Rebirth capital madman

Chapter 898 is I didn't worship the pier.

Don't say that Bai Yu has been satisfied with the financial adviser team leading the Wen Zhiqiang, even the high strings felt a little unexpectedly.

The business is very complicated, and the honest people are easy to suffer, and the big evils will survive and develop the mysterious and developed, all in the individual.

As the saying goes, it is inevitable, and it is also possible to go, and the party is good.

The financial advisory team headed by Wen Zhiqiang can express the right as the first big investment bank in Xiangjiang, and can also use the wonderful and clear, clear the opponent's chips, which is the marker of mature. .

"Zhiqiang, don't do it." Senior string came, praised a pass, then the arms were taken: "I remember that after the acquisition of Yonghe, I gave birth to Yi and Securities, and I asked when I found it. It holds a division of Defeng stocks, you can confirm, take the opportunity to properly handle it. "

"In addition, I hope that the denteli will have a big injury and gas, after all, Qiu Dali is the famous Hua Yarn tycoon, strength, and his consortium to expand in the international financial center of Xiangjiang. The overall situation is beneficial. "

Wen Zhiqiang respectfully recorded the high jazz indicating, and then let Qin Xin bring people to check the bottom of Yi and financial business.

Sure enough, the result of Qin Zhi's new brought is that Yihe Securities, Yichen not only have the stock of Wude, but also a lot, approximately 7% voting right.

Wen Zhiqiang is very surprised, "Yi and quietly licking so many will Derfeng stocks?"

"I also wondered, I will go to New Yugan Jazz." Qin Xin replied: "In 1970r affected by the two world oil crisis, the center of gravity will focus on the shipping business, the operation is not prosperous, So it is interested in selling Yi and. "

"If Yiyi and true acquisition of Defeng, it will surpass Huifeng in strength, which is obviously not what Huifeng is willing to see, so Huifeng is secretly obstructed, can't afford it."

"Yike and this, there is no complete discrimination of the idea of ​​the acquisition of Defeng, so he has always secretly holds the stock of the meeting, and can enter the 198000 years later, Yihe deep debt quagmire, self-insurance It's still too late, the more I don't pay attention to this acquisition plan. "

Suddenly, the warmth of the temper, couldn't help but scratch the head, secretly, "Director didn't leave one hand without moving, test me."

This is only a small episode, and the Wen Zhiqiang and others have finished the materials, then they will join the people of the Bao's consortium together. How to get the next step in the next step in the contract.

"In our control, the Shareholders are almost 40%. It is time to consider the bonus." Wen Zhiqiang brightens out the new discs' Yihe "residual financial assets".

Wu Guangzun suddenly lit up, and said: "Since Qiu Dali increases the acquisition price to HK $ 7 HK $ 7 per share, the B shares is Hong Kong dollar, the Jiulong warehouse can not show weakness, which can be improved to each share A share of 7:44, HK $ 4.7 of B shares. "

Wen Zhiqiang thinks: "In order to avoid this, I am trying to increase the price, I think it is necessary to get in touch with Qiu Dali, let it understand that the trend has been going, and it is meaningless."

"Of course, it is not so busy, I suggest that the Jiulong Cang is at 7:44 per share, and the latest offer per share of B-share zero 744. Put the meeting on the hand on the hand. "

Wu Guang Zheng's eyes turned to Bao Yugang. To know, according to the current acquisition program, the funds for Jiulong Cang needed to use more than $ 255, this big idea, still have to come by his father-in-law.

Bao Yugang's discouragement showed again, and Defeng only had an asset restructuring, in order to get rid of the difficulties caused by the mistake of John Madden 's business strategy, and in order to reduce the resistance of the asset restructuring, it is necessary to master the absolute control. If you can let Qiu secret to the soldiers in the hand, although it will make the other party to make a contest, but comparison, it is worth a value!

"This way, as long as Qiu Dali is willing, I personally talk to him. If Qiu Hao has other conditions, I can consider it as appropriate." Bao Yu just finally.

Since Balance hasn't objected, the temperature will go to secretly touch Qiu De.

On the amount of gas, in the heart, Qiu De is not bad, he meets the Wen Zhiqiang.

"I brings you the latest news. At present, the Bao Shi's consortium has received 40% of the meeting and will further increase the quotation. I believe it will reach 50% of the established goals. "The gesture of Wenzhi is very humble, but it is very tough.

"Is it so fast? It seems that I have not worshiped the pier!" Qiu Dali is somewhat.

Wen Zhiqiang smiled slightly, Qiu Demu was used as a ghost investment bank, but in Xiangjiang, we must first look at whether it is willing.

"Jazz believes that in the commercial speaker, he did not have the idea of ​​Qiu Sheng's evil." Wen Zhiqiang slowly said: "If Qiu Sheng is not thinking about, the bag is willing to talk to Qiu Sheng, and take the latest purchase price, pick up Subrend stocks held by Under Falup. "

To put it here, Wen Zhiqiang smiles to Qiu Hao pulls steps, "Calculated about 25% of the 200% of Falwind held by Falwind, just a month, Qiu Sheng When I entered one out, I can make more than 100 million, I am looking for Xiangjiang, who can I get the good fortune of Qiu Sheng? "

Qiu Hao was laughed. "I still have some understanding, and I am better than the Gao Jazz." I am not as good. "

Speaking here, Qiu Hao pulled his way, "and the jazz meeting, not in a hurry, Mr. Wen helped me with the sentence, the Jiulong warehouse raised the quotation, I don't follow it."

Qiu Hao pulled the energy to this extent, and Wen Zhiqiang quickly went back to live.

Bao Yu has no longer hesitated, and when the Nine Dragon warehouse has a recent acquisition price, the A share of the A share of 7:44, each of the B shares, HK $ 4.

Understand the "Qiu Dali, which has been going, there is no action, and the stock market will continue to be, the price of the Shandong A is not up to 7:44.

This situation reflects that the stock market believes that the German stocks will also rose, and then rose, lack of support.

The development of the situation also confirmed this, the speed of the Kowloon warehouse was significantly accelerated, did not announce in a few days, have acquired 50% of the meeting and Defeng equity, and the comprehensive acquisition conditions take effect, everyone can follow each Shares A Shares HK $ 7.9, the price of B-shares, the price of Hong Kong dollar, in exchange for cash, and Baoyu is just as Chairman of the Board of Directors.

At this step, the acquisition of the financial advisory team of Wenzhiqiang, can wait for the high-yield of the great award.

Wen Zhiqiang is still in love with the world. He took the initiative to put forward, recently, everyone has worked hard, even the Spring Festival is not good, I will treat it after get off work.

The team members of morale hiking hard, and after get off work, they went to celebrate the bar of the not far away.

It has also been clever, and it has arrived in Liang Bo Tao, a vice president of the Hong Kong Investment Bank Business Department, and is also leisure in this bar.

Looking at the past colleagues got such a large-scale acquisition, Liang Bo Tao said that he did not pitachly, it was too hypocritical.

After the feeling in the feeling, Liang Bao Tao got up and left the bar.

Let Liang Bo Tao are comfortable, very fast, a business takes the initiative to find him.


PS: The brothers say something, I have to go back to my hometown tomorrow, because the old man's fracture is hospitalized, I will go back to visit and look back, I will definitely have nothing to write, so I will leave a holiday next few days. Please bear with me.

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