Rebirth capital madman

Chapter 884 Gaoms Order, Black Stone

In the circle, the strength of the high-powered company is recognized and respectful.

With the initial capital of Asia and the high strings, Gao Yi-kuo has developed more than ten years, which has already provided local qualifications for routine business, and established a mature cooperation mechanism with local companies, including securities and Mei Lin. Cooperation, acquisition and Goldman Sachs cooperation, banking and Datong cooperation.

Of course, the strength is, I will ultimately use grades, and in the nearly two years of support, the Nirvana of Western China companies will be able to explain the problem.

If this performance is not specific enough, there is an agreement, that is, the annual salary of William Miller, Chairman and CEO of Gao Yi Mo-Country, is a million US dollar, and is in line with Wall Street large investment agency.

How can Gao Yi rice do not make big money? How can I have a matching financial resources? Waiting for your own executives?

Since being paid attention to it, the "demand" of the high-powered man is not difficult to find, for example, Peterson's tested by the Gazz, I don't want to buy the Lehman Brothers, it is simply, it is precisely. it is good.

Because in the eyes of the eye, the development of Gao Yi rice is another way to become a member of the core circle of Wall Street, and the acquisition of Lehman Brothers is a shortcut to the front.

It is important to know that the large-scale investment institution in Wall Street is not more in Morgan Stanley, Goldman Sachs, Bersen, Boston, Di Longrui, Lehman Bros., Solomon Bros., Merlin Securities.

The Gazz's reaction did not let Peterson disappointed. He considers it for a while, then slowly open, "If you can, of course, it is good."

Peterson is now in the spirit, "Blackstone's situation in Lehman Brothers, the Gao Jazz consent?"

"I believe that Blackstone can do this." Senior strings nodded, "Just, this matter also listened to William Miller's opinion to make a decision, and whether to ask Blackstone to provide consulting services. "

"This is of course." Peterson hit the railway: "Just, I want to visit William Miller."

In fact, the chords of the Supreme, to learn more, under the continued monetary tightening policy of the Fed, the part of the Ministry of the country has been involved, and the contradiction is transferred, especially the dynamics of the pit.

Peterson sells Lehman Brothers, just an unexpected harvest.

In the communication with William Miller, he said straight to the local: "Do you buy Lehman Brothers, completely handle it."

After all, I have followed the Gazz for many years. William Miller can hear the meaning of reserved in the high strings, so I ask: "Upon buying Lehman Brothers, what do you need to pay attention to?"

"The acquisition of Lehman Brothers for further development of Gao Yi rice, is indeed a rare opportunity." Senior striking highlights: "Just, I hope that in this process, who is going to grasp Who is the problem."

"After all, the development of Gao Yi rice has entered a steady state, forming its own company culture, the muddy meal in Lehman Brothers, can not be received."

The reception of Lehman Brothers, William Miller has already learned, and the fight has been to the point of the inner, the traders are not tongue, and the investment bankers disgusted endless turmoil and choose to withdraw from the company. In the end, the company's operation was in trouble.

I look at it, what is a mess, I don't speak.

Gao Yi rice culture is not difficult to understand, for Wall Street, belonging to foreign households, in order to survive and develop, must pay attention to the ethics, fall to the personal level, is to be a good person.

The so-called ethics, not abstract, and a simple example, an investment bank and company have a long-term and stable friendly and cooperative relationship, just helped to successfully release bonds, have received rich commissions, suddenly B company found it, ask this Home Investment Bank helps yourself forced to acquire company.

Before the time was placed in 1970, B is almost certainly refused; but now, there is no money to earn the bastard, replaced by the investment company almost certainly picking the knife, and smashed into Jia.

This choice is at least substantially not involved in the legal risk, and at this stage, Wall Street is generally magnified, in which case the intelligence of the horses, Solomon brothers, "unclean" is dangerous Even Morgan Stanley is unconscious, involving a large number of garbage bonds related to merger and returning, second only to Dresel Bernham, who is located in Wang Melken, the junk bond. Lambert.

Local households have a "black zone", and they have a "gray zone", let alone the string, "vision", the source of the income is guaranteed, and it is not dragged down the water.

From the front, the company's cultures formed by Gao Yi rice, maybe it can become a business clearing, help you to recruit business.

William Miller Sso: "Then, the Lehman Brothers will rectify, and operate independently with the group's subsidiary."

"You are going to grasp it." The tall strings said, the assistant sent the latest information about Lehman Brothers, "Mi Guo Express is in contact with Lehman Brothers. It seems that Blackstone This single consultation service can not be made, not yet Must. "

After reading the fax, William Miller couldn't help but frowned. "In recent years, Mi Dynasty is actively entering the investment banking business, before the acquisition of securities company Hillsen Leb Rodes, now aiming Man brother company, it is not surprising. "

"I am worried about, will Lehman Brothers will start the price?"

Senior strings laugh, "What kind of exercises are they doing?"

Peterson's response is very fast, it is not fast, now Blackstone is a $ 400,000 seed fund, plus four people, and the two partners of Peter George Peterson and Steven Allen Schwarzman, and two Assistant.

Senior, Lehman Brothers seem to be very snapped up, I heard that the Rice Express is coming with it. "

"This is Lewis Groxman to find the road." Peter is flashing in the eyes, "as long as the Gao Yi is decided to acquire Lehman Brothers, I have a grasp of the sachet of Gao Yi rice. "

Senior, there is no possibilities to start the price, so that the specific person is worried, he smiles to William Miller.

"Well, we hire blackstones to provide consulting services. If we successfully acquire Lehman Brothers, pay at least one million dollars." William Miller tag: "Details, we are determined at the contract."

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