However, even though she has been wandering around with grandma all these years in order to avoid the Mo long club, and even she is very poor, she has not made use of her cultivation to do anything bad. The most important thing is to use her talent as a singer to collect more tips when she is singing in the night market. In fact, this is because she has no way to treat grandma recently.

So at the moment, in order to protect Xiaoyou, good Weiwei is also fighting. Seeing that her sister Qianqian has rushed to this side again, although she has been injured, she still holds her teeth strongly. The bracelet in her hand gives out red light again and rushes to fight with the other side.

"Ah! This little girl is really nice, but she has a soft snack! "

At this time, hiding in the dark, ye Shuang sighs helplessly when he sees Weiwei's situation. He has already seen that this mysterious woman named Qianqian is in a very special situation.

To be exact, as Weiwei guessed just now, the mysterious woman with long hair named Qianqian has been possessed by something special, and the possessed soul has great strength. Even Ken may be the owner of the graveyard. This is why Ye Shuang has been afraid to show up all the time.

His body is not healed now, and there is not much aura in that aura talisman. Even if he takes it out to fight, he can't hold on for a long time. However, the other party is a real demon who can attract thunder robbers. So at this time, ye Shuang is anxiously thinking about Countermeasures to see if he can find a chance to defeat the enemy directly.

But the good thing is that Qianqian's constitution is very special, so the attached soul doesn't seem to be particularly stable. From time to time, her consciousness can control her body, which makes her attack often stagnate. In addition, the woman named Weiwei also has the help of treasure, so both sides still have the strength of World War I.

Otherwise, it is estimated that as early as just under that blow, the singer named Weiwei would have died.

However, the situation at the moment is still not optimistic, with the treasure in the body, but Weiwei seems not willing to cause harm to Qianqian, so although her magic bracelet can suppress each other, but at every critical moment, she suddenly stops, which also gives each other some breathing opportunities.

"Well, that won't do! Don't you feel the breath of each other rising

Ye Shuang is also very anxious to see this scene. If he didn't worry about scaring the snake, he would have cried out. He has already seen that the breath of Qianqian's soul is rising slowly. At this time, it has reached the late stage of refining Qi, and the fit with each other's body is constantly rising. Although Weiwei is in the upper hand for the time being, she is merciful everywhere, That's not a long way to go.

Besides, ye Shuang, who is well-informed, has seen that although this bracelet is magical, there is not much mana left in it. If you continue to toss about like this, it is estimated that the final loser will be Wei Wei. It seems that you should think about countermeasures as early as possible.

Sure enough, when ye Shuangzheng was preparing for countermeasures, as the red light of Weiwei's bracelet faded, the mysterious woman named Qianqian seized the opportunity. Her figure suddenly moved like lightning. In an instant, she clapped her hand on Weiwei's shoulder and beat her back for several steps. Then she fell to the ground and struggled for several times without standing up.

"Ah! Weiwei! Don't fight

Small excellent see this, is also scared pale, quickly ran over, stopped in front of each other, also with the general tone of entreaty said.

"That, elder sister, are you sick, or you let us go? I'll take you to elder brother Ye Shuang. He's powerful. He can solve everything!"

At this time of small excellent, although scared pale, but at least with Ye Shuang also saw some of the world, at this time summoned up the courage, stood in front of Weiwei, continue to discuss.

"Ah, silly girl, it's not a disease, it's your body!"

Ye Shuang, who is hiding in the dark, sighs helplessly at the moment. He has no solution to Xiaoyou's innocence. At this time, he can see that this mysterious soul should take a fancy to Xiaoyou and plan to use it as his new body.

In fact, the first day ye Shuang met Xiaoyou, he found that there are many differences in this girl. The innocent girl's physique is also very special. It belongs to one of the rare excellent physique. Especially, it is used to cultivate some soul and other magic. It is estimated that it can achieve twice the result with half the effort.

Now it's estimated that this soul has taken a fancy to Xiaoyou and intends to use him to attach himself. This kind of thing is also common in the cultivation world. Many practitioners use some magic or bribe ghost messengers to deceive heaven after they die, and then they can avoid being taken away by the Yin Department. Then they can find a suitable body to re cultivate.

"But that's good. Anyway, if this guy wants to be attached to Xiaoyou, his soul will definitely come out of his body. This is my chance!"

At the moment, ye Shuang, after seeing the extremely critical situation, calmed down a lot and felt that the opportunity he was waiting for had finally come.

After all, generally speaking, when any powerful soul is attached to a new body, it is the weakest time. After all, at that time, it is necessary to let go of a lot of restrictions in order to completely integrate with each other's body. At that time, the soul, even if it is a powerful power, will be extremely weak.

So at this time, ye Shuang just needs to wait for this guy's soul to come out of his body. He can directly find a chance to do it. Even if he can't destroy it, he may be able to hurt it badly. Then he takes Xiaoyou and leaves quickly. Anyway, he is very familiar with this array, so it's very easy to leave.

But in this case, ye Shuang also has a certain element of gambling in it. After all, how this soul treats the soul in Xiaoyou's current body is also unknown.

Generally speaking, there are two ways to seize and give up the soul. One is to kill the object to be seized first, and then the soul directly fuses with the dead body of the other party. In this way, although the speed is faster, because the body lacks the original soul, the fit will be worse.

The other is that, just like the present soul attached to the mysterious woman, it can be assimilated by coexisting with each other's soul and then slowly assimilating. In this way, there will be a better fit in the future and it will be more helpful for the future practice.

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