, plus the style of striker, and it will naturally become the words of the Xiangjiang Joint Exchange.

And the souvenir is placed there, plus the environment on the yacht is easy and casual, Li Fuzhao represents the Xiangjiang Joint Exchange, and gives the bottom line directly.

The Xiangjiang International Trading Center is indeed the most ideal place to operate in the Xiangjiang Joint Exchange. It can even be said that in the past few years, the Xiangjiang Joint Exchange has almost no choice, the light is provided by the Xiangjiang International Trading Center, enough to accommodate nearly one thousand There are no two in the 45,000 square footholds of the famous stock broker.

But the landing is also unable to eat the Xiangjiang Joint Exchange, the rent of the Xiangjiang International Trading Center is too high. In contrast, in recent years, the exchange of exchanges is general, and the Xiangjiang Joint Exchange is full of different opinions. Inevitable.

The place must take enough discounts, the Xiangjiang Joint Exchange is a permanent headquarters in the Xiangjiang International Trading Center to be returned, and water to the stream.

Senior string is seriously asked Wet Peter, there is no biggest concession on the place where it is, what is the biggest concession?

Wei Pie said, after a deep thinking, it is the top-level office building in Xiangjiang next year, and the rent is high, and it is aware of the Headquarters of Xiangjiang Joint Exchange. It is also necessary to consider business. A common factor outside.

After repeated accounting, the main idea of ​​the most favorable rental scheme is that the lowest price of the Central Central Athletic office is used this year, that is, 21 yuan per square feet, and maintains three years without riding, follow the industry. Standardize the rents.

Next year, Xiangjiang Real Estate Quotes, Li Fuzhao did not dare to say that he had more consideration, but the current Xiangjiang real estate market, he is still very clear.

It can be said that under the high-spirits of the high jazz, the land has made the biggest concession, and if the Xiangjiang Joint Exchange is still unsatisfactory, then it will basically, this is blowing.

The dispatched of the faction in the Xiangjiang Joint Exchange has been entangled for many years. At present, the surface is divided into two major, namely the merger of the Xiangjiang Securities Exchange and the HKS Stock Exchange, the Far East Exchange and the Jiulong Securities Exchange. They reached each other, including the tacit understanding of the Chairman of the Xiangjiang Joint Exchange.

The "Four Meeting" of the Xiangjiang Securities Industry is about to complete the final stage of the two factions to a part, and to launch the Xiangjiang Securities History's new page of Xiangjiang Joint Exchange, find an impeccable headquarters, it is very important And highlighting the leadership achievements.

Li Fuzhao is interrupted, can't be worn again, scare the land, and make a good brand, so symbolic and several other vice-chairmen and members simple discussing, and they agree.

See Li Fuzhao to see it, Wei Pue is also very satisfied, as long as the permanent headquarters of the Xiangjiang Joint Exchange is set in the Xiangjiang International Trading Center, the Xiangjiang International Trading Center is a vectors.

The first building of the Fifty-two layers of Xiangjiang International Trading Center has the Xiangjiang Joint Exchange, the second building of the Xiangjiang International Trading Center in the Fifty-One Floor, plus the International Bank, multinational enterprises, consulates. Tenants, the real estate grade of this area is up.

Because the funds of the new large real estate project are very nervous, it relies on bank loans, coupled with the new citizens of Wang Bi shoot, the Xiangjiang Real Estate collapsed, so the Xiangjiang International Trading Center is divided into two phases, and in the first phase of the project When the progress is increasing, the second phase of the formal start-up time is not finalized.

After the acquisition of Yihe, the Xiangjiang International Trading Center is so important that it naturally has been supported, such as the second phase of the formal start, has entered the countdown, and it has also adjusted the third sector developed in the second phase. The design of the building is tilted to the office use.

In this way, the Xiangjiang International Trading Center will become another star property and a treasure basin.

Among the exchange of details, the trading hall located in the first building of the first building in the Xiangjiang International Trading Center became a focus.

After all, the face project is so this!

"The trading hall can be put into use within the first quarter of next year." Weve is very confirmed, "I have to have a very grand ceremony."

Speaking of this, Wei Ping has given a request. "The transaction hall officially deals the first stock of the colorful head, should be given."

"These people are considering enough." Li Fuzhao is a little bit wrong, not because of the colorful head of Weve, but compared to the placement control, the progress of Xiangjiang International Trading Center is accelerating, Xiangjiang Union The faction of the faction inside the exchange will not drag the legs.

Senior strings showed Li Fuzhao's mind, laughed: "Xiangjiang Joint Exchange moved into Xiangjiang International Trading Center, with it as headquarters, no one for the four consecutive mergers."

I have been in the bureau, and I can even describe Li Fuzhao, the swirl center, suddenly suddenly open, right, this, this kind of discusion is just available.

Zhou Wen Yao seams inserted: "Happy Technology information processing system, you can put a trial operation at any time."

Li Fuzhao is rare, I know, Happy Technology can not sell a full set of technology and products, but you also saw it, the trading hall is designed so angry, if you have an out of the mission, don't you be cold?

The meaning of this is that the information processing system of Happy Technology in the Xiangjiang Joint Exchange can only be auxiliary level, for example, the link to the disk is still not adopted.

Dark disappointed Zhou Wen Yao, his eyes turned to the essay, I hope that the big boss can help the teachings to be mediated.

The more computer systems are used, the stronger the ability to master information. From this point, the high strine natural hopes, the technological and products of the happy technology, the more wide, the better, the better, the better.

However, the chord takes into account the possibility of black Monday global shares in the "Old Script", focusing on energy, and more old.

So, the chord smiled and swayed, "Wen Yao, you don't worry, just as the automatic cash machine is like the banking industry and departments, the exchanges and investors need a step-by-step acceptance process, and the system of happy technology can be Direct use is to bring you great trust and brought. "

This is only the speech on the surface. He said in private in private: "Technical application is stable, the securities trading is both complex and sensitive, no matter what you think, how the program logic is carefully, it is definitely not calculated Extreme situations, and advanced systems, if they are stall, lazy and stupid operators, will also have problems, when I am happy, I am going to have a bow. "

Zhou Wen Yao thought that he did a bit anxious. It is the so-called day long. As long as the Xiangjiang Joint Exchange of the Four Meets, I use the system of happy technology, and there is a user's viscosity. It is similar to the Xiangjiang Joint Exchange will be located. The Xiangjiang International Trading Center, after moving, then want to change the place, which is so easy, Xu Xu.

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