Rebirth capital madman

Chapter 899 Liu Great Bear's Revenge Plan

Brothers, last night, I just came back from my hometown. I originally planned to update. After I took a shower, I slept on the sofa, I fell asleep, I woke up, I woke up the next morning, I am so embarrassing, I will update some in the morning. , Picking the ideas, there is another chapter tonight.


Benefisited in the Millennium Financial Industry in the Millennium Financial Industry in 1970, the lack of supervision, the business banks of Xiangjiang, according to the name of the country, the investment bank's business, the growth is rapid, forming high-yet, Huifeng gets Dollar, Yihe Yi Fu, Slag Toyyuan This Xiangjiang four investment banks.

With the destruction of Yi and in Xiangjiang, Yonghe Securities, the financial business of Yichu, is talked, and it is not special to retain the will of Yichi brand, and it is objectively, it is indeed a number of rises to others. "Space", like the Xiangjiang Citi Bank Investment Banking Department, and Liang Bo Tao has a city, dare to take a risk, and you will be gamble.

Although the chasing person is in a backward position, but from the subjective aspect, there is still an advantage, that is, the mentality is active, it is white, there is no jealousy, , anyway, there is no central location in the Central Financial District, unlike high That is more focused on "boundary", as long as you have money, you dare to do it! It is a bit similar to the rise of garbage bonds on the other side.

This time I came to Liang Bo Tao's business people. When Liang Bo Tao was still high, I met a boss and stock master, called Liu Big Bear, is a listed company producing electric fan, Ai Miguri and boss.

After the end of the 1981st, Xiangjiang Stock Market, because of the influence of special criticism, the overall market is sluggish, but compared with the other side, the early economic recession ended in the early 1980s In the whole, the overall market in the Mioguo stock market rebounded, so that there is no speculatory family in Xiangjiang.

Like the high-quality securities company such as the high-powered securities, the long-term stabilized partners in the city include Mei Lin Securities, which can be improved in operation mechanism, so in invisible, it has become the speculators that do not hesitate to pick up the night battle and cross the ocean. The best platform.

Liang Bo Tao and Liu Big Bear have gone at that time and cooked.

This time, Liu Big be found, said to Liang Bo Tao, he wants to sell the Ai Miga stocks in his hand, the faster the speed, the better, and don't care as much as possible, it is better.

This kind of thing is inevitably, the old saying is good, the old sayings are good, the silver nest is not as good as their own dog's nest, and Ami is the industry founded by Liu Gongxiang, but also listed, can't read the novel, really When it is the seven-child sesame officer, the difficulty, achievement is not to overcome and realize this. You Liu Big Xiong will be so easy, say abandonment?

Since I find someone to help the move, the better the low-key effect, the Liu Big Bear will have less intended to have a few less, and the reason why they choose this is.

"Drying for so many years of electric fan business, I still have a little experience in this field." Liu Big Xiong explained: "The electric fan is in this industry, although in Xiangjiang belongs to the increasingly scarce industry, The content is limited, and it is already a sunset industry in the developed area, and the competition is not so fierce. "

"Amo rushed up with a good opportunity, two world oil crises, resulting in the global energy supply, even the big hands, the Temple of the laundering fees, have begun to promote energy, which makes the electric fan have a new one. Life. "

"Plus the retro wind rolls, I am in the style of the electric fan, I am a little thoughts, Ami's electric fan is the big popular product on the rice market, earn a rolling profit."

"However, now the situation is very different,"

"Let's talk about the situation here. The Gao Jazz is really a good person. For more than a year, the Exchange Fund Authority has set up more than a year, Hong Kong dollar interest rate is really stable, and the woman who has given money is like a woman. The trend of continued to decline in Hong Kong dollar interest rates for several years, and it is very disadvantageous to export to Xiangjiang local product exports. "

"Take another international situation, the influence of the World Petroleum Crisis, no so many Thailand's tops are generally violent, the electric fan demand in the rice market, there is no previous strength."

"So, I have integrated the above considerations, I decided, it is better to take advantage of Ai Migao, I have not exposed it, I haven't exposed it, I will have a high level of the Ai Miga stock on my hand, and I'm safe. I really have to make money. ? "

"Liang Sheng is relieved, as long as this is running, except for the commission there, I will give you a personal horship of this point."

For the concealed gesture made by Liu Big Bear, Liang Baotao seems to see, he hit a referring to his life, called the waiter, "Opening a bottle of royal salute, Liu Sheng, this wine I invite you."

Liu Big Bear is naturally a general resignation. It is clear that this is what I invite Liang Sheng.

Liang Bo Tao put his hand, smiled and said: "Liu Sheng, I will always like to be open, then tell the matter, thoroughly, I can help do good!"

"Take Liu Sheng wants to sell Ami stock on his hands, I think you have a lot of reservations for me, there is no real thing, this is likely to be a success or failure later."

"Liu Sheng, I know that you have killed the quarter in US stocks, which can be said that the capital master is unclear. Even if there is a day, Ai Miga's electric fan business has completely decades, but Ai Ma is doing For a listed company, its 'shell', still belongs to a quite excellent resource, in the future of Liu Sheng, the value can be played, absolutely far more electric fan manufacturer? "

"Now, Liu Sheng tells me that you have no nice to Ai Mi, do you think I will believe? Or you think that for so many years, I am in the circle, white, and even the eyesight is not? "

Liu Big Bear was said to have a face, and the heart is in mind. Liang Bao Tao is worthy of the master jumped out of the master, the eyes are very good, the eyes are very poisonous, and they want to call the stupid kid's intended, it is impossible.

However, this is good, Liu Big Bear will think, Liang Bo Tao is a real energy, more beneficial for his own plan.

As a "gambler", Liu Big Bear never lacks the power, I want to understand that he has made a choice. I respect the bottle of the royal salute, "Liang Bosheng As soon as I don't have something to say, I don't have something that is a 'home ugly', I really make me embarrassment. "

"Ai Migao is another major shareholder, and is also the Liang Yingwei of the vice chairman of the Ai Migao Board, and I don't bite the string, so that I am very passive in the company. The relationship between us has arrived at a point where it is impossible."

"So, my plan is to sell all the Ai Migo stocks in your hand, temporarily exit Ai Mi, waiting for Ami's stocks to fall, I will lower the Ai Migo stock, re-master Ai Mi, Liang Yingwei This hateful guy drove away. "

Liang Bo Tao squid, "Liu Sheng's trend toward Ai Mi's share price? I am afraid that I don't have such insight!"

"I also have a tundry, let Aimi share price plummeted." Liu Big Xiong smiled and did a concealed gesture.

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