"This classmate, I don't know if you have seen the examination report. Your classmate's condition is really extremely dangerous. Although he is temporarily stimulated by some drugs and anaesthetizes his body, it seems that there is no problem now, but once the effect is over, he is likely to be in a coma immediately! There may even be immediate death, and treatments like acupuncture and moxibustion are too conservative. It's OK to cure some chronic diseases, but now it's definitely not suitable for your friends. "

However, Xie Yuying just finished, from behind Yang Jin came a slim woman doctor, looking young, flashing big eyes, with a mask, frowned, said to Ye Shuang.

"This doctor, some things are not absolute. You can see that Wu Tao has such a short sober moment because he is stimulated by drugs. Therefore, this time is also the best time to treat him. Otherwise, it will be more troublesome."

Ye Shuang was also a little surprised when he heard the woman doctor's words. You know, Wu Tao's current situation is really because Qingmin Hui injected a kind of stimulant into him, which temporarily suppressed Wu Tao's injury and made him look like a normal person.

However, this kind of stimulant is also extremely vicious. Although it can restore Wu Tao's vitality for a short time, it actually takes overdraft of Wu Tao's vitality as the price. Once the drug has been used, it is estimated that Wu Tao's life will be in danger immediately. This kind of vicious means is also the masterpiece of Thomson and others.

According to Ye Shuang's inspection and estimation just now, the effect of this kind of stimulant can last for up to an hour, so it's a good thing to take advantage of the effect of the stimulant and quickly cure Wu Tao's injury. After all, ye Shuang still has to find a way to maintain Wu Tao's life once the effect is over, which will make it more troublesome, Maybe we should use that spirit talisman again. In this way, it would be too shocking.

However, the woman doctor could see the doping in Wu Tao's body, which also made Ye Shuang look up at each other. This kind of thing was very insidious and hidden. If ye Shuang hadn't been used to narcotic drugs, there were also some narcotic drugs in the ingredients of the doping, which could not be distinguished by himself.

"This classmate, I don't think what you said is reasonable. Maybe you do know some traditional medical skills. I also admit that traditional medical skills are unique in some aspects, but now your classmate's illness can't be delayed. This can't be solved by simple acupuncture. According to my estimation, the efficacy of his body will soon disappear, so in a short time, It's better to have an operation immediately! If it's too late, it's too late. "

The woman doctor saw Ye Shuang also said the situation of Wu Tao, the eyes also flashed a trace of surprise, but still insist on saying.

"Ah, Xinyue, don't talk nonsense with these boys. I've already advised them just now. Anyway, they asked for it. When the time comes, something will really happen, and it has nothing to do with us. Even if Meng GUANCHEN finds it, we have something to say!"

And that Yang Jin sees female doctor to still plan to quarrel with Ye Shuang, it is facial expression a change, direct to the other party Yin compassion of persuasion way.

Yang Jin himself came back from abroad. He boasts that he has rich medical experience. He has participated in large-scale surgery many times, so he is very confident about Wu Tao's situation. At the moment, I feel that ye Shuang is just trying to show off his ability. If he can be cured by acupuncture alone, what should he do? Anyway, he has just been persuaded. If anything happens, he has no responsibility with himself.

"But Yang Jin, how can you do this? He's a human being. You can't delay him like this. This classmate, your friend must have an operation immediately! I really can't delay. It's estimated that he will have an hour at most now. "

But the woman doctor named Xinyue didn't agree with her colleagues. She carefully looked at the examination records in her hand, still with an anxious look, and said to Ye Shuang, who was still observing Wu Tao.

Her name is Yao Xinyue. Like Yang Jin, she also came back from abroad. She is even better than Yang Jin in terms of medical skills. At this time, she also sees that Wu Tao's situation is not optimistic. Because of the doctor's sense of responsibility, she doesn't want to have an accident at the moment.

"Otherwise, doctor, go to prepare for the operation first, give me more than ten minutes, and I'll be fine soon!"

Ye Shuang was even more surprised to hear that the woman actually told the exact time of the drug effect, but he also understood that the other side's persuading him was also out of good intentions, so he pondered for a while and said with a grateful look.

Ye Shuang really can't understand that this kind of stimulant, even if it is her own, can be distinguished by luck, but this female doctor can tell the effect of this stimulant in detail. Does this woman know about Thomson's organization? Or something to do with Thomson and them?

Thinking of this, ye Shuang can't help but look at each other a few more. This should be a young woman. Although a mask covers her face, ye Shuang can guess from the contour of her face that she should be a good-looking woman, but from her body, she can't see any trace of martial arts or accomplishments.

"Well, that's OK, but I suggest that you don't have to worry about it. You'd better have an operation as soon as possible."

See ye Shuang staring at himself, the female doctor is also a bit unnatural, but since the other side let go agreed to the operation, she also compromise at this time, but still to Ye Shuang force up.

Yao Xinyue is also a top student abroad. Before she graduated from University, she practiced in many well-known hospitals. Even when she graduated, many well-known international hospitals gave her an olive branch. But somehow, this woman insisted on returning to China and working in a well-known hospital. This time, she worked here as a visiting professor of GUANCHEN group hospital.

The facilities of this resort are also very complete, especially this villa, which is usually used by Meng GUANCHEN to entertain big people. Just in case, there is a small clinic with all kinds of medical facilities, which can be used as an operating room after a little change, so there is no need to transfer Wu Tao to other places.

After getting Ye Shuang's nod, Yao Xinyue also immediately took people to prepare the materials needed for the operation. Although Yang Jin was a little unwilling, he saw that Yao Xinyue had left, and it was meaningless to stay here. He also looked at Ye Shuang and other people with resentful eyes, and then turned and left.

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