But for the time being, this kind of thing can still save lives, especially the few drops of yeshuang's juice, which is specially and rapidly purified, is much more powerful in terms of efficacy. Therefore, after dripping it, it doesn't take long for the old man's face to recover a little vitality and his breathing to be stable. Although he didn't wake up because of weakness for the time being, his life should be carefree.

"Manager Xie, please come in!"

Seeing that the old man was saved by himself, ye Shuang is also relieved. No matter whether the other party is an enemy or a friend, the old man can't die for the time being. Otherwise, the clue is really broken, so ye Shuang shouts to Xie Yuying who is waiting outside.

"Mr. Ye, what can I do for you?"

Xie Yuying has heard some movement inside. She thinks that ye Shuang is fighting with others. Just now, she is anxious and almost rushes in. Now she hears Ye Shuang calling herself, which is also a quick and loud response.

"Please find an ambulance to take care of the old man! Well, it'd better be a safer place! "

Although there is no whereabouts of the singer, ye Shuang also understands that the old woman must be related to each other, so it's better to find a place to properly settle her. After all, the environment here is really bad. The old woman still has problems with her eyes. In this dying state, if no one takes care of her, she may die at any time.

Anyway, her situation is also in the stage of exhaustion, especially after the last blow, her whole body of Zhenyuan has disappeared. Although she is a practitioner, she has no threat, so ye Shuang is not worried that it will threaten the safety of others.

"It's no problem. Our group has its own hospital. The elderly can be there, and their safety is guaranteed!"

GUANCHEN group also has many conflicts on weekdays, so it has its own private hospital, which deals with some inconvenient cases such as gunshot wounds. The conditions are also very good, and the guards are relatively safe.

"Well, then, let's do it! Tell the people over there that if the old man wakes up, let me know immediately! "

After listening to Xie Yuying's arrangement, ye Shuang also nods. Anyway, he owes Meng GUANCHEN a lot of favor. At this time, he's not polite. Finally, it's a big deal to make up for it.

Moreover, private hospitals are the best, and their privacy is more secure. Seeing that Xie Yuying has already called to make arrangements, ye Shuang turns around and starts to explore in this small room.

At this time, there were only three small rooms in a very humble house. The one near the door was a mixture of living room and kitchen. Besides a few simple cookers and a table, there was not even an electrical appliance.

On the left is the place where the old woman should live. Apart from a bed, there is only a broken cabinet. After ye Shuang's examination, there is no special place except some sun dried night grass and other simple medicines.

The one on the right is more crowded, with two cots and an old TV. There is nothing special in it except some musical instruments and music scores. However, ye Shuang feels a little familiar in the room, which is the same as that of the singer and Xiaoyou.

"It seems that Xiaoyou's disappearance has something to do with them, but what kind of people are they? What do they seem to be avoiding? "

This also confirms Ye Shuang's judgment, but according to the signs in the room, it seems that other people, except the old woman, have not come back for several days, which makes Ye Shuang even more puzzled.

An old woman who is dying soon seems to have a crazy sister, a mysterious singing girl, and an enemy named Mo long yuan, which makes Ye Shuang full of doubts about it.

Xie Yuying's work efficiency is also very fast. Just ten minutes later, an ambulance arrived at the entrance of the alley. Then two medical staff in white coats came down to carry the fainting old woman on a stretcher. After ye Shuang pulled out some night grass, ye Shuang and Xie Yuying got on a business bus and left.

Not long after ye Shuang left, a masked man in black appeared in the dark corner of the alley. When he saw the two cars leaving, he took out his mobile phone and sent a message. Then he flashed and quickly followed out.

However, his action still did not escape Ye Shuang's keen sense. Shortly after the business car left, ye Shuang's face sank down and turned to look out of the window from time to time.

"What's the matter, Mr. Ye? Is there any accident? Shall I call for more reinforcements? "

Xie Yuying also feels Ye Shuang's strangeness. She asks in a curious tone. The other party is a master of Huajin, but this is like facing a big enemy. Is it a master of Huajin?

"You follow the ambulance first. You must be careful. We have a tail behind us. It seems that there is some trouble. I need to deal with it!"

Ye Shuang's face is dignified at this time. He orders Xie Yuying to finish. Without waiting for the other party's response, he directly opens the door and jumps out on the way to high speed.


Xie Yuying's words haven't finished yet. She sees Ye Shuang disappear in the darkness by the side of the road, which makes her helpless. She can only signal the driver to continue driving, and at the same time, she informs the ambulance to strengthen its guard, and even finds a group of people from the group to meet her.

And not long after the business car left, the ghostly shadow had quickly followed up, flying along the houses near the road. It was extremely fast, and in the night, because of its black clothes, almost no one noticed it,.

However, when the shadow just jumped from one building to the roof of another building and was ready to follow the trail of the business car, it suddenly stopped.

At this time, on the rooftop of the stairs, and then a little bleak moonlight, an ordinary looking young man was standing beside him coldly, his eyes were shining and staring at himself.

"You should be tired after you've been with me for such a long time! Talk about it! What are you going to do? "

Ye Shuang, of course, is standing here. Just on the way, he already felt that the follower is a cultivator, so he asked Xie Yuying to protect the ambulance and go ahead to deal with him. After all, as an ordinary cultivator, Xie Yuying is definitely not an opponent, but a burden to herself.

However, ye Shuang is still a bit surprised. At first, ye Shuang thought that she was following a singer, so he planned to stop and ask Xiao you about her. As a result, when he got close to her, he found that she was a man and a master of cultivation.

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