Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 903: Must be defeated?

On that day, the ancient medicine county was empty.

Countless people sit in teahouses, restaurants, and pavilions. A series of canopy opened, showing the scene of the gambling venue. This time, Dou Dan, a team of seven elders of Dan League, opened up a huge cloud platform at a height of ten thousand feet, and laid a number of circles to prevent robbery and external interference.


Dan League selected 10 judges, five of whom were from Dan League, including Wei Huangzheng, Chen Yan elders and others. The other five invited the outstanding descendants of the Northern Wilderness family.

"Xuandu Hujia two young master Hu Wei."

"Zhen Hai Wu Jiada Miss Wu Baisu."


Each one is a young and old generation, the most top-notch. Especially when Wang Xuanfeng debuted, it made countless people awe-inspiring. The more the big factions are, the less they dare to ignore the existence of the royal family. As a family of the ancients, the influence of the Wang family far exceeds the northern wilderness, and it plays an important role in the whole world.

"I heard that in the Danyuan Hall on that day, it was the Xuanfeng son, and I strongly agreed to have this gambling."

"Oh, Xiaodan Jun will win. That is the most talented genius of our ancient medicine county in the past 100 years, and it has been earned by Dan Jun. What is the green area of ​​the district?"

"Not necessarily, that Chen Beixuan has won the name of Dawei, and even defeated the master. It can be seen that Danshu can't be underestimated."

There are many people talking.

The gray robe old man took Jojo and the two went to the arena.

"Grandpa, do you say that Chen brother can win?"

Jojo’s little hand was nervous and he became a small fist.

"It's hard..."

The gray robe old man, even spit out three difficult words, and finally shook his head deeply. Every time I say a word, I will let Jojo’s face collapse, and in the end, give tears.

Jiang Han, Yan Wuqi and other Danmeng disciples are also sitting on the field, waiting quietly for this gambling start.

"At the time of the assessment, I did not see that this Chen Danshi had such a strong ambition." Jiang Han smiled.

"What power, lost wisdom." Wu Qingyan cold, biting teeth and hate iron is not steel.

Only Yan Wuzhen is silent.

He was born in the wasteland and naturally knew the horror of Chen Fan. In a few months, Chen Fan swept the seventeen wilderness areas in the north and defeated many masters. It is not the imagination of the Danish people, so it is not vulnerable.


The entry of the Bultan is the beginning of the fight.

When Situ volleyed into the gimbal, it caused the cheers of countless monks. In particular, many women repaired, looking at the handsome and cold, arrogant Situ, a pair of beautiful eyes must fly out.

Born in a noble, refining family, amazing talent, and worshiping Dan Jun... Situ is almost the most powerful person in the past few centuries. In contrast, although Chen Fan is also pretty good, he is almost unappreciated.

"Brother is cheering."

Only Jojo shouted.

Chen Fan waved his hand and turned his head. I saw that Stuart stood side by side with him and looked at Chen Fan without looking at it. As the moderator, Wei Huangzhen, holding the jade book, announced the way of fighting:

"This gambling fight is the first game of Doudan. It is required to refine the next product, Baodan ‘Three 魄 魂 丹 丹 Dan.' One day, no restrictions on Dan furnace, Danshao, auxiliary medicine, etc.”

"The winner is born, the loser is dead!"

When Wei Huangzheng said this, the entire ancient medicine county was quiet. Many Dan teachers have sucked out a cold breath. Many alchemy masters are ugly.

“It’s actually three times to return to the soul Dan? This question is too difficult.”

"It is estimated that Xiao Danjun strongly requested. If it is not such Qidan, how can it reflect the strength of Xiaodanjun?"

"That Aoki Shin Jun Chen Beixuan, it's going to be bad!"

Many Dan teachers have not been optimistic about Chen Fan. At this time, they are completely desperate.

Yan Wuzhen and others also shook their heads. Wu Qingyan is even more fragile, like a wire rope.

"Grandpa, what is the return of the three souls?" Qiao Qiao doubts.

"This is a Chiddan." The gray robe old man's face is extremely embarrassing:

"The so-called Qidan, is very rare, partial, difficult to practice the medicinal herbs. Not only the medicinal materials are difficult to find, the conditions of alchemy are cough, Danfang is also difficult to practice. Although it is the next product Baodan, but if it is difficult to refine, Generally, it is not much worse than the middle grade. In general, only the top alchemy masters are sure to refine them into three sorrows. This kind of medicinal medicine is also very effective. It is said that the broken soul can be reunited. The reincarnation of the gods is very precious."

When I heard the old man in the gray robe, Jojo’s little face was pale.

In the medicinal herbs, the medicinal herbs involved in the soul are often the most precious. After the soul was broken, even the Jindan monk had to fall. Only in the legend, cultivation into the realm of immortalization can be fearless.

Can reunite the soul of the soul, how much do you have to return to the soul? How difficult is it to practice?

After explanation.

Most of the ancient medicine county people also understand that Chen Fan is even more optimistic. In the gambling market, the ratio of this game has risen from one to one thousand to one thousand to two thousand, three thousand, and is still rising.

"You are leaving now, you still have time."

Xiao Danjun Stuart, carrying his hands, looked straight ahead, looking forward to Chen Fan, faint.

"Reassured, if I win, I won't kill you."

Chen Fan grinned and revealed his white teeth.


Stuart did not pay attention to it. He swung his sleeves and flew directly to his alchemy area. Refining Bao Dan, the place is great. Especially when it comes to Dan, it is more likely to catch the fish. Chen Fan also walked into his refining office.

With the order of Wei Huangzhenjun, Dou Dan officially began.


Xiao Danjun’s technique refers to the eight legal arrays in the void. From the eight major legal arrays, eight different colors of flaming flames are sprayed out. Then Stuart, first distinguishing the medicinal materials, and then selecting a kind of medicinal medicine, began to use the fire of the fire, tempering different elixir.

At the Baodan stage, the medicinal materials need to be treated before they can be refining.

His tactics are like flowing, pleasing to the eye, and with the concentration of alchemy, he is immediately exclaimed by countless female monks. And this means is the identity of the master of the real Dandao.

Because only the master can refine Bao Dan.

"Little sister, this Situ Wu, it seems that some can bear. Maybe it can really be used for the purple moon fairy, refining into a nine-turned Ling Dan." Wu Baisu said faintly.

This woman, white clothes like snow, the wind is perfect, and her posture is as clean as a fairy. On the appearance, it is even better than Wu Qingyan, like a fairy Ling Chen. It is the great lady of Wuhai in Zhenhai, the first person in Wu family in the past 500 years. It is said that the talents are directly chasing the ancestors of the Wu family, living in the triple heavenly veins, condensing into the top grade Jindan, and repairing to the late Jindan in the early period, and even boarding the longevity list.

"Seven sisters, Situ Tuo is the sage of Stuart Stuart. She was taught by three Dandao masters at an early age. It was very early to be followed by Dan Jun and passed on to Dan. The previous assessment was just a passing. He entered The sect of the sect is only a few months."

Wu Qingyan shook her head.

"So, Situ will win?" Wu Baisu asked.


Wu Qingyan hesitated.

She wants to say that ninety-nine wins, but in my heart, somehow, Chen Fan actually has a little extravagant hope.

At this time, Chen Fan was facing a lot of equipment in front of him, Dan Ding, quietly in a daze.

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