What's more terrifying is that this array uses all the energy around to nourish the things inside is only the first step. From the context of this array, ye Shuang calculates that if the things in this array are mature, there will be more terrifying things

It seems that the nurtured creature of this array is just an embryo. Once the things in it are nourished and mature, when they are waiting for their birth, that is the time when the array runs to the end.

At that time, the whole complex array will be directly converted into an altar. At that time, millions of living creatures nearby including the whole Wuyang may become sacrifices. After being deprived of life, they will die in great pain. Even their souls will become the slaves of each other. After being controlled by them, they will become the pitiful existence of immortality.

According to Ye Shuang's calculation, at that time, the mysterious creature in it will break through the situation in an instant and become an extremely rebellious and terrifying existence. In terms of cultivation, it will even surpass some soaring powers. This kind of strength, even if there are many friars in the cultivation world, belongs to a strong existence that can walk horizontally.

"It's really a big deal. It's not like this kind of arrangement can be made at the level of the earth? Is this the arrangement before the big demon died, and he wants to live on the altar? But if he really has this kind of ability, how can he not even deal with a mere thunder robbery? "

Ye Shuang frowned and kept the whole array in mind. His doubts did not disappear, but increased a lot.

This level of anti heaven array needs a lot of materials, and even needs considerable strength to be arranged. According to Ye Shuang's understanding of the earth after his rebirth, especially from Pang Kun's soul, he also learned something about the inner world of cultivation.

At present, due to the lack of aura on the earth, although there are still some practitioners, most of their accomplishments are not high. Those who have reached the late stage of Qi refining like Pang Kun have already reached a good level among young people, and generally belong to the common cultivation schools.

Those who have broken through the process of refining Qi and reached the stage of Guyuan are even experts in the general cultivation schools, but the number is not too much. For example, in the Mo long club where Pang Kun works, Guyuan experts are only more than a dozen, all of them are middle and high-level members of the school.

The jiedan period is even more precious on earth. According to the news from Pang Kun's soul, Mo Long Hui is a medium-sized school with a long history in Chinese cultivation. But now there are only two experts in jiedan period. One of them has been closed for a hundred years, and I don't know whether he will live or die.

According to Pang Kun's soul and ye Shuang's conjecture, the level of the great demon, the owner of the cemetery, was just the peak of jiedan before he was robbed by thunder. Generally, such a level can't build such a big array against heaven! So now ye Shuang is full of questions, who built this thing?

At this time, ye Shuang has a preliminary understanding of this array because he has seen the array map. What surprised him even more is that the construction time of this array should have started ten thousand years ago!

This is even more incredible. If this demon has been practicing for thousands of years, his cultivation has already reached the stage of rapid growth. How can this level of power even resist the mere thunder robbery? Ye Shuang's mind is really a little confused at this time.

However, after carefully looking at the array, ye Shuang also realized that his soul had been away from his body for a long time, so he memorized the array again, then turned around and floated away in the direction he came.

This space belongs to nothingness, and all the things in it are not entities. With Ye Shuang's current ability, besides understanding the origin and structure of some arrays, it can't cause any other damage, so it's meaningless to stay here for a long time.

Besides, his body is still outside. Although he has the protection of the occult symbol, after watching the array, ye Shuang's vigilance is also raised to a higher level. After all, according to the cultivation required to build this array, it is very easy to see through his occult symbol.

With this anxiety, ye Shuang is also in this nothingness, moving quickly, finding the crack when he came, and then quickly floating out from it.

Fortunately, in the familiar passage, everything has not changed. Ye Shuang's body is still standing in the original place under the protection of the occult symbol, and the nearby environment is still dark and gloomy, with only the surrounding night pearl shining faintly.

Seeing that his body is OK, ye Shuang's tense nerves are also relaxed. He quickly lets his soul and body merge. With the exhaustion of mana, the space-time crack around him gradually becomes smaller.

This is also a bit breathtaking. If ye Shuang comes a few minutes later, he may be trapped in the place where the array originated. If he wants to come out again, he may be in trouble.

However, ye Shuang is facing more trouble now. Judging from the operation of the array just now, there is little time left for the strange things to mature. In the face of such a situation, can you help yourself?

Although they do have a way to deal with it with their own knowledge and knowledge, it's more difficult for them to show their ability than to go to heaven. If they don't, they can go away with Wu Tao and others after saving Xiaoyou, but the whole Wuyang will be ruined and millions of people will be sacrificed, This makes Ye Shuang feel a little embarrassed.

Ye Shuang, a man of two generations, had a good talent in his previous life, so he broke through the world very quickly. In just over two hundred years, he reached the height that most practitioners of xianzun could not reach in their whole life. Therefore, he knew more about the inside story of his practice than others.

People who practice Taoism are actually cultivating their minds. Except for a few ghosts and demons, the most sad thing for ordinary practitioners is their own demons when they come to the end. This kind of situation has a huge impact on the practitioners' demons, and they may even become possessed at the last moment because of this.

So if ye Shuang at this time sees this situation, but pretends to ignore it and doesn't think of a way to solve it, there may not be any problems in the early stage, but the later he goes, the easier he will affect his mood. It seems that there won't be any trouble in Guyuan, jiedan and other stages in front of him, but there will be a lot of trouble after he rises.

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