Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 955: My name is Chen Beixuan (third)

On the stage of Sendai, you are arrogant.

Although they are all long-lived, they are also divided into three or six. Sitting at the core of the situation, must be Jun Aocheng, Xiao Hong, Gu Xiaoyi three. Other Tianjiao, they gave up their positions slightly, and the stars sat around the three people to show respect.

The world recognizes that there are huge differences between the top ten and the bottom of the longevity list. Into the top ten, there is a point to hope to glimpse into the longevity, advanced position of the king. Even if it is only a hope, it is more than a mortal being. Even in the eyes of many old monsters, the top ten in the longevity list is the real longevity list, and the others are all numbers.

"Aocheng brother, I didn't expect you to come here. In the past, there was a good time in Beihai. It has been 30 years, and the Taoist repairs are more and more refined, and longevity can be expected. Unfortunately, Huai Xianxiong has not arrived. That is the name of the North in the wild. Chen Beixuan, the same trace, I only have three people to sit down and talk."

Gu Xiaoyi lamented.

He is from one of the top ten heavens, and he is known for his romantic style. He is dressed in white, black hair is like a waterfall, like a good son in the painting. The back of the ‘Leaving Sword’ is also known as the first under Tianbao, and it has been praised by the world as “from the sword”.

In the eyes of Gu Xiaoyi, other longevity spectators are not worthy to sit with them.

"Huai Xianxiong has always been mysterious, I am afraid that I will not participate in this kind of banquet. As for the Dan Wang Chen Beixuan, the whereabouts are strange and mysterious, I can't see the roots..."

Xiao Hong said this, his brows are slightly wrinkled.

"Li Huai-sin resounds Yuan Ying. Chen Beixuan I have traced it. I am from the North Cold Region. The identity is really different, but the strength is strong, the bare hand is a treasure, and one person is a family. It is me. I have nothing to do."

Jun Aocheng opens, and the words are like gold.


Xiao Hong and others are all moving.

How proud and proud of Jun Aocheng, he came from the top ten Tianyu in the Tenth Heaven, and he fought for hundreds of years. He never lost, only lost to Li Huaixian. Didn't think today, he actually claimed to be worse?

"Aocheng brothers have been modest, and Chen Beixuan's record has many vague exaggerations. It is estimated that he will be with me. Otherwise, this year, he will not be so traced and secret, no one traces. But with this, He is also proud to be a good man, and he will be with me."

Gu Xiaoyi laughed.

Everyone nodded in agreement.

Jun Aocheng is silent, no longer speaks, just in the light, the war is fierce.


"Zhang Laodi, you said that the surname Chen, will come. I said it to my brother. You can never intervene in this reincarnation." Xuankong swords.

"Not bad, my master of the ghosts of the ancestors has arrived long ago, and even the patriarchs are personally present. The boy named Chen is harder on the mountain and the servant is stronger. Is it the opponent of my patriarch?"

The ghosts and filial disciples said indignantly.

Zhao Mingxian stepped on Yang Gangfeng, and it can be said that the ghosts of the Ming Dynasty are all under the feet. Even the lords of the Ghosts were stunned, and they went back to the mountains to prepare for the fairness.

"You can rest assured that Brother Lin and I have spoken, and the elders have already spoken, no longer sheltering the kid. Everyone can spare him a life. Others, I will not care about the reincarnation."

Zhang Dongshan shook his folding fan in his hand and smiled softly.

"That's good."

Mu Yanping, Xuankongjianzi and so on are all sneer, ready to wait for Chen Fan to come.

At this event, he humiliated this kid. Wushan even thought, ask the brother to take the shot, take the black female swordsman, bring her back to the Zongzhong, imprison in a hundred years, and then make a corpse, report the hatred of the sword.

Not only Wushan and others.

He was humiliated by Chen Fan, and he broke his legs and threw down the mountain, Chi Honghan, Zhou Kun and Li Danni. They are all sitting with hatred and hate, waiting for Chen Fan. Chen Fan’s three times, throwing people down the mountain, although the injury is not heavy, but for these elites, it is an unprecedented humiliation.

‘If he dares to come, the old lady must ask the elders to take the shots, put him down, put them in the Wan Snake Valley, suffer from the worms, and suffer from the poisonous souls. ’

Li Danni swelled her face, and the yin test was a smile. A pair of peach eyes were full of grievances.

Just in the crowd, full of anger, waiting for Chen Fan to arrive.

"Hey, look, is that kid at the door?"

Someone called.

The crowd turned their heads and looked at the entrance.


At this time, the entrance to Sendai.

Chen Fan took his hands and took a look at Tsing Yi. Zhao was behind the knife and went forward. Lin Wuhua's three women look gorgeous, and the sword is awe.

All the way to the door.

I have known Chen Fan, and I saw him first, then I was surprised. I did not expect Chen Fan to dare to come. You must know that this is full of arrogance, half of it, and Chen Fan has a hatred, ready to teach him.

Some of them, even if they couldn’t stand it, they got up and laughed and got up, they didn’t come up with good intentions, and they were ready to violently swear by Chen Fan and dispel their anger.

"Sister, look at it, isn't that small brother his brother?"

Zhu Ningxue screamed.

Zhu Ningmo looked up and saw that Chen Fan came from all walks of life.

"How dare he dare to come? Lin Shixiong has already sent a message, the Presbyterian will make a resolution, and will never protect him again. He is here to die. Doesn't he know how many people in this fight want to kill? Is he fast then?"

Zhu Ning Mo stunned.

The two sisters, as reincarnated female disciples, greeted the guests at the door. When they met the guests, they also sang the name and informed the audience. Many news, they have known in advance.

Ghosts, Gong Sunkui, Liyang Knife, Xiao Hong...

Which one is stronger than Zhao, especially Xiao Hong, that is the top ten in the longevity list. In addition, there are several Tianzong, even the elders of the lords are personally present. Zhao Xianxian is stronger, can a person play a few?

Zhu Ningmo did not understand.

Not only did he not understand, many of the disciples of Zi Yue who knew Chen Fan did not understand. They watched Chen Fan with their eyes, stepping through the crowds, like a river, and came to the front.

"Trouble, let me know."

Chen Fan smiled and nodded.

"you you..."

Zhu Ning ink raised his beautiful face and looked at Chen Fan, who was full of smiles. He couldn’t speak for a while.

There is only one thought in my heart.

How dare he come?

How dare?


"Sure enough, he."

Wushan and others were lower, sitting on the edge and near the portal. When I saw Chen Fan, most people recognized it. If there is a temper, they will jump up and down. If they don’t care about the reincarnation of Tianzong face, I am afraid that I will go to Chen Fan early.

"A big courage, I dare to come, I don't want to put me in my eyes. Well, since you are here, don't leave, I will let you survive, you can't die."

Wushan sneered, the color of grievances, almost shot out of the eyelids, all covered in the cold.

Mu Yanping, Xuankong Sword, Chifa Dahan, etc., can not afford to live, follow Wushan, and go to the entrance. Although they are not as good as Zhao, they have been informed of the elders and Tianjiao.


Most of the Tianjiao people sitting on the stage know that Chen Fan is coming.

"Oh, dare to humiliate my ghosts, this will be reported."

Ghost sneer sneered.

"Yes, I should give him a look at the color." Xiangyang Jun also nodded.

Tianzhujianzi, Gongsunkui, Xiaohong and others, although still sitting high, but their eyes are also a little unpleasant. They all know that the reincarnation resolution has not put Chen Fan in his eyes at all. There is no reincarnation, and with a golden servant, what waves can be turned up?

‘Hey, you really don’t know how to live and die. ’

The flowers are seen and the hearts are slightly sighed.

Lin Xiao is next to him, already shaking his head while toasting. Chen Fan’s life and death, as early as the opening of the elders, has already been decided.

The audience was waiting for Chen Fan to arrive. For a time, no one spoke. Although everyone seems to drink tea and drink, but the gods have long been out of the field, Chen Fan's every move on the sidelines, all words and deeds, all falling under the eyes of everyone, including the elders, all put down the wine glasses, interested to see .

Only Xiao Man, 啥 time pale, no blood.


"Chen... Chen Daoyou, do you really want to go in?"

Zhu Ningmo looked at Chen Fan, and he looked at his heart and went crazy.

Do not enter the door, many Tianjiao may not be willing to shoot. But as soon as I went to Sendai, I stepped into the grand meeting. Some Tianjiao used it as an excuse for public discussion. All of them could justify Chen Fan, and even slipped a hand. A sword killed Chen Fan. Most of them later apologized, who would Investigate it?

"Please inform me, this is Chen’s gift for the goddess of heaven."

Chen Fan said, from the hands of Zhao Xianxian, took a long strip of jade box and handed it to Zhu Ningmo.

Zhu Ningmo lost his soul and took it. He only felt that he had never seen such a dead person in this life. Zhu Ningxue even saw that Ghosts, Wushan, Zhou Kun and others were already close to the door, and Zhang Zhang smirked his face and was close at hand.

"Please leave your name."

Zhu Ningmo said mechanically, holding a pen on the jade monument.

Everyone is eye-catching, and countless pairs of ignorant or gloating eyes look.

At this point, the ghost of the half-foot, has stepped out of the door, the eyes of the two stunned, killing the bursts.

"Chinese Chen Beixuan, the servant of the three women, the old servant Zhao Xianxian, for the gods and goddess, congratulations to the gift of Tiandan three." Chen Fan did not see the surrounding eyes, casually said.

His voice was very soft, but it was instantly spread throughout the reincarnation of the mountain, falling like a thunder in the ears of everyone.

"it is good."

Zhu Ningmo just wanted to write a pen, and when he wrote the word Chen, he suddenly stunned and then stopped.

"What are you talking about? Chen... Chen Beixuan?"

Zhu Ning ink stuttered and jerked his head up, unbelievable.

Not only her.

Zhu Ningxue, Wushan, Zhou Kun and others, all of them are stiff and full of horror. As for the ghost, the half foot stopped directly in the air, suddenly looked up, and looked at it with all eyes.

"Top grade Tiandan three?"

"Northern Wild Dan Wang... Chen Beixuan?"

that moment.

The air is condensing.

Outside the court, everyone lost their voice together.

Even Xiao Hong, Gu Xiaoyi and others have suddenly changed their faces. As for Lin Xiao, Sisi, and Zhang Dongshan, they are all falling into the ground and have no feeling at all.

Only Wang Xuanlong laughed and toasted.

"Happy. I finally waited for you."

"Chen Dan Wang!"

Ps: The fourth is more estimated to be a bit late, the author will try hard.

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