Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 946: Reincarnation of the public enemy (first)

As a true dragon god, Xiao Man is the entire reincarnation. In addition to the gods and other condensed into a top grade Jin Dan, the most highly regarded younger disciples.

In particular, she is so young, only 16 or 17 years old, it can be said that the potential is endless, and in the end, in the end, no one can say it. Many elders, privately, said that Xiaoman Yuanying can be expected to take the lead in the future.

These patriarchal figures, every move, are involved in the 36 peaks, countless reincarnations of the disciples.

She suddenly has a more brother, and she is very close. Who can pay attention?

Especially Chen Fan, this brother, the origin is unknown, coupled with the rumors left by the previous gods, many people are curious.

"Small man has a brother? Isn't it rumored that her life is mysterious, from the legendary dragon, living in the real blood, no relatives?"

"The dragons are just speculations. On the sky, since the last dragon has disappeared hundreds of thousands of years ago, there are no real dragon descendants left. The goddess only said that she once had a brother of the opposite sex, but early Being trapped in an extraterritorial battlefield, I don’t know if I live or die."

"My God, it won't be that the opposite **** brother is back. Can you come back from the battlefield outside the field, how strong is this?"

Many people are screaming.

As a cultivating star that has been inherited for hundreds of thousands of years, the cultivators of the celestial star are very clear. In addition to their own stars, there are other cultivating stars or cosmic races, even outside the world.

The so-called extraterrestrial battlefield.

Either the battle outside the stars, or the battlefield with the opposite world.

No matter which one, you can participate in the battle, at least Jin Dan repair. If you don't even have Jin Dan repaired, I am afraid that if you just step into space or outside the domain, the space storm will be torn into pieces. Even so, the ordinary Jin Dan in the field battlefield, is only the first class of cockroach ant cannon, want to really stand on the battlefield, at least the level of Jindan peak, can not be ordinary products or Chinese goods Jindan.

Such as Chen Fan, etc., not only trapped in the field battlefield, but also returned alive, how much stronger?

The top-notch arrogance of the longevity list is just that.

"In the past, the gods and goddesses, it is said that in the two peaks, from the countless ancient Mozu stalkers found ‘Butian medicine’. It is estimated that this big brother is also trapped in the two peaks.”

Someone guessed.

Many disciples, their eyes are shining, and their hearts are ready to move.

Chen Fan not only has a younger sister like Xiao Man, but also a hero who returned from the battlefield outside the field. How can such a generation of arrogance not please?

More people feel.

‘Ziyuefeng’ is probably one in the future, maybe two more days. This is the blood of the ancient dragons, too strong!

Unfortunately, some people immediately came out to pour cold water.

"Oh, the so-called "brother", repairing is not even Jin Dan, vaguely only in the late period of congenital. And what he practiced on his body is not a dragon method, more similar to the magic road."

"real or fake?"

When the news came out, the reincarnation was shocked.

"Not bad."

Lin Xiao stood up and proved.

With the repair of his golden dragon peak, under the Yuan Ying, almost no one can get through Lin Xiao’s eyes. Lin Xiao proved that Chen Fan did not have the same true blood as Xiao Man, just an ordinary human race. Even many heavenly kings or royal families are inferior. The repair is even more congenital.

Lin Xiaotang’s descendants of the elders, everyone said, he was convinced.


Chen Fan’s worth suddenly fell.

The descendants of a true dragon blood, the longevity of the list of peaks repaired, the future Yuan Ying Tianjun, naturally there are countless people to please. Even Tianzong elite disciples should also look at them.

But a congenital monk who has been reduced to decline, the blood is mediocre, even if it is the brother of the little man.

It's like you are a child of Tianjun family, but you don't inherit the blood of the Tianjun family. The general Jindan monk may not put you in your eyes, and you don't go to the immortal, not the fellow travelers.

If you are like this, it will turn into a mustard for dozens of years.

And I am going to be a Jin Dan Yuan Ying, high on the top, overlooking everyone, who will care about you after 100 years?

Xiu Xianjie is so naked and naked, assessing everything with strength and future potential.

"Oh, a congenital little monk in the district, what if it was strong again? I am afraid that when I entered the extraterrestrial battlefield, I was also holding my thighs, and I finally mixed it up."

There are Jin Dan class disciples laughing.

In the eyes of these reincarnation Tianzong elites, they do not enter Jindan, and everything is an ant. Even if it is into Jindan, it only condenses into the next product, Jindan, and it is also an ant.

Only the Chinese and even the top Jindan are in their eyes.

"Hey, I thought it was the peerless arrogance of the longevity list. It is worth pursuing. I didn't think it was just an ordinary mortal."

Some beautiful female monks sighed and shook their heads.

In the Xiuxian world, not only the fairies are sought after, but those male monks with brilliant talents and amazing blood are regarded as longevity by many female monks. For example, in the forefront of the longevity list, each has a large number of women’s pursuits

Many beautiful female monks, even if they don't want to live forever, as long as they have a happy birthday, they will make a big profit, and they will not be able to breed a royal family.

"And, the goddess of heaven said, that is the little ‘transsexual brother’... there is no blood.” Someone said meaningfully.


Many people have a glimpse of it.

Without blood, it means that the two can be combined. In particular, many people in front of the mountain gate, seeing the attachment of Xiao Man to Chen Fan. This is a big enemy of life and death for many ambitious families and young people.

Just like a female monk pursuing a longevity list.

Many reincarnation of the elite disciples of the mountains, rumors of genius, the same as the small man.

"Absolutely can't indulge."

"This kind of mortal, who is equipped with the real dragon girl? At least it must be Li Huaixian Jun Aocheng, even if Lin Xiao brother."

"Yes, we suggested to the elders and blasted him back to the mountains."

For a moment, Chen Fan seemed to be the public enemy of all male monks in the reincarnation.

"Unfortunately, if he is really a younger brother, it is better to have a real dragon. It is to marry his sister as a waiter, even with me, the family will probably promise."

Zhu Ning ink sighed gently.

It is just a change of identity, the presence or absence of a blood.

Instant clouds and mud, heaven and earth.

This is the reality of the cultivation of the world.


At this time, Chen Fan has been settled in Ziyuefeng under the leadership of Xiao Man.

Purple Moon Peak, Zhenlong Pavilion.

Here, it is located at the top of the mountain in Ziyue Peak, the closest to the top of the mountain. It was the Tiangong elders who personally shot and built for Xiaoman. The entire pavilion was as high as 100 feet. There were 36 giant pillars in the lobby. Each of them was filled with a hundred people. The tops were carved with five-clawed golden dragons hovering and mighty.

In the real dragon pavilion, there are many maid guards, and the weakest is also in the late days.

On the floor, a strip of dragonfly flutters like a dragon-shaped golden mist. It is a true dragon medicine that is found in the reincarnation of the dragon. Its potency is leaked out and eventually forms such a wonder.

"It seems that the reincarnation is good for my family."

Chen Fan feels the surrounding aura. The concentration here is more than ten times higher than the concentration of the ordinary mountain peaks of the reincarnation mountain. It is obviously the upper class of the spirits, which is more than 100 times higher than the outside world. Practice here, ordinary talent can also enter Jindan.

True Dragon Heavenly Medicine.

The top grades are gathered together.

Only these two, the general Tianjun family can not get out, it can be seen that the family of the reincarnation mountain is rich.

‘They really do not hesitate to succumb to the blood. ’

Chen Fan sighed.

This means that it is not difficult for Chen Fan to take away Xiao Man.

However, he is so fascinated by the North Xuan Xianzun, how can he be afraid of a Yuan Yingzong door in the district, and then he will throw his thoughts behind his head. Look carefully at Xiao Man.

I have not seen it for four years.

The 23-year-old purple girl who has grown up has grown up. Especially after the awakening of the dragon's blood, Xiao Man's appearance has changed, the blonde shawl, the appearance is beautiful and peerless, just like the Dragon Palace dragon girl, it is no wonder that those reincarnated disciples can not recognize her Chinese identity. The cultivation is even more in the mid-contemporary period, and it is much stronger than the general condensate period.


Xiaoban screamed with big eyes and tears in his eyes.

Chen Fan, who she saw in the past, is so powerful and how arrogant. The pressure of the North Cold Region, the blood of the five major wilderness. Even if Xiao Man is now in the reincarnation, he has a wide range of visions. He knows that many of the top pess of the longevity list can be done, but it still does not damage Chen Fan’s image in her heart.

Can Chen Fan now?

The breath does not even come to Jin Dan, even the small man is not as good.

The two stood together.

The little savage blood is as grand as a big day, the golden mist is tumbling, and the supreme dragon is majestic. If Chen Fan’s breath is there, there will be a hint of guilt and darkness, even if it is generally inferior. It can be seen how much damage Chen Fan suffered in the ancient demon.

"Hey, Xiao Man is sorry for you. I blame me, I have to ask you to shoot, and finally let you be in danger, almost die. Xiao Man is useless, blame me."

Xiao Man said, his eyes were red and swollen, and the tears fell.

"Silly girl."

Chen Fan caressed the girl's head and smiled.

He just forcibly converged his own magic, otherwise he is close to Xiaocheng with his "Six Holy Spirits" and the power of congenital magic. If you really don't hide it.

I am afraid that the magic will be immediately shocked, and the square will be turned into a magical country on the ground.

That is the supreme magic of the forefront of the devil world, even if only the congenital realm, it is enough to shake the world.

Unfortunately, Xiao Man does not understand, crying more and more powerful.

Only a few clouds, a smile, and a red face.

"Hey, don't overdo it, let's let go of our house."

Several Ziyuefeng female disciples saw this scene and hurriedly went up to open the two people. They were like the old hen guards the scorpion, keeping Xiaoman behind him and staring at Chen Fan, just like watching a flower thief.

Being beaten by this, Xiao Man was embarrassed and broke into laughter.

Seeing someone present, Chen Fan also suppressed the questions about the current situation of the gods, and prepared to find a time to ask again. Anyway, there is still a period of time away from the gods.


Chen Fan and his party temporarily stayed in Ziyue Peak.

Waiting for the day of the gods to rob.

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