What's more powerful than the nurture of martial spirit is some gifted martial arts seeds. They are born with their own martial spirit. As long as there is no accident, it's sooner or later for such people to step into Huajin. Moreover, they can stimulate their own martial spirit at the critical moment, and also get the chance to improve their combat effectiveness for a short time.

Let the whole person's combat effectiveness to improve a level, different from the state of other drugs, this kind of improvement does not do much harm to the body.

However, this kind of promotion is not without cost. After using, the general martial spirit will fall into a period of dormancy, which will not only affect the future martial arts promotion, but also can no longer be stimulated in a short time. Therefore, the general martial artists keep this thing to protect their lives.

After all, this kind of warrior with the soul of his own destiny is very rare, and even there won't be one on some planets. Therefore, ye Shuang didn't expect that this woman would be a seed of martial arts training on earth, and she had the soul of her own destiny. Under her own stimulation, this woman used this precious opportunity for this competition, It's really big this time.

At present, the opponent's level has risen to the master of inner strength, and even keeps rising, which makes him a bit tricky. Once the opponent really rises to the level of Hua Jin, his own footwork is useless. After all, this kind of thing is only aimed at the attack below Hua Jin.

"Damn, this bitch actually has a martial spirit. How can it be? But it's good. After using it here, she will have no cards when she waits for the next fight with me. Hehe, this guy named Ye Shuang has helped me a lot!"

Jiang Fanyu is also a famous teacher, so he recognized Xu Rongyou's situation. He was surprised and even envious, but he was also a little lucky. Fortunately, she didn't use this move when she was fighting with this woman before, otherwise she would be in trouble. Moreover, since she used it this time, when she was fighting with all the porcelain, she would be in trouble, This woman can't be used, which makes him have the idea of secretly proud at this time.

Even at this time, Jiang Yufan, because of his jealousy, has already killed Xu Rongyou. He is thinking that when he is waiting for the match with Xu Rongyou, he must find a way to kill her. It's better to interrupt the woman's channels and cut off her martial arts.

After all, Jiang Yufan, who is narrow-minded, has always been extremely conceited. Even arrogant Chen Zixing doesn't pay attention to him. He thinks that Chen Zixing's reputation is just in vain. He can just take advantage of the competition to dispel Chen Zixing's spirit. Now he sees that Xu Rongyou actually has a rare martial spirit, which is even more difficult for him to accept, So the cautious man tried his best to destroy the woman's future.

"It's a bit interesting. A master of external strength has forced out his own soul of internal strength. Rong Rong, do you still think ye Shuang is ordinary?"

Chen Zixing, who is sitting in the opposite grandstand, sees Xu Rongyou's strange appearance at this time. It's just a flash in front of his eyes. He is still lazy and doesn't care. He says to his female companion.

"Well, but Zixing, I didn't expect that this woman belonged to the legendary martial arts talent. You really met your opponent in this competition, but it's a pity that you wasted your soul in this place."

Zeng Rongrong nodded, but still looked at the momentum is breaking out below Xu Rongyou with regret.

At this time, on the whole competition field, seeing that Xu Rongyou was a rare martial arts genius, the atmosphere suddenly became extremely boiling, and even the people on the rostrum showed their excited look. You should know that for many people, the magical thing of martial spirit has always been just a legend. Although it has been handed down by word of mouth for nearly a thousand years, it has never been seen.

So now, many people even scoff at the legend of martial spirit. They think it's just a far fetched hypothesis of the ancients. After all, most people have never seen a martial arts expert with martial spirit in their body since they had textual research for hundreds of years.

Today, however, Xu Rongyou's appearance has broken this legend. It's also the first time that many martial arts experts on the scene have seen the existence of martial spirit in this legend. So many people are very excited now. If the news gets out, the whole Wulin will explode. After all, this is the first genius with martial spirit who has really appeared in front of the public for hundreds of years.

Even when some people were excited, they even complained about ye Shuang on one side. This guy went too far and forced a martial arts genius out of the martial arts spirit. Is this not to delay his future martial arts cultivation? Some excited staff even proposed that they should prepare to stop the competition and feel that they can't waste it like this, After all, if the martial spirit is not mature, the longer it breaks out, the more it will delay the future cultivation of the martial arts.

But in the end, it was denied by Meng GUANCHEN and several senior officials of the organizing committee. After all, it's still in the competition, and fairness should be put in the first place.

"Well, Dad, you've totally lost your eye this time. I didn't expect that ye Shuang, whom you like, has nothing to show off. His opponent is indeed a once-in-a-thousand-year martial arts genius. How about this kind of person? It's worth the sect to come to pick him up directly!"

That Meng ruxuan sees Xu Rongyou's martial spirit burst out. In addition to the accident, he also tilts his head and says to his father who is meditating.

"Well, it's a bit unexpected, but let's talk about it after the fight!"

Meng GUANCHEN's brows are all wrinkled at this time. Since the competition started a few days ago, there have been too many accidents. Although his original intention of holding the dance competition is to select some excellent talents, today's appearance of a talent with martial spirit is also an unexpected harvest.

But now Meng GUANCHEN's biggest knot is Ye Shuang. This young man is really strange. Today's performance makes him feel a little uneasy, so even if Xu Rongyou's biggest surprise appears, he doesn't look happy now.

At this time, the battle on the field continues. With the outbreak of his martial spirit, Xu Rongyou strides directly in front of Ye Shuang with a look of anger. Then he blows directly at Ye Shuang's chest with a quick punch. His strength is extremely fierce, and there are ripples in the surrounding air.

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