Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 936: Shake all directions (first more)

When the ten-foot knives were Chen Fan, the moment of a punch was broken.

The whole world is silent.

All the spectators are watching and can't make a sound.

"Are you lost?"

Looking at the screen of the Wanli Mirror, in the independent battlefield, Tsing Yi washes the old, the delicate and weak, and does not hurt the young. Hu Yuanzhang spit out two words.

"Are you lost?"

Looking at a boxing broken ten-knife knife, Chen Fan who was unharmed. Luo Changsheng bowed his head and there was a shock in his eyes.

"Really lost?"

Ning family's main face is ugly.

No one wants to believe.

In the autumn of Fengzi, it was the peerless arrogance of arguing with the Xinghe Tianjun. It was on the longevity list, and it was also the existence of the peak. These peerless figures, together with the peerless treasures, have failed to kill Chen Fan. It seems that even a trace of injury has not been caused.

"How is it possible? Feng Shuzu was arguing with the Xinghe Tianjun in the same year, and he was shocked and brilliant. He had already entered the semi-step of the heavens. Now he is holding a sword, how can he lose to a Jindan monk? ”

The windy parents were so old that they couldn’t suppress the fear in their hearts.

Up and down the wind, many high-rises, the face is even more difficult to see the extreme.

This is already the most powerful foundation of the Feng family. Even the wind and the autumn are defeated. Who can win Chen Fan? Many family owners, do not want to go to this in my heart, suddenly a heart falls into the abyss.

In contrast.

Mu Hongti and Yun Yier, who watched the battle in the distance, were full of joy and cheered.

"Chen's predecessors were so powerful that even the knives were born, they did not defeat Chen's predecessors."

"I said, Chen is invincible."

Lin Yanhua, who has always been an iceberg beauty, has a beautiful face. Only Zhao is a fairy, although he smiles, but the smile is a bit reluctant, and the eyes are even more disappointing.


After the knives were broken, the black knives made a clear roar, and they were directly beaten out. The volley hit a hundred miles, and the students were inserted into the ground, and a mountain of three thousand feet high was broken into two pieces. Above it, the blood color is gradually dimmed, and a black wind dragon begins to shrink, and the infinite powers converge and gradually return to normal.

And Chen Fan does not move, standing there, the green shirt flutters, the black hair is scattered, and the style is calm and calm.

It seems that it is not difficult for him to defeat the black knife.

Winning and losing relationship, at a glance!

"Longevity brother, did he really win?"

At this time, Ziyue Fairy still doesn't believe it.

Tianbao is fully recovering, how powerful is it? The kind of domineering, the pressure of the heavens and the earth, the purple moon fairy separated by thousands of miles, they felt a suffocation. If you go up yourself, I am afraid that even a knife can't stop it. But Chen Fan actually lived in the flesh and broke with a punch. What kind of power is this?

"The body of Tianjun, Wanzai is not bad, if the wind is in the autumn, if there is a heavenly monarch, it is a natural knife to kill it. Unfortunately, he is only half a step of heaven. It is a level."

Luo Changsheng sighed.

As he spoke, the light in his eyes became more and more hot, and he looked at Chen Fan, like a powerful enemy.

At this point, Chen Fansheng has been set.

No one is urging, and Tianbao is strong again. After all, it is just a dead thing. But just when Chen Fan stepped, he wanted to catch the black knife. The black knives suddenly lit up, and a clear knife sounded, and it suddenly turned into a black mans, and shot at a very distant place.

"Want to escape?"

Chen Fan snorted, step by step, and chased the black knife.

Before he left, he read the voice to Lin Wuhua and others. After Zhao Xianxian received it, he immediately took the three women and left in a hurry. The eyes of many spectators are all gathered in Chen Fan, and no one cares about them.

"Tianbao actually escaped?"

Everyone was astonished.

In everyone's memory, Tianbao is an invincible existence. Except for Tian Jun’s shot, any monk could not stop Tianbao’s blow. But now, the black knives of the Weishen Northern Wilderness have actually escaped?

"No, it is the wind fled in the autumn, his soul is hidden in the heavenly treasure, you can also control this weapon, but unfortunately has lost the ability to fight back." Luo Changsheng shook his head.

"Tianbao is cast by 10,000 yuan of finance, and it is the rule of Heavenly King. It is the result of a heavenly king. It can be said that it will not be destroyed. It is Chen Beixuan’s cultivation of Yuan Ying, and it may not be able to crush Tianbao. What's more, he only has days. What about the body of the king?"

Speaking of this, Luo Changsheng looked down on the northwest.

"I am afraid, Fengziqiu took Tianbao and fled back to the wind home."

In fact, all the spectators understand this at this time.

The hearts of the people were both astonished and terrified.

Chen Fan not only defeated Feng Ziqiu in his life, but also pursued it all the way. This is not a stop.

"Looking at that direction is the location of Ziyan County. Chen Beixuan kills the wind home."

"He really must report, the Feng family is a family, he has to hit the door. Since thousands of years ago, after the rise of the Star River, there is no one dare to violate the majesty of the family."

"The wind home is bad."

Many elders asserted.

At this time, Ziyan County, the wind home.

In the black, long hair, the thin and windy home, the wind is not wild, is standing in front of the water mirror, looking at the figure of Chen Fan in the water mirror, his face is blue.

This time, the wind home is really a big loss. Not only has a ancestor been degraded, but he has lost his cards and even provoked enemies. Fortunately, the black knives have returned, as long as the Tianbao is not lost, it is not too much loss.

The wind home is up and down, both shocked and angry.

Tianjun family is high for tens of thousands of years, and everyone is like an ant. They have long cultivated a mentality that overlooks the entire northern desert, and they are in the hearts of all the people in the wind. The wind home can bully you, kill you, and even kill you, it is a matter of course. But as long as you dare to fight back, it is a disrespect for the Feng family and the family of Heavenly King.

It is like the master swearing slaves, all normal, and the slaves will still irritate the master.

Chen Fan, born in the wilderness, is a slave in their eyes. The most powerful point, but as long as one day is not a day, you can't stand side by side with them in a day.

"Chen Beixuan's great courage, after defeating the wind ancestors, dare to catch up with us?"

"Turning on the township squad, summoning the war corps and enlisting the family heritage. My family is not only the wind uncle!"

"Yes, Tianjun family can not be humiliated!"

Countless Fengjia disciples and elders clamored.

"The patriarch, how do we do it?" asked the three elders without asking for a step forward.

"If Chen Beixuan really dares to come, I must let him know what is the true essence of the Tianjun family." The nine elders are cold and ruthless.

How profound is the foundation of the Tianjun family.

Let them and Chen Fan be in diplomatic hands, I am afraid that the entire wind home, no one is the enemy of Chen Fan. But Chen Fanruo is not the same when he enters the ancestral home of Fengjia. This ancestral land was run by the Feng family for tens of thousands of years, and there were countless secrets and squads. Even if Tian Jun came, it was difficult.

"I'm afraid he can't even find where my ancestral home is."

Someone sneered.

Despite the fact that the Feng family is shocked by Chen Fan’s strength, he is still full of confidence.


"A ancestor of the Feng family holds Tianbao and assassinates Chen Beixuan!"

"Chen Beixuan is a bare-handed scorpion, and he defeats the wind and the black knives."

"Chen Beixuan chased and killed the wind home."

At the time, in the depths of the ancient medicine county, in addition to many Tianjun family, there were also spectators. When the war started, they quickly passed the message out.

This battle is really amazing.

Almost can be called the battle of the sky!

The mountains and rivers that the two men beat broke, and the sun and the moon fell. Thousands of miles of land in the ancient medicine county were destroyed by the aftermath of the two men. All the people who witnessed this battle, all felt that they were watching the two gods fighting.

"It's too strong, and Chen Beixuan is far beyond Jindan. What is the eternal patriot of the longevity list? What kind of family ancestors are in front of him, like ants, and can be destroyed."

"I am in the north, when did you come out with such peerless strongmen? Even if you are the leader of the longevity of Jun Aocheng, Li Huaixian, it is just that."

"Tianbao has lost, who is still his opponent."

Countless people lamented.

After Xuan Nuzhen and San Shanzong’s teaching, I was shocked. Originally, they still thought carefully, did not ban Fang Yan and so on, still sitting and watching, how to see Chen Fan's ending, whether it would be killed by the Tianjun family.

Now, they can't wait to shut down Fang Yan for a few thousand years, lest Chen Fan have a whim on the day and suddenly find that they are dying. At that time, with their strength, how can they block Chen Fan’s blow?

But more people, the heart is terrible, Chen Fan went all the way to the wind home.

"The Tianjun family is high on the top, overlooking the northern wilderness for tens of thousands of years. Unless another Tianjun is born, no one will dare to challenge them. Chen Beixuan is somewhat unwise, and should be accepted."

"Not bad. The foundation of the Tianjun family is more than that."

"Not necessarily, even Tianbao has been defeated. This time, Chen Beixuan may be able to force the Feng family to bow."

A gaze, toward the wind home, toward Ziyan County.

The Tianjun family has been far away from all sentient beings. Most of the northern monks want to see someone challenge them. Chen Fan’s invincible power at this time made many people see hope.

But even the most optimistic people feel that the wind is at best to bow down and admit defeat. If you want to step on the wind, you can’t think of it. Even if the king’s family returns, he may not be able to do it.

And the Dan League people, the five flavors are mixed.

The elders of Stuart, the ally of the Dan League, etc., all shimmered and their faces were complicated and difficult to understand. Only the little girl Jojo, cheered.

Zhenhai City, Wu Jiazhong, there was a long sigh:

"This kid is really a climate. From now on, the whole northern wasteland, who else dare not put his Chen Beixuan in his eyes?"

I heard this sentence.

Wu family sisters, all silent.


At this time, Chen Fan is chasing and stalking.


Black and rainbow traversed the sky, the black knives sharpened to the extreme, easily smashed the void, almost every shine, appeared in hundreds of miles away, is a hundred times the speed of sound, or even thousands of times.

However, Chen Fan stepped out of the foot, and numerous lines of lines were manifested, gathering together into a blue-gold-cast light path. His foot on the light path, the same rapid miles, chasing the black knives, even the black knives into the space storm, can not get rid of Chen Fan's tracking.


Feng Ziqiu’s heart is arrogant.

He never expected that the end of this battle turned out to be his own defeat. Nowadays, not only the physical destruction, but also the soul of the soul has been hit hard, only to shrink in the black knife. Don't say that you can regain your cultivation. I am afraid that even the ghosts may not be made.

"Chen Beixuan, you are the way to break my way, this hate hate, I must report."

The hatred in his eyes increased greatly, driving Tianbao, breaking through the heavy space barrier, and suddenly his eyes lit up. The speed of the black rainbow skyrocketed and instantly shot into the void and disappeared.

At this moment, Chen Fan also stopped and looked indifferently.

In front of him, an incomparably grand city stands tall. This big city is built on the top of the Wanzhang Mountain, just like the clouds. Only to see, the road whistling, the fierce birds flying, making it appear more and more embarrassing. The black knives disappeared into the city.

The windy city!

Ziyan County is home to the wind.

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