Rebirth capital madman

Chapter 903 Gao Jazz once again shoys

The results of this party have made three people feel very satisfied.

From the hoggy from the high string, Qiu Hao and Baoyu have justified the dry coligle for jade. The two also promised to participate in this year's Xiangjiang foreign exchange market operation, essentially, the next Xiangjiang Banking Pattern adjustment.

From Qiu Dali, in addition to making up for the development of Xiangjiang, there is no worship of the pier, so that the champion of the gray face, it also begins to carry out the River to participate in the Xiangjiang foreign exchange market, and began to enter the circle.

From the perspective of Bao Yugang, he is now in the stage of enthusiastic political affairs. Naturally, he attaches great importance to the humanity. It can be used with Qiu Dali. Southeast Asian Hua Yin, which is natural. Maintain a thick relationship.

As a continuation of this meeting, the Supper invites Qiu Huda and Bao Yugang attended a series of business activities that were the main driving force in the Yen-Dian offshore financial center.

It is necessary to point out a little, during the time of the World Ship King, Bao Yugang and Japan Contact Tight, a shipping company is one of his major customers, it can be said that the mood of a business world is One of the heritage of people, now just provide assistance for the high jazz's macro.

It can be seen, and the business activities that can participate in this show that they are integrated into Xiangjiang circles, Qiu Dali is very happy, enthusiasm is also very high.

In this case, Qiu Dali suddenly hit a petty-free phone, there were 100,000 energetic affairs, and it was very unusual to return to Star Lag.

Don't move on the chopped surface, like his big figure, expose the heart of gossip, but in the dark, use the resources, inquire, Qiu Jia is nothing happening.

As a result, it was found that Qiu Dali is really a big event, and this trouble is not simple, involving the power game of a country.

Although Qiu Dali's Malaya Bank founded in Malaya, he was taken away by Malay, but he also had a banking business in Brunei, called Brunei National Bank.

Some social hidden rules are self-clear, in a certain environment, open the bank less and have the relationship with the local rights, and Qiu Dali is walking in Brunei is the "Tai Shanghuang".

When the "Tai Shanghuang" drove, it is a situation in the emperor, and the Sudan truly comprehensively controlled, and the account of Brunei National Bank is checked, the problem is definitely inevitable. Qiu Hao, who was sitting in the local area, Qiu Bank, was imprisoned.

Through further inquiry, the new intelligence sent to the Jazz's case, a typical typical of Brunei National Bank's question is that Qiu Jia's loan from the Brunei National Bank, and the mortgage and procedures can not be banned. Review scrutiny.

In fact, in the high string, these problems are really not enough.

You must know that this society is complicated, and there is no fish in the water. If people are in the same way, put them on the business field, all the events, not more than Lei Pi, a little, everyone understands.

In the Hua Yaran Bank of Xiangjiang, the major shareholders in the board of directors, who have not rely on the convenience of the near-water roof, holding loans to invest in the market and real estate? The key is depends on how to see "above"!

At present, the situation of Brunei National Bank is, one, there is no bank crisis, encountering it; second, "Tai Shanghuang" is active, safe, "Tai Shanghuang" drove, follow, this is very Personal taste.

Through Huo Dang, who helped to listen to the message through the Yangyang classmate, said: "Now it seems that the Sudan should not set the meaning of Qiu Jia in the death."

"What extent is called dead?" Senior music, "Now Qiu Duchu does not dare to go to Brunei to negotiate and fish, the fate of Brunei National Bank, is estimated to be almost the same as Malaya Bank."

Huo Dayang is curiously tested, "Look at you, do you want to help Qiu to pull it?"

"It is a good opportunity to send a charcoal in the snow. This is a good opportunity to come." Senior strings did not cover up their intentions, but did not mention him to value, Qiu Dali's business bank experience, in the near future, can take one use.

"As long as the Gao Jazz is from the horse, the Sudan will also sell face." Huo Dang laughed: "Since the first World Petroleum Crisis broke out, the Brunei royal family has accumulated huge wealth through oil trade. In this process, there is not much from Get good guidance, and complex financial needs, it is more inseparable from the international financial center of Xiangjiang. "

Senior sinking: "I am willing to try it, but I have to take the initiative to open."

Huo Dayang is hitting: "Qiu Dali does not even find someone to help, you can't make it, do you want to say good luck?"


Qiu Xue was not forgot to forget the new circle. It is estimated that it is tossing for a while. After the feelings are not good, they will find high jazz.

The chord is very concerned: "Qiu Sheng, I heard that you have troubled in the industries of Brunei?"

Qiu Hao took a smile: "Gao Jazz, I don't want you, I am not a saints, Brunei National Bank can't do pureness, but never prison my son is waiting for the sentence, and the so-called awards, a minister, Qiu Jia became a Tropical props, and there was no place to speaking at all. I didn't dare to go to Brunei. I was afraid of imprisonment. "

Senior strings deeply sympathetic: "Nanyang Chinese lacks the status of the mismatch with economic status, and why, it is also a safe port of Singapore."

Qiu Hao pulls the test: "The Gao Jazz's hand is skyrochemical, can you help save the dog? Qiu Jia must feel in the five, the junction ring!"

"I can try it out without power." Senior sinking: "I don't know, what is Qiu Sheng prepares?"

Qiu Hao took the bite, "I am willing to give up Brunei National Bank, and those loans will also immediately, even compensation can be accepted, I am selling Australia Hotel Group to raise as many cash as possible."


Take people naturally have to help people's postures, and the jazz will act immediately.

In fact, for this matter, the hell of the ancient wells is no wave, because he has seen the big scene too much, he went to Tehran to Tehran, fishing, the detailed manner, the situation is much more and more!

After the chord arrived in Brunei, I got a high-standard reception, because of the end, this is when the rivers and lakes.

The details will not be described by one, probably the reason for the criteria or capital, the high-level names here touch the mask rules, but don't implicate the entire chapter is eaten.

In short, the final result is that the high-jazz guarantee, the Qiu Dao union of the imprisoned monk, as for the "economic dispute" of Qiu Jiahe Brunei, Qiu Dali does not need now to sell the iron All, it is possible to make up the installment.

This is the value of the high jazz gold noodles!

When I saw Qiu Bank, Qiu Hao pulled the tumbling.

You must know that Qiu Becheng has a lot of children, but the son is a few, and the eldest son Qiu Bank is sent to Brunei alone, and the ability is obvious. It is a big discount, then Qiu family can be lost!

After listening to Qiu Hao, the father and son said, after the words of the liver and brain, the high string comfort: "Qiu Sheng does not have to sell the industry, we will make it enough to make it in the year."

Qiu Xue pulled up again, "listening to the high jazz."

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